Branding Archives - Live Your Message Be the Superhero to Your Tribe™ Tue, 08 Oct 2024 03:17:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 224367331 How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks Mon, 07 Oct 2024 20:46:04 +0000 Want to boost your Twitter (now known as X) followers?  Well, you’ve landed in the right spot.  Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your reach, these tips and tricks will show you how to get followers on X/Twitter effectively.  No filler, no fluff, just cold hard strategies that’ll help you grow on ... Read more

The post How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks appeared first on Live Your Message.

Want to boost your Twitter (now known as X) followers? 

Well, you’ve landed in the right spot. 

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your reach, these tips and tricks will show you how to get followers on X/Twitter effectively. 

No filler, no fluff, just cold hard strategies that’ll help you grow on this lively social media platform.


Let’s begin.

1. Craft a Magnetic Brand Persona

Your X/Twitter profile is your digital handshake, your first impression upon potential followers. 

So, it needs to be a cohesive, attractive presence that draws people in and keeps them wanting more.


Start by defining your unique brand voice and personality. 

What sets you apart in your niche? 

Are you the tech guru who breaks down complex concepts or the fitness coach who motivates with tough love? 

Your voice should reflect this uniqueness. 

Take NASA’s X/Twitter account (@NASA) as an example:

They’ve amassed over 80 million followers with their blend of awe-inspiring visuals, scientific explanations, and approachable tone.

Once you’ve nailed your brand voice, ensure every touch point reflects it.

We’re talking your bio, profile picture, banner and every interaction you have with potential followers.

Let’s look at a prime example from Airbnb (@Airbnb):

Their X/Twitter bio is concise, informative and within the 160-character limit: 

The profile picture features their recognizable logo, while the banner image showcases stunning imagery and partners. 

And their voice is present in every tweet or comment — warm, inviting and focused on unique travel experiences. It’s the complete package.

2. Master the Art of Visual Storytelling

In the fast-paced world of social media, visual storytelling is your secret weapon to grow your X/Twitter follower count

In fact, 4 out of every 5 X/Twitter user sessions now include watching videos. 

And, video views are, on average, growing 35% year-on-year.

Thus, increasing your reach and, potentially, supercharging your Twitter growth. 

But how can you harness this power?

Start by leveraging a mix of videos and images in your posts. 

Videos, limited to 2 minutes and 20 seconds on X/Twitter, offer a chance to deliver more complex messages. 

And high-quality photos can showcase your products or bring your ideas to life. 

National Geographic’s X/Twitter account (@NatGeo) excels at this:

They regularly post stunning wildlife and landscape videos and images, coupled with bite-sized facts or stories about the subject. 

For you, this could mean offering quick tips, summarizing key points from a longer article or presenting surprising statistics relevant to your niche.

Now, you might be thinking…

“This is all well and good, but I’m not a professional designer!”

Well, when it comes to creating eye-catching visual content, you don’t need to be. 

Tools like Canva offer user-friendly templates specifically designed for X/Twitter. 

For video content, Lumen5 can turn your blog posts into engaging video summaries.

3. Fine-Tune Your Tweeting Schedule

With over 500 million tweets sent each day, competition for followers is high. 

So, don’t post into the endless “void” and optimize your posting schedule so your X/Twitter audience can see you.

But first, you need to understand your audience’s active hours. 

X/Twitter Analytics provides valuable insights into when a potential follower is most active. 

Log in to your X/Twitter Analytics dashboard and navigate to the “Audiences” tab:

Here, you’ll find a breakdown of your followers’ online activity by hour and day.

If you’re new to the game, then check out this Sprout Social guide. They state the best days are Tuesday to Thursday.

However, peak days and times can vary depending on your specific audience and time zone. 

Once you’ve identified your peak times, implement a consistent posting schedule. 

Consistency builds anticipation and keeps your audience engaged. 

RivalIQ’s report found that accounts posting 5+ times per week saw the highest engagement rates on X/Twitter.

Yes, this can be difficult if you’re a busy professional.

So, plan ahead and schedule your social media posts.

X/Twitter’s native scheduling feature allows you to plan tweets: 

Simply write your social media post and click the schedule icon.

4. Pin the Right Tweet to Your Profile

Your pinned tweet is the spotlight of your X/Twitter profile. 

It’s the first tweet visitors see after scanning your X/Twitter bio. 

Make it count, and you’ll turn profile visitors into followers.

But which tweet should you pin? 

Well, let me spill the beans on picking your star performer…

The absolute best tweet to pin is the one that showcases your biggest win or most valuable insight. 

Take a look at how Justin Welsh (@thejustinwelsch) nails this strategy:

See how he hooks you with an impressive achievement and the promise of valuable insights? 

It demonstrates Justin’s credibility with a concrete achievement, offers a compelling story and promises value to the reader..

Ready to pin your star tweet? Here’s how:

  • Head to your profile
  • Find your showstopper tweet
  • Click the three dots (…) in the top right corner
  • Hit “Pin to your profile”

Boom! You’re pinned.

5. Optimize Your Engagement with X/Twitter Lists

Do you think a X/Twitter List is just for keeping your feed tidy?

Think again!

These underrated gems are your ticket to follower growth and targeted engagement.

But why is targeted engagement so crucial for growing your followers?

It’s simple: quality over quantity.

When you engage with the right people in your niche, you’re not just shouting into the void.

You’re having conversations that matter, with people who matter.

This focused approach shows you’re a valuable member of your community.

And in the Twitterverse, value attracts followers like moths to a flame.


It’s all about being smart with your lists.

Create lists that matter in your niche. Add the movers and shakers in your field.

Then, engage with their content like your follower count depends on it (because it does).

Like their tweets. Retweet the gold. Reply with your two cents.

Show them you’re not just watching — you’re listening and contributing.

By consistently providing value, those on your X/Twitter list start to notice you. Their followers notice you.

Suddenly, you’re part of your niche’s conversation.

Before you know it, your follower count is growing.

Now to create a list, click ‘Lists’ in your profile menu:

Next, hit ‘Create a new List’, give it a catchy name and start adding those target accounts.

6. Cultivate Authentic Influencer Partnerships

Influencer partnerships on X/Twitter are your secret weapon for follower growth.

Why? Simple.

When an influencer gives you a nod, it’s instant credibility. Their endorsement is your trust badge.

Also, you’re not just shouting into the void, you’re tapping into their follower base. Your brand is introduced to a whole new crowd of potential followers.

And here’s the kicker… these collaborations often spark conversations, giving your engagement a serious boost.

But finding the right influencers is crucial. 

You could simply use the X/Twitter search feature or a tool like Buzzsumo.

It offers features to find influential figures based on topics or keywords.

Once you’ve got your list of potential influencers, it’s time to make your move. 

Start by engaging authentically with their content. 

Retweet, comment, add value. 

Once you’ve built a rapport, propose a collaboration that benefits both parties.

Maybe it’s a joint X/Twitter chat, a collaborative thread or a shoutout exchange.

It’s about creating genuine connections, not just transactions. 

Do it right, and you’ll see your follower count climb faster than you can tweet.

7. Develop a Long-Form Content Strategy with X/Twitter Articles

X/Twitter Articles let you showcase your expertise in depth.

And when it comes to gaining followers, expertise is crucial.

You’re positioning yourself as a thought leader. And people follow thought leaders.

But it gets better.

X/Twitter Articles appear directly in a user’s feed.

No external links to your blog or websites. No app-switching.

Just pure, unadulterated value right where your potential followers are already scrolling.

It keeps eyes on your content, increasing the chances of likes, retweets, and yes, new followers.

So, how do you craft X/Twitter Articles that turn readers into followers?

Start with topics that showcase your unique insights.

What can you teach that no one else can?

Maybe you’ve got a fresh take on a common problem or a behind-the-scenes look at your field.

For instance, let’s say you’re a UX designer.

Don’t just write about “5 UX Best Practices.”

Everyone’s done that.

Instead, how about “How I Increased App Engagement by 200% with Counterintuitive UX Choices”?

You could break down your unconventional approach, share real data and give insights that challenge the status quo.

Beyond that, keep long-form content best practices in mind:

  • Use clear, attention-grabbing headlines
  • Break up your text with subheadings and visuals
  • Always, always, deliver more value than your readers expect.

Deliver that, and watch your follower count soar.

8. Leverage X/Twitter Spaces for Community Building

X/Twitter Spaces helps you cultivate engaged followers who’ll sing your praises to others. 

When you host a Space, you’re having real-time, voice-to-voice conversations with your target audience.

This personal touch? It’s follower-growth rocket fuel.

Think about it. When people hear your voice, your passion, your expertise?

They connect with you on a whole new level.

And people follow those they feel connected to.

But it gets better. Spaces aren’t just about you talking.

They’re about creating a dialogue. And dialogue breeds loyalty.

When followers feel heard, they stick around. And they bring friends.

Plus, every time you host a Space, X/Twitter sends out notifications.

That’s free promotion. Putting you on the radar of potential new followers.

So, to nail your X/Twitter Space, start with topics that showcase your expertise.

Maybe it’s “10 Tips for Creating a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy“.

Then, promote your Space in advance. Tweet, build anticipation and offer a glimpse of the value you’ll provide.

During the Space, engage. Ask questions. Encourage participation. 

And most importantly, deliver more value than promised.

9. Tap into the Potential of X/Twitter Ads

X/Twitter Ads offer a powerful way to accelerate your growth and reach new audiences. 

But why shell out cash when organic growth is free?

Well, they put you in front and center of your target audience, even if you’re starting from scratch.

And visibility is essential to follower growth.

Let’s break down the different ad formats and their uses:

  • Promoted Tweets: These appear in users’ timelines and search results. 
  • Follower Ads: These suggest your account to users interested in your content. 
  • Twitter Takeover: This premium option puts your ad at the top of users’ timelines for maximum visibility.

Setting up effective targeting is crucial for success. X/Twitter offers various targeting options, such as interests, keywords and audiences.

For example, a vegan meal delivery service might target users interested in “healthy eating”, and use keywords like “vegan recipes” and “meal prep”.

Finally, creating compelling ad copy and visuals is essential. 

Your ads should have a clear, concise message, include a strong call-to-action and use eye-catching visuals that align with your brand.

Start with a small budget, test different ad formats and targeting options and use Twitter’s built-in analytics to track performance metrics…

10. Drive Growth with X/Twitter Analytics

Knowledge is power and X/Twitter Analytics is just that. 

When used effectively, it can boost your strategy and increase your follower count.

We’ve already touched upon finding the best time to post but here are the other vital metrics you need to understand:

  • Impressions: The number of times your tweets appear in users’ timelines.
  • Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who interact with your tweets.
  • Top Tweets: Your best-performing content.

These metrics tell you what’s working and what’s not. 

High impressions but low engagement? Your content might not be resonating. 

Notice a sudden surge in activity? Analyze what you did differently that day and replicate it.

Start by looking at your top-performing tweets. 

What made them pop?

Was it the topic? The time you posted? The format?

Use these clues to fine-tune your content strategy.

If your jokes are getting all the love, maybe it’s time to amp up the humor.

If your how-to threads are blowing up, give the people what they want!

Remember, data without action is useless. 

Use these insights to continuously refine your strategy. Test new approaches, measure the results and adjust accordingly. 

Ready to Amplify Your X/Twitter Followers?

Now you’re armed with 10 powerful tips to enhance your following, but which strategy excites you most?

Let us know in the comments below.

Before you go…

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The post How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks appeared first on Live Your Message.

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What Is Branding (& Why Is It Important)? Thu, 11 Jul 2024 21:35:43 +0000 Are you wondering what branding is and why it matters so much? You’ve come to the right place.  Branding is crucial. Understanding its power can transform how people see your business. It might be the key to unlocking your growth and success. This guide explains the basics in an easy-to-understand way and offers practical advice ... Read more

The post What Is Branding (& Why Is It Important)? appeared first on Live Your Message.

Are you wondering what branding is and why it matters so much? You’ve come to the right place. 

Branding is crucial. Understanding its power can transform how people see your business. It might be the key to unlocking your growth and success.

This guide explains the basics in an easy-to-understand way and offers practical advice tailored for real-world applications. 

By the end, you’ll understand branding fundamentals and know how to apply them to create a memorable brand that truly stands out.

Let’s jump right in.

We’ll start with a definition…

What is Branding?

Branding is creating and managing a unique identity for your business, product or service. It involves developing a name, logo, design and message that shape how people see and feel about your brand. 

Good branding sets you apart from competitors, builds customer loyalty and adds value to your business. 

With a solid branding strategy, you’ll remain consistent across everything you do — from marketing materials and customer experiences to your company culture. Your brand will be memorable and recognizable to everyone.

Why is Branding Important?

Branding’s importance cannot be overstated.

Branding helps you build a strong foundation for your business’s growth and success. It shapes how your audience sees your business and influences their decision-making and loyalty. 

A strong brand can command higher prices. And it’s easier to create a community among your customers when you have good branding.

Here are some other reasons why branding is essential.

Builds Trust and Credibility

A well-crafted brand builds trust and credibility with your audience. When your branding is consistent and professional, people see you as more reliable and offering higher-quality products or services. 

Take Apple, for example — their consistent branding, from product design to customer service, has created a reputation for innovation and quality that people trust. 

This trust leads to customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals, which are priceless for long-term success. 

A trusted brand can also navigate challenges and keep customer support even during tough times.

Creates Emotional Connections With Your Audience

Effective branding creates emotional connections with your audience. Customers who feel connected to your brand are more likely to stay loyal and promote your products and services. You’re no longer just any service provider; you’re their go-to, the person they recommend to everyone.

So, how do you build those emotional connections? Through storytelling, shared values and consistent engagement. 

Think of Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign. It inspires and motivates people to get out there, try new things and be active — even if they feel insecure or intimidated. 

Consumers tend to stick with a brand when they feel inspired and understood.

Differentiates You from Competitors

Strong branding helps you stand out from the competition in a crowded marketplace. It showcases what’s unique about your business and why customers should pick you over someone else. 

Take Tesla, for example — its focus on cutting-edge technology and sustainability sets it apart from traditional car makers. 

Plus, having a consistent and distinctive brand makes it easier for customers to recognize and remember you. 

By highlighting what makes your brand unique, you can carve out your niche in the market.

Why are the Types of Branding?

Branding isn’t one-size-fits-all; it comes in various forms, each with its own purpose, but all working together to create a solid brand identity

Knowing these types can help you position your business in the market and connect more effectively with your target audience. 

There are four main types of branding. Understanding which one to focus on can boost your branding strategy so you get better results.

Personal Branding

Personal branding focuses on creating an identity for an individual rather than a business. It’s crucial for entrepreneurs, influencers and professionals who want to stand out and make a strong impression. 

Building a personal brand requires self-awareness and a clear understanding of how you want to be perceived by your audience. 

This means showcasing what makes you unique — your skills, values and personality — and making sure these shine through on all platforms, whether that’s social media, your website or when you’re speaking at events.

Take Oprah Winfrey, for example. She’s built a strong personal brand based on her media presence, philanthropy and personality. Her consistent message of empowerment and authenticity connects with millions, giving her status as a trusted and influential leader.

Personal branding is a powerful tool that can open up new opportunities, help you forge partnerships and boost your career by marking you as a trustworthy expert in your field.

Corporate Branding

Corporate branding is about creating a brand identity for an entire company. This includes all facets of the company’s public face — from its logo and website layout to how it handles customer service and engages with the community.

For instance, Google’s corporate branding emphasizes innovation, user-centric design and a commitment to making information accessible. 

A strong corporate brand can enhance a business’s reputation and attract customers, employees and investors. 

Plus, effective corporate branding keeps everyone in the company on the same page, working towards the same goals.

A solid corporate brand can also be a lifesaver during tough times, as a positive image helps soften the blow of negative issues and keeps customer trust intact.

Product Branding

Product branding is about creating a unique identity for a specific product within a company’s portfolio. This type of branding helps distinguish one product from another. You’ll need to craft a distinct logo, eye-catching packaging and messaging that resonates with the target audience.

Keeping the branding consistent across all marketing platforms makes the product easily recognizable, which builds customer loyalty and encourages repeat purchases. 

Effective product branding also means positioning the product correctly in the market, so it’s clear what makes it special and valuable. At the same time, you need to remain flexible enough to adapt to market trends and consumer feedback so the product stays relevant and competitive.

Dyson is a perfect example. Their branding focuses on innovation, cutting-edge technology and high performance in household appliances. 

Dyson successfully expanded beyond vacuums, applying their innovative branding approach to diverse product lines such as air purifiers and hair care tools. 

For each new product category, Dyson creates distinct yet cohesive branding that aligns with their overall image of technological superiority while highlighting the unique features and benefits of each specific line. 

This strategy allows Dyson to maintain brand consistency while differentiating their various products in the market.

Online Branding

Online branding, or digital branding, is about making your mark on the internet through websites, social media, and other digital platforms. It’s super important because, these days, most people’s first exposure to a brand is online. 

Good online branding means having a cohesive, visually appealing website, active and engaging social media profiles and consistent digital content that reflects your brand’s values and voice. It might also involve digital marketing tools like email campaigns, influencer partnerships and online ads.

An example of successful online branding is Spotify. They’ve nailed their online presence with a user-friendly interface, engaging social media presence and personalized recommendations. All of these elements make their digital brand strong.

Online branding isn’t just about looking good. It also involves practicalities like search engine optimization (SEO) and managing your online reputation. 

3 Branding Tips for Beginners

Branding can seem overwhelming, but a few fundamental principles can set you up for success. 

Here are three essential tips to help you build a solid and effective brand from the ground up.

1. Have a Strong Logo

Your logo is often the first thing people notice about your brand. 

A well-designed logo should be simple, memorable and reflective of your brand’s personality and values. 

For example, the logo of TOMS Shoes, with its simple design, reflects the brand’s commitment to social responsibility and giving back. A simple text logo, like TOMS, is a great choice, especially if you’re just starting. 

If your budget allows, investing in professional design can give you a logo that looks good and is versatile enough to work everywhere — from a tiny business card to a giant billboard. 

Whether you design it yourself or hire a professional, your logo should be flexible enough to adapt to different sizes and formats.

2. Be Authentic and Transparent

Being authentic and transparent is vital to building trust with your audience. Don’t hesitate to share your brand’s story, values and mission clearly and stick to them across all your communications. It’s important to be upfront about what your brand stands for.

Look at Patagonia. They’re open about their commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical practices, which resonates with customers who value the same things. This openness not only builds trust but also creates a strong bond with their audience.

Simply put, keeping it real helps draw in customers who connect with and believe in your brand.

3. Engage With Your Audience

Active engagement with your audience helps build a loyal community around your brand. 

Engagement means more than just posting content. You need to actively listen to your audience, address their concerns, and make them feel appreciated. Use social media, email newsletters and other platforms to interact with your customers. 

Wendy’s, for instance, is known for its witty and responsive social media presence, which has helped it build a strong connection with its audience. 

By actively engaging, you show your audience that you value their thoughts and are eager to deliver real value, essential for building a loyal community around your brand.

3 Branding Mistakes to Avoid

Building a strong brand requires careful planning and execution. Watch out for the pitfalls that can undermine your efforts. 

Here are three common branding mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

1. Inconsistency

Inconsistency in branding can confuse your audience and dilute your brand identity. This happens when there’s a mismatch in logo usage, color schemes, messaging and the general tone across different platforms. When your brand elements are not aligned, it becomes difficult for customers to recognize and trust your brand. 

Imagine a company using different logos or colors on its website than its social media. The mismatch confuses people. Are they dealing with the same business or a different one? You never want to confuse your potential customers.

All your marketing materials, from tweets and Instagram posts to your product packaging, should follow the same brand guidelines

Consistent branding strengthens your identity and gives your audience a cohesive experience whenever or wherever they interact with your brand.

2. Ignoring Your Audience’s Feedback

Not listening to your audience can hurt your brand’s reputation and drive customers away. Your audience’s feedback is like gold — it tells you what’s working and what’s not. Ignoring their thoughts means you could miss opportunities to improve and grow.

Imagine a restaurant. If customers complain about slow service and nothing is done about it, they’ll likely start dining elsewhere.

Make it a point to connect with your customers through surveys, social media and direct chats. Listen to what they tell you. It doesn’t mean you have to please everyone, but when you actively respond to their feedback, it shows you care about their opinions and are dedicated to providing the best experience possible.

3. Overcomplicating Your Brand’s Message

Making your brand’s message too complex can confuse and turn off potential customers. People respond best to clear, simple messages.

Steer clear of industry jargon or specialized words that might make your audience feel out of the loop.

For example, a tech company that describes its product using technical terms might lose potential customers who don’t understand the benefits. 

Keep your message direct and easy to understand. Highlight what your brand stands for and why it matters in straightforward terms. 

When your message is simple, it’s easier for customers to get what you’re about and feel connected to your brand, which helps build stronger relationships and loyalty.

Final Thoughts On Branding

Now that you understand what branding is and why it’s important to your business, you’re ready to create a memorable brand. 

What branding challenges have you faced?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

The post What Is Branding (& Why Is It Important)? appeared first on Live Your Message.

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10 Content Creators to Draw Inspiration From in 2024 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 19:31:27 +0000 Creating engaging content consistently is hard… and it’s easy for the creative well to dry up 🙁  So where do you turn when that happens? Google? ChatGPT? Sure… but I’ve got something that’s even quicker and better! Below, I’ve compiled 10 of the best in the biz to give you a burst of fresh, innovative ... Read more

The post 10 Content Creators to Draw Inspiration From in 2024 appeared first on Live Your Message.

Creating engaging content consistently is hard… and it’s easy for the creative well to dry up 🙁 

So where do you turn when that happens? Google? ChatGPT?

Sure… but I’ve got something that’s even quicker and better!

Below, I’ve compiled 10 of the best in the biz to give you a burst of fresh, innovative content ideas to spark your creativity in 2024! 

From the laid-back, relatable approach of YouTube fitness creators to the sharp, witty email copywriting finesse, these are the entrepreneurs who are redefining the content creation landscape. 

In search of inspiration to boost your social media presence?

Ready to refine your copywriting skills?

Or maybe you’re looking for a fresh perspective on content marketing?

Use this list throughout the year as your go-to guide 🙂

Sam Sulek’s unexpected rise on YouTube, Laura Belgray’s conversational copy magic and Shea Serrano’s unfiltered social media presence only scratch the surface of what you’ll discover. And for each content creator, I’ll give the biggest takeaways and their best content examples. 

So, if you’re ready to be inspired and transform your content strategy in 2024… keep reading 🙂

1. Sam Sulek

Platform: YouTube

Fitness creator Sam Sulek posted his first video on YouTube on January 19, 2023. And now? He has over 3 million subscribers! You might think he’s the second coming of MrBeast — you know, the flashy editing style, scroll-stopping thumbnails… 

But this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Sulek has exploded on YouTube despite breaking all the rules with his thumbnails, video length and low production quality.  

So, if you’ve struggled to make headway on YouTube, this might leave you scratching your head — “How is this working for him?!?”

Well, he’s abandoned MrBeast’s overly fast-paced, edited style and adopted the more casual vlogger style. He posts consistently — every single day — and flaunts the discourse around length (a lot of his videos are 90+ minutes!)

He’s also not your typical fitness influencer. He doesn’t come off like a drill sergeant lifting heavy weights to go to war — he’s just filming his life. And he narrates the journey in what feels like one long conversation. So he stands out in a sea of sameness! 

Biggest Takeaways: Be yourself, do what makes you happy on your preferred channels and stop trying to copy creators who have massive audiences and views. This is the only way to stand out from the crowd in 2024 🙂

If you watch this recent video of Sulek’s, you’ll notice the casual, personal style:

Fall Cut Day 25 – Arms and Grocery Trip 230.2 Lbs

2. Laura Belgray 

Platforms: Email & Instagram

As the founder of Talking Shrimp and co-creator of The Copy Cure with Marie Forleo, Laura has a knack for creating compelling, conversational copy that connects with her audience. Her insights into writing and creativity are invaluable for entrepreneurs looking to craft messaging that cuts through the clutter and turns lurkers into buyers. 

Biggest Takeaways: Use relatable and fun stories to connect with your audience. Pretty much every email Laura sends starts with a story from her life — and I’m not talking gut-wrenchingly sad stories or tales of how she’s overcome adversity (which do have their place)

I’m talking about everyday happenings in her life — told in a casual, personable way… like she’s telling a story to her closest friends. 

This relates to one of the biggest copywriting and marketing lessons I’ve learned over my 12+ years growing and scaling my business — write like you’re talking to one person.

She also uses relatable anecdotes and stories — largely injected with humor — to connect with her Instagram audience. 

Notice how Laura’s relatable humor shines through and how she effectively uses her captions:

3. Shea Serrano

Platforms: Twitter 

Known for his work in sports and pop culture, Shea takes a super casual approach to content creation and gives his followers on Twitter an inside, unfiltered look at his work and life. 

Shea’s unique take on storytelling offers valuable lessons in building a dedicated following by using relatable humor, showing ‘unfiltered’ views into your life and work and being willing to turn some people off. 

Biggest Takeaways: Be your unedited self! Far too many entrepreneurs are still presenting a buttoned-up, perfect and polished version of themselves — this is the opposite of what your audience wants! They want the real you… so avoid playing ‘pretend’ on social media. 

Shea also takes a two-way street approach to social media — regularly engaging and replying to his followers. This is a guy who writes books, has multiple podcasts and even created a TV series for Amazon Prime. So if he can take the time to engage with his people, so can you and me 🙂

Shea’s clearly passionate about his audience and loves being on Twitter (I still refuse to call it ‘X’… lol). So, choose a platform you enjoy being on, be super real and authentic, and most importantly, engage, and don’t be afraid to ruffle a few feathers along the way.

Take a look at 2 of his best tweets and notice the humor and authenticity:

One of his ongoing bits is posting when he finds new VHS tapes and then engaging in the replies. 

He holds impromptu Q&A sessions with his followers… and his answers are always honest and usually funny.

4. Amanda Natividad

Platforms: LinkedIn

Want to blend authenticity with strategic thinking in your content strategy? Amanda’s your gal.

She’s the VP of Marketing at SparkToro, an audience research startup. But marketing is actually her third career. She was previously a tech journalist and a test kitchen cook. With her unusual background, she brings a unique perspective to content marketing and brand building. 

Her content approach fits perfectly with LinkedIn’s focus, as the platform is actively looking at ways to elevate value.

She doesn’t post typical “value” — you know what I’m talking about — the vague, dime-a-dozen advice you can get anywhere. Instead, she focuses on actionable insights that are highly relevant right now. 

Biggest Takeaways: Use your life experiences to inspire your content. You might have been a full-time employee before you ventured into the wild world of entrepreneurship (or maybe you’re currently working a 9-5). Whatever the case — you’ve built up unique experiences and expertise — use those insights to help your content stand out. 

You also want to cater your content to each individual platform. LinkedIn is increasingly focused on industry-specific content and knowledge sharing… so give them what they want.

Let’s say you’re a freelancer who writes email campaigns for small online businesses. Instead of focusing on general marketing advice, create content that specifically addresses the common problems small online business owners face with their email marketing. 

And with LinkedIn’s more long-tail approach, you don’t need to post multiple times a day. You can make headway with just 2-3 highly thought-out and valuable think pieces a week. 

It’s definitely clear why she’s gained traction on LinkedIn!

5. Neville Medhora 

Platforms: Everywhere, but particularly his Blog & YouTube Channel

Neville, the brain behind the Copywriting Course, has mastered the art of making copywriting an enjoyable journey. His approach to content creation on his blog and YouTube channel is a testament to how education and entertainment can merge to demystify the often daunting world of copywriting. 

Neville’s straightforward and humorous style breaks down complex concepts into digestible, actionable advice, making it easier for entrepreneurs of all levels to improve their writing skills. 

Biggest Takeaways: Use the power of personality and humor to make your educational content stand out. This makes learning more enjoyable AND more memorable for your audience. Try this:

  • – Break Down Complex Ideas: Simplify your content to make it accessible to beginners. Use analogies, metaphors and stories to explain difficult concepts.
  • – Inject Humor: Don’t shy away from adding a touch of humor to keep your audience engaged. It makes your content more relatable and enjoyable.
  • – Be Straightforward: Cut through the fluff. Respect your audience’s time and attention spans.

Check out Neville’s blog and YouTube Channel for his straightforward approach:

His main blog which is the epitome of ‘short and sweet’ while still providing actionable tips:

This YouTube video is a great illustration of his direct yet value-packed approach to content creation:

He also regularly posts his interviews with other experts as both long-form YouTube videos and 60 second Shorts (so if you don’t want to be the primary face and only expert of your business on social media… you might consider adopting the interview approach!):

6. Wes Kao

Platforms: Newsletter, Twitter & LinkedIn

Wes is a marketing executive, entrepreneur and advisor who offers a wealth of insights to high performers and executives. Her knowledge and approach are particularly valuable for those in the online education space, entrepreneurs who serve bigger brands and employees and freelancers who truly want to make a difference in their organizations. 

Her primary content engine is her newsletter, and she masterfully uses her LinkedIn and Twitter accounts to drive awareness and subscribers. 

Biggest Takeaways: How to effectively promote on social media. Kao has built a large and engaged audience on LinkedIn and Twitter by consistently providing valuable insights on the current state of business and actionable takeaways tailor-made for her target audience. Her content isn’t surface-level — she’s willing to call out the regular mistakes and missteps she sees in the workforce and how to combat them. 

By building this trust, she’s been able to use these channels to promote her newsletter while never losing sight of her audience and the content that’s gotten her to where she is. 

If you’ve built up that trust… go ahead and promote your newsletter and paid products or services.

Check out how she promotes her newsletter and the creative way she spreads goodwill (which might give you a new idea for promoting partners!):

Notice how she spins a common workplace complaint on its head and provides an actionable solution while promoting her newsletter!

After you subscribe to her newsletter, she recommends who else to follow and subscribe to in her industry. This could be a way to build relationships and partnerships and grow your audience.

Then, you get this pop-up to share her newsletter — a super easy way to get more eyeballs on your content.

7. James Clear 

Platforms: Everywhere — but let’s focus on his 3-2-1 Newsletter and Twitter 

James Clear’s work on habits and performance improvement, particularly through his book “Atomic Habits,” offers foundational lessons for entrepreneurs looking to build sustainable routines and improve their productivity.

Biggest Takeaways: Conversation is king on social media, and a simple approach to content creation is often better… so try not to overthink it (if you can help it) 🙂

Clear focuses on posting questions, quotes and insights that effortlessly encourage replies on Twitter and Instagram. 

But where he really shines is in his 3-2-1 Newsletter. He’s crafted a simple formula for success and has got it down to a science! Each edition includes 3 short ideas from Clear, 2 quotes from others and 1 question for readers to ponder. 

So, if you’re thinking of creating a weekly or even monthly newsletter — or if you already have one — look to Clear for inspiration on how to create one that’s both value-packed and easy to write and deliver. 

Check out how Clear drives engagement on Twitter by asking questions: 

I won’t copy and paste his entire newsletter here (I highly recommend you subscribe) 🙂 BUT here’s a question to ponder he shared in a recent edition and the nifty way he encourages you to share.

Once you hit the ‘Share this on Twitter’ link, it’ll open up a tweet draft that tags his handle (genius!):

8. Ann Handley

Platforms: Her newsletter Total Annarchy (clever name!) and her Twitter and Instagram accounts 

A pioneer in digital marketing and content creation, Ann’s work emphasizes the importance of personal and engaging communication. Her newsletters and books offer indispensable advice for entrepreneurs wanting to elevate their writing and marketing strategies.

Biggest Takeaways: While she doesn’t post on Instagram as often as others on this list when she does, it’s pure gold. Hey, sometimes, less is indeed more on social media (don’t tell the experts… lol). The lesson here is don’t kill yourself trying to post hourly — post what moves you AND what matters to your audience. 

Also, humor is such a valuable commodity on social media, and you can expertly blend humor with value in the same post — it doesn’t have to be one or the other.

Check out how Handley expertly uses humor on Instagram to drive engagement:

This one’s especially great because it was paired with a trending topic — the start of a new year.

The power of simple storytelling 🙂

9. Brock Johnson

Platforms: Instagram

The founder of InstaClubHub and an Instagram expert who focuses on helping entrepreneurs and creators leverage their platform. Brock has built a highly engaged community by keeping his content fresh and relevant while remaining incredibly consistent. He never seems to miss a beat!

Biggest Takeaways: There’s something to be said for having a singular focus — taking a one-main-channel approach. Sure, Brock has since expanded to other channels, including TikTok and YouTube, but his bread and butter is Instagram, and that’s where he spends the majority of his time and effort. 

He’s clearly passionate about Instagram and the community he’s built there. So hang out where you’re most passionate! 

Brock heavily focuses on Reels but keeps it fresh with value-focused and humorous carousels and feed posts. 

This simple graphic is the perfect blend of relatability and humor. You’ll also notice both the question and the CTA to share.

The comment-to-DM strategy is gold on Instagram (and Facebook, too!). If you have a Manychat account or something similar, give this strategy a try. I’ve found that comment-to-DM works best with my Reels, but Brock does it with all types of content. So, test it out and see which types work best with your audience. 

10. Lisa Nichols 

Platforms: Facebook and Instagram 

I couldn’t end this list without featuring my dear friend and mentor, Lisa Nichols! 

Through her company, Motivating the Masses, Lisa offers a wealth of resources, including workshops, programs and keynote speeches designed to ignite passion and drive individuals ready to make significant changes in their lives and careers. Move aside, Tony Robbins (just kidding!), because Lisa is an absolute powerhouse of motivation and transformation. Her journey from a struggling single mom to a globally recognized motivational speaker and best-selling author is nothing short of inspirational. 

Her approach to storytelling, deeply rooted in personal experiences and resilience, teaches entrepreneurs the power of authentic communication in connecting with their audience. Lisa doesn’t just share her story — she empowers others to believe in their potential, making her content a goldmine for entrepreneurs who are seeking to inspire and lead.

Biggest Takeaways: Leverage your unique journey and experiences to foster a deeper connection with your audience. Share your struggles, successes and lessons learned. This level of authenticity can transform your content from simply informative to deeply inspirational and impactful!

As they say, variety is the spice of life, and if you head to Lisa’s Instagram, you’ll notice that she doesn’t just stick with one content type (like Reels). She engages her audience with a variety of Reels, quote graphics, carousels and candid photos. And every single piece of content has the same thing in common — it’s authentically Lisa!

Check out 3 of my favorites:

There you have it — 10 content creators to inspire you in 2024! 

Which ones stood out to you? I’d love to know in a comment.

Oh, and be sure to drop your own recommendations below… I’m always looking to add inspiration to my own creative swipe files 🙂

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post 10 Content Creators to Draw Inspiration From in 2024 appeared first on Live Your Message.

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The 7‌ ‌Best Facebook‌ ‌Alternatives‌ ‌to‌ ‌Take‌ ‌for‌ ‌a‌ ‌Spin‌ ‌in‌ ‌2024 Tue, 09 Apr 2024 22:20:00 +0000 Looking for a great Facebook alternative? You’re not alone — Facebook’s been in a lot of hot water the last few years. From privacy concerns, data leaks and inflammatory content to the monetization of your personal data, there are a lot of reasons why you might consider finally breaking up with the social giant and ... Read more

The post The 7‌ ‌Best Facebook‌ ‌Alternatives‌ ‌to‌ ‌Take‌ ‌for‌ ‌a‌ ‌Spin‌ ‌in‌ ‌2024 appeared first on Live Your Message.

Looking for a great Facebook alternative?

You’re not alone — Facebook’s been in a lot of hot water the last few years.

From privacy concerns, data leaks and inflammatory content to the monetization of your personal data, there are a lot of reasons why you might consider finally breaking up with the social giant and seeking an alternative to Facebook. 

So, if you’re in that boat, I’ve found seven social networks you should consider.

Now, none of these are a direct replacement for Facebook, but one — or several of them — might be a great fit for you and your business. 

Let’s dive into each of the seven Facebook alternatives you could try in 2024 (and beyond).

1. Diaspora

Diaspora’s tagline is “The online social world where you are in control.” Diaspora was one of the first decentralized social media sites and is an open-source social media network. 

What does that mean? Well, basically you control your data. Instead of your data being collected and stored by the service provider in a central location, where it’s vulnerable to theft, you can choose the server (pod) that stores your data. Choosing a pod based on its location is common. Pods closest to you will probably have faster response times, but you might elect to choose a pod located in a country with stringent policies on data privacy.

If you have the technical expertise, you can even start and host your own pod so your data remains completely under your control.

Pros of Diaspora

Similar to Facebook, you can post status updates, share photos and videos, and comment on other users’ posts.

Signing up is very easy and you can sign up for an anonymous account.

You can maintain full control of your data, assuming you have the technical know-how to build and host your own pod. And if not, you still control where your data is collected and stored.

Cons of Diaspora

While Diaspora has a simple layout, it’s also very dated.

The concept of selecting a pod to join might be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with decentralized social media networks.

Who Should Use Diaspora?

Diaspora is a good Facebook alternative if you want to control where your data is stored or you want a social media account where you can be anonymous. 

2. Trust Cafe (formerly WT.Social)

Trust Cafe (formerly known as WT.Social) is a spinoff of WikiTribune, the now-defunct curated news website. 

Trust Cafe was created by Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales. They claim to be “the non-toxic social network” and their primary focus is on news topics.

Its users build their feed by choosing subwikis to follow. Subwikis are discussion threads around various subjects. Readers respond to the posted opinions, links, articles, etc. via the comment section. Followers can also upvote threads they find interesting.

Pros of Trust Cafe

Your data is never collected or sold.

There are no ads or algorithms on Trust Cafe that decide what shows up in your feed. You only see the content you subscribe to.

Trust Cafe takes a “hard stance against misleading content.” Posts with misinformation can be deleted and Trust Cafe will remove members who violate the terms by repeatedly posting questionable content.

Cons of Trust Cafe

Trust Cafe lacks Facebook features like groups and events.

If you make a post and don’t change the default post setting from Collaborative to Individual, other posters can and will change your post, especially if they feel it has misleading or false information. All changes are tracked and the post can be reverted to its original format if changes are not accurate or beneficial.

Who Should Use Trust Cafe?

You might enjoy Trust Cafe if you’re looking for an ad-free source for following and discussing trending news topics.

3. Nextdoor

Nextdoor is an app and private social network that connects you with your neighbors and neighboring communities.

When people are searching for a lost dog, they head to Nextdoor to ask their neighbors for help. When someone needs a reputable plumber, they ask their neighbors on Nextdoor for recommendations. When someone needs to borrow a ladder to clean their gutters, Nextdoor connects them with a neighbor who has a ladder to loan.

Pros of Nextdoor

You can connect with your neighbors while never leaving your house.

It’s a great way to find out about highly recommended services, restaurants, neighborhood stores and other small businesses in your community.

It’s very easy to sign up and get started.

Cons of Nextdoor

It connects you with your neighbors. Sometimes you’d rather not associate with your neighbors and their complaints. We’ve probably all had a bad or overly nosy neighbor at some point in time 🙂

Just like with any social media network, disputes are bound to happen. But in this case, the dispute might literally be in your own backyard.

While you don’t have to give your specific house number, Nextdoor requires you to list the street you live on and use your real name. That might be information potential users are uncomfortable disclosing and could lead to harassment.

Who Should Use Nextdoor?

If you are new to a neighborhood and your new neighbors are active, you’ll appreciate the inside scoop on the best restaurants, service-based businesses and which teens are available for babysitting gigs. It’s also a good Facebook alternative if you’re an established resident who wants to be tuned in to what’s happening locally.

4. X (formerly Twitter)

X (formerly known as Twitter) may have fewer registered users than Facebook, but X is hard to beat for late-breaking news from around the world. And when Instagram and Facebook aren’t working, how do you find out if they’re down for everyone? You check X.

With a 280-character limit for standard users (Premium users have no such limitations), X users need to be succinct writers, but that same character limit makes X an easy platform to scan during your downtime.

Pros of X

It’s easy to create an account and start following others.

It’s a reliable source of breaking news events, though details may be incorrect.

Being active on X gives you the ability to connect with people in the media like journalists, bloggers and editors.

Another benefit of X is its ad platform has made leaps and bounds since Elon Musk took over. It’s not at Facebook’s level yet, but it’s now a solid option for businesses that utilize paid ads.

Cons of X

Trending topics are often more gossipy, less newsworthy.

It has never taken off as a network for connecting with friends and family members.

X moves quickly and new tweets pop up relentlessly. It can feel overwhelming if you are trying to keep up. You should expect to miss some tweets. Most businesses account for this and post about sales and special events multiple times, so you shouldn’t worry about missing out.

Who Should Use X?

X is a great platform for you if you have an avid interest in current news events and politics.

If you’re a professional who wants to connect with people in publishing or journalism circles, bloggers or thought leaders, X is a fantastic resource. 

It’s also great if your favorite celebrities, athletes, or personalities are active there. Many of them willingly interact with their fans on X.

5. YouTube

YouTube is a free video sharing website. You can make videos and upload them for other YouTubers to watch. Or you’ll find endless entertainment and education in watching videos created by other users. 

YouTube is widely popular for music videos, comedy, cooking, how-to guides and more. Over 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every day.

Pros of YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular websites on Planet Earth. In fact, it’s the number two search engine on the internet. So there are a vast variety of videos you can watch. 

YouTube is perfect for DIY projects and other activities where a video tutorial is useful.

Because there’s a wide variety of content, you can learn how to do almost anything. You can find makeup tutorials, exercise videos, home improvement and DIY tutorials, cooking and baking how-tos, even clean-with-me videos.

You’re only limited by your imagination.

And, if you’re a business that wants to use YouTube to boost your brand, YouTube’s reach is huge and it’s extremely easy to create a channel (all you need is a free Google account).

Looking for videos on starting and building a business, online course creation, marketing or entrepreneur mindset? Check out my channel 🙂

Cons of YouTube

Cyberbullying and harassment can be problematic in the comment section of YouTube videos. You can limit it by turning off the comment section of any video you post.

There is a lot of video content that most would consider inappropriate for children.

Who Should Use YouTube?

YouTube is a perfect Facebook alternative for you if you enjoy watching video content for information or for entertainment. 

YouTube is also good if you want to practice your video-making skills or you simply enjoy creating video content. 

6. Reddit

Reddit is a social platform with a vast range of forums called subreddits. Reddit bills itself as “The front page of the internet.”

Reddit users can connect on the subreddits and discuss a very wide variety of topics. Every subject you can imagine is covered — politics, sports, business, music, humor, memes, cooking, technology, comics, books and more. 

No topic is too niche or too small. For example, there is a Reddit subforum dedicated to the visual pleasures of unstirred paint.

Pros of Reddit

Reddit is an established network with millions of users, so you can chat with anyone about any topic imaginable.

It’s easy to sign up as a user and join the conversations. And you can register as a user without using your real name.

Reddit’s audience is very diverse, so you can have a lot of thoughtful, eye-opening conversations you might not have on a more insular network.

Cons of Reddit

Each subforum has its own ambiance and etiquette. What works on one subreddit will fall flat on another. To avoid ruffling any feathers, spend some time observing the norms of the group before you jump into the conversations. 

Reddit doesn’t have a way to carry on one-on-one or private conversations.

The Reddit formatting is not user-friendly. It’s difficult to follow some of the individual threads on a post. And the search function doesn’t work very well.

Who Should Use Reddit?

Because Reddit users tend to be blunt, Reddit is the best Facebook alternative if you have a thick skin and are willing to “read the room” and learn the nuances of each subreddit before you jump into the discussion.

7. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the largest social network for business professionals focused on career development. Its purpose is to help people make connections in their industry so they can build their professional networks.

With LinkedIn, you can find internships, search for jobs, build a resume, acquire new skills or network with other professionals in your industry.

Pros of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great platform for job seekers because it offers many resources for finding employment.

LinkedIn members are highly-engaged professionals who are there for the same networking opportunities you are, so community building and networking are both expected and encouraged.

LinkedIn Learning is an educational subscription available on LinkedIn where you can learn new business, technology and creative skills from LinkedIn experts. When you complete a course, you can add that course to your LinkedIn profile, signaling your knowledge to prospective employers.

Cons of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is for professional networking only. It is not an appropriate platform for communicating with friends and family, which is why many professionals choose to combine LinkedIn with an alternative platform

There is a learning curve to using the LinkedIn platform. Signing up and connecting with others can be a confusing process.

Many of LinkedIn’s networking features are available only to paid users.

Who Should Use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a great networking option if you want to connect with other like-minded professionals or entrepreneurs. It’s also a handy resource if you want to use LinkedIn Learning to build new business or professional development skills.

Are You Ready to Explore Facebook Alternatives?

There is no disputing that Facebook is the king of social media platforms. And there are numerous benefits to using Facebook — It’s familiar to everyone, it’s simple to use and it makes keeping in touch with far-flung family and friends easy.

While none of these social media networks are a direct replacement for everything Facebook offers, many of them have features that make them suitable alternatives. It’s just a matter of finding those networks that fit your personal needs and style.

And if you’re considering using social media to establish your personal brand, you need to first make sure you’ve got a solid strategy in place and a message that truly connects with your ideal students, customers and clients.

Do you have a favorite Facebook alternative? Tell me about it in the comments!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post The 7‌ ‌Best Facebook‌ ‌Alternatives‌ ‌to‌ ‌Take‌ ‌for‌ ‌a‌ ‌Spin‌ ‌in‌ ‌2024 appeared first on Live Your Message.

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20 Awesome Brand Website Examples (& Why They Work) Thu, 17 Aug 2023 19:55:56 +0000 Your brand website isn’t just a URL — it’s your story’s stage, your business’s heartbeat. Ever wondered what makes some brand websites magnetically attract visitors, while others just… don’t?  In this post, I’ve curated 20 of the finest brand website examples to inspire and enlighten. From crisp designs to compelling narratives, you’ll learn what these ... Read more

The post 20 Awesome Brand Website Examples (& Why They Work) appeared first on Live Your Message.

Your brand website isn’t just a URL — it’s your story’s stage, your business’s heartbeat.

Ever wondered what makes some brand websites magnetically attract visitors, while others just… don’t? 

In this post, I’ve curated 20 of the finest brand website examples to inspire and enlighten. From crisp designs to compelling narratives, you’ll learn what these sites do so well.

Want the blueprint for what makes them tick?

Let’s dive right in.

1. Nike

Strolling through Nike’s website feels like a swift jog through an urban landscape.

You’ve got the crisp air of innovation breezing through and the ground beneath vibrating with dynamic energy. But what makes it tick?

  • Dynamic Visual Storytelling: Nike takes the notion of showing, not telling, to an Olympic level. For a brand rooted in motion, every frame and visual pulses with kinetic energy. You can almost hear the sneakers squeaking against the court or feel the rush of the wind as a runner blazes past.
  • Seamless E-Commerce Experience: No hurdles here. The user’s path from browsing to purchase feels as smooth as a track star sprinting for the finish line.
  • Personalized Touchpoints: Personal touches aren’t just for heartfelt letters. Here, product suggestions are tailored just for you.

Why Nike’s Website Works

You ever felt that rush when you’re about to take on a challenge?

Nike’s platform does just that.

By combining captivating visuals with a fuss-free shopping experience, they’ve got a platform that’s both engaging and functional.

Plus, the personal touches? Just the right sprinkle of ‘we’ve got your back.’

2. Apple

Diving into Apple’s website is akin to stepping into a pristine art gallery, where innovation is the exhibit and minimalism is the curator.

So, what’s the magic sauce here?

  • Minimalistic Mastery: It’s a digital canvas of whites, grays and the glint of aluminum. Apple’s aesthetic isn’t just clean; it’s pure sophistication.
  • High-Res Imagery: Pixels? Please, they’ve left them behind. Every image feels tactile, like you could reach out and grab that new iPhone off the screen.
  • Integrated Support: Ever felt lost in a maze of tech? Not here. Everything’s designed to guide and assist.

Why Apple’s Website Works

Apple sells experiences, not just products.

And this experience starts right from their website. The sheer elegance of design paired with imagery so crisp it feels real creates an environment where users don’t just browse; they immerse.

Add to that an integrated support system, and it’s a digital realm that feels both expansive and intimate.

3. Coca-Cola

Swirling through Coca-Cola’s digital space is like opening up a cool, fizzy drink on a scorching day.

It’s a burst of color, stories and bubbles.

So what’s causing that effervescence?

  • Radiant Colors: It’s a visual fiesta. Deep reds blending with cheerful whites make for a site that’s both energizing and comforting.
  • Global Footprint: The world’s in there. Through an interactive map, one senses the brand’s massive, yet heartwarming, global embrace.
  • Responsibility Narratives: They’re not just about selling sodas. They’re about creating a story, a legacy, a footprint of positive change.

Why Coca-Cola’s Website Works

Coca-Cola’s digital home is a narrative platform. With a vibrant palette, it paints a picture of global unity.

And the emphasis on their responsibility stories?

It showcases a giant with a heart, connecting to users with values and visions, not just thirst.

4. Airbnb

Perusing Airbnb’s website feels like flipping through a traveler’s diary, filled with stories, memories and dreams.

It’s inviting, comforting and promises an adventure.

But what sets the stage for this digital journey?

  • Stories from Real People: Every listing, every image is a chapter from someone’s travel diary, a window into their world.
  • Smart Search: Planning a trip can be daunting. But here, it’s as easy as dreaming of the next sunset view or mountain hike.
  • Integrated Experiences: It’s not just about a bed for the night; it’s about living a day, or many, in another’s shoes.

Why Airbnb’s Website Works

Travel isn’t just about locations. It’s about connections.

Airbnb’s site beautifully bridges the gap between hosts and travelers.

With an emphasis on shared stories and integrated experiences, they ensure that while you might be miles away from home, you’ll never feel far from a heartwarming experience.

5. Tesla

Navigating Tesla’s website feels like a joyride into the future.

The wind of innovation tousling your hair, the roar of sustainable power in your ears.

Here’s how it revs our engines:

  • Futuristic Aesthetics: It’s sleek, it’s shiny, it’s everything you’d expect from a vision of tomorrow.
  • Interactive Elements: Want to customize that Model S? Dive in! It’s a playground for car enthusiasts and tech aficionados alike.
  • Clear Mission Statement: Sustainability isn’t an afterthought; it’s the driving force.

Why Tesla’s Website Works

Tesla’s brand is about redefining transport. The website mirrors this philosophy with its cutting-edge design and interactive features.

But what truly propels it forward is the transparent commitment to a greener future.

In a world hungry for sustainable choices, Tesla’s platform offers a feast.

6. Red Bull

Ever felt the heart-pounding thrill of standing at the edge of a cliff?

Red Bull’s website echoes that same adrenaline, that sense of unstoppable energy.

But how do they keep our pulse racing?

  • Engaging Media Content: From jaw-dropping stunts to gripping documentaries, their content is designed to captivate.
  • Event Spotlight: They spotlight events worldwide, keeping that global community vibe going strong.
  • Adventure on Display: Every inch of the site screams adventure, making even the most mundane Monday feel like a weekend escapade.

Why Red Bull’s Website Works

In the digital realm, it’s easy for content to become static.

Not with Red Bull.

Their site pulsates with life and vigor.

With content that doesn’t just tell, but shows the spirit of adventure, they’ve crafted an online presence that truly gives you wings.

7. Warby Parker

Ever thought eyewear could be the blend of chic design and social consciousness?

Warby Parker’s site feels like a blend of a fashionable boutique and a mission-driven organization.

So, what’s under the lens here?

  • Virtual Try-On: Modern problems need modern solutions, and with this feature, they’ve revolutionized the eyewear shopping experience.
  • Design-Centric Displays: Each frame, each design, showcased in a way that feels like an art exhibition.
  • Give Back Philosophy: Their ‘buy a pair, give a pair’ approach makes shopping here feel doubly good.

Why Warby Parker’s Website Works

Glasses aren’t just about vision but a style statement.

Warby Parker knows this.

With a seamless blend of fashion-forward design and an ethos that cares, they’ve crafted a site that lets you see, in more ways than one.

8. Squarespace

Imagine crafting a world with just a few clicks.

That’s the promise of Squarespace’s website — a canvas awaiting your masterpiece.

Here’s how they paint such an enticing canvas:

  • Sleek Templates: They present you with designs that could easily grace the front page of any magazine.
  • User-Centric Approach: The focus is clear: empower anyone to create, regardless of tech skills.
  • Integrated Features: From blogs to e-commerce, it’s all there, waiting to be molded by you.

Why Squarespace’s Website Works

Crafting a digital space can be daunting. Squarespace, though, flips the script.

The site doesn’t just offer tools; it provides an intuitive space where creation feels natural.

With templates that inspire and features that empower, it’s a playground for creators of all kinds.

9. Patagonia

Venturing into Patagonia’s site feels like embarking on a serene mountain trail.

There’s the allure of adventure, sprinkled with an earnest call for conservation.

  • Nature-Inspired Design: You can almost feel the mountain breeze or the soft forest underfoot as you navigate.
  • Activism Front and Center: Their commitment to the planet isn’t a footnote; it’s a headline.
  • Story-driven Content: From product origins to tales of adventure, everything’s woven into a compelling narrative.

Why Patagonia’s Website Works

While many brands speak of values, Patagonia wears them on its digital sleeve.

The site is a confluence of rugged adventure and heartfelt dedication to the planet.

The blend of stirring visuals with purpose-driven content creates an online experience as enriching as the great outdoors.

10. Etsy

Step into Etsy’s digital realm, and you’re greeted by a carnival of creativity.

It’s like wandering through a global crafts fair from the comfort of your home.

What stitches this colorful tapestry together?

  • Diverse Creations: From handcrafted jewelry to vintage finds, it’s a treasure trove of unique pieces.
  • Personal Shopper Experience: The algorithms work subtly, nudging you towards products that resonate with your tastes.
  • Community Vibes: Behind every product, there’s a story, a creator, giving the entire site a warm, community feel.

Why Etsy’s Website Works

E-commerce platforms are many, but Etsy stands out in the crowd.

It’s not just a marketplace but a celebration of creativity and individuality. The emphasis on the stories behind products and the intuitive shopping experience crafts an atmosphere where every click feels like discovering a hidden gem.

11. Birchbox

Dive into Birchbox, and it feels like unwrapping a personalized gift every single time.

There’s an allure of surprises, tailored just for you. What pulls the strings behind this mysterious allure?

  • Personalization at Its Core: They’ve nailed the art of creating custom beauty profiles.
  • Monthly Teasers: The excitement never stops with their monthly subscription boxes, revealing new products to dive into.
  • User-Generated Content: Real people, real experiences, offering genuine insights.

Why Birchbox’s Website Works

Curiosity might’ve killed the cat, but it surely boosts engagement here.

Birchbox offers a continually evolving experience, with each visit promising something fresh.

The blend of personalization, coupled with authentic user experiences, crafts a dynamic digital environment, pulling users back time and time again.

12. Slack

Ever walked into an office buzzing with seamless conversations? Slack’s website promises to take that experience online.

But what turns this digital hub into a communication powerhouse?

  • Intuitive Layout: Easy peasy. Navigating through feels as smooth as sipping your favorite latte.
  • Integration Showcase: They put the spotlight on how various tools can be harmoniously woven into their platform.
  • Clear Call-to-Actions: No guesswork. It directs you effortlessly, making you feel in control.

Why Slack’s Website Works

Communication should feel natural, not like threading a needle in the dark.

Slack gets it.

Their platform is built with an intuitive design that reflects their core ethos: making team communication straightforward and effective.

The website acts as a doorway, beckoning users into a world where conversations flow effortlessly.

13. Warner Bros. Studios

Remember the charm of dimming lights, the anticipation as the screen lights up in a movie theater?

Warner Bros. Studios’ website captures that silver screen magic.

  • Dynamic Visuals: It’s a visual treat. Every frame feels like a sneak peek behind the velvet curtain.
  • Engaging Trailers: The trailers are positioned strategically, giving visitors a taste of the cinematic experience.
  • Interactive Features: Dive deep into the world of your favorite characters, locations and storylines.

Why Warner Bros. Studios’ Website Works

The Warner Bros. website beautifully bridges the gap between the screen and the viewer, offering a holistic cinematic journey.

The amalgamation of immersive visuals with interactive elements ensures that visitors don’t just view, but truly engage.

14. AirAsia

Picture this:

A breeze in your hair, a new city on the horizon.

AirAsia’s site embodies the spirit of adventure, making flight bookings feel like the start of an epic tale.

  • Effortless Navigation: Finding flights or exploring destinations is as breezy as a walk in the park.
  • Vivid Imagery: Each image is a postcard, beckoning travelers to new experiences.
  • Real-time Updates: Flight statuses, deals and more – the dynamic info keeps travelers in the know.

Why AirAsia’s Website Works

Travel is more than just reaching from point A to B.

It’s a story, an experience.

AirAsia’s website embodies this ethos, offering not just a booking platform, but a ticket to dreams.

By combining user-centric design with evocative visuals, it invites users on a journey even before they board the plane.

15. Dropbox

Think of a space, clean and serene, where your thoughts and projects lay organized.

Dropbox’s website promises that tranquility in the digital chaos. 

  • Simplistic Design: No fluff. The design cuts through the noise, focusing on utility.
  • Interactive Tutorials: They guide users, illuminating the path toward seamless file management.
  • Collaboration Highlights: Showcase of features that emphasize teamwork and collective productivity.

Why Dropbox’s Website Works

Amidst the whirlwind of digital files and frantic searches, Dropbox offers a breath of fresh air.

It’s a storage solution, a workspace and a collaboration tool. Through its minimalistic design and user-centric features, the website transforms file management from a mundane task to an organized, stress-free experience.

16. National Geographic

Stepping into the world of National Geographic is akin to donning a pair of explorers’ boots.

Every click, an expedition. Every page, a new terrain.

But what’s behind this grand voyage?

  • Stunning Imagery: Their photos? Simply breathtaking, transporting viewers across the globe in an instant.
  • Engaging Stories: Diving deep into culture, nature and history, they weave tales that stick.
  • Interactive Features: The site’s not just about viewing; it’s about discovery and participation.

Why National Geographic’s Website Works

National Geographic is a window to the world.

The blend of captivating visuals with in-depth stories offers an immersive experience.

It doesn’t merely share information; it cultivates wonder, igniting the flame of curiosity within its readers.

17. Shopify

Imagine entering a digital realm where your entrepreneurial dreams take form.

Shopify crafts that space.

The shimmering promise of an online empire awaits.

  • Simplified Processes: Set up shop? Child’s play. They’ve stripped it down to basics.
  • Diverse Templates: Choices galore. Find a look that mirrors your brand’s soul.
  • Resources and Tools: From market insights to transaction details, they’ve got you covered.

Why Shopify’s Website Works

Shopify doesn’t just sell a service; it champions a vision.

The platform stands as a beacon for budding entrepreneurs, making the journey from idea to execution straightforward.

By empowering users with tools and resources, Shopify paves a smooth road for e-commerce dreams.

18. Starbucks


Not just a coffee shop, but a feeling.

Dive into their digital café and the aroma seems almost tangible.

  • Personal Touch: The My Starbucks Rewards? It’s like a digital hug for every coffee lover.
  • Menu Exploration: A tantalizing visual treat, making you yearn for a sip.
  • Engaging Content: Stories, sustainability and more. It’s not just about beverages.

Why Starbucks’s Website Works

Starbucks serves coffee and crafts moments.

Their website mirrors this ethos, creating a digital space where every visitor feels cherished.

From the personal rewards to the vibrant menu displays, the essence of Starbucks resonates, building a bond beyond the brew.

19. LEGO

A world where imagination takes form, brick by brick.

LEGO’s digital playground beckons the child in all. The magic? Still as vibrant, even in pixels.

  • Dynamic Catalogue: From Hogwarts to Gotham, every set is an adventure waiting.
  • Interactive Games & Videos: Dive in, play, learn and be part of the LEGO universe.
  • Community Highlights: Fans shine, showcasing their brick masterpieces.

Why LEGO’s Website Works

LEGO is a legacy of creativity. The website serves as a testament, making imagination tangible.

Through its interactive features and expansive catalog, it draws users into the LEGO narrative, fostering a community where creativity knows no bounds.

20. TED

Ever feel the tingle when an idea clicks?

TED’s online hub feels like a constant spark.

Ideas worth spreading? They’re all here.

  • Curated Content: Handpicked talks, ensuring you’re always in for a cerebral treat.
  • Diverse Topics: From tech to art, there’s something for every inquisitive mind.
  • Community Engagement: TEDx, initiatives and more. Everyone gets to be part of the idea revolution.

Why TED’s Website Works

TED isn’t just about lectures but enlightenment too.

Their digital space is designed to foster learning, curiosity and community.

With a plethora of diverse talks and active engagement platforms, the website ensures that the spirit of TED — spreading ideas — reverberates with every click.

Mastering the Art of the Brand Website

If you’re a small brand, it can feel like your brand’s digital presence is a candle in the midst of blinding spotlights.

Hopefully, this post gave you some ideas for addressing that.

Ready to transform your online stage?

Before you go, how about a quick favor? Drop a comment below!

Which brand website struck a chord with you? Any gems we might’ve missed?

I’d love to hear them.

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

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5 Tips for Crafting an Effective Brand Strategy (2024) Wed, 26 Jul 2023 17:00:17 +0000 Ready to sculpt a brand strategy that not only resonates but also puts your brand on the map? Here are 5 tips for crafting an effective brand strategy in 2023 including real-world examples that'll inspire your own brand strategy.

The post 5 Tips for Crafting an Effective Brand Strategy (2024) appeared first on Live Your Message.

Building a bulletproof brand strategy for your business can feel like trying to harness a tornado.

Yet, when done right, it’s your secret sauce for standing out in today’s cluttered digital landscape.

We’re talking more than just logos and taglines here. Think purpose, persona and the kind of brand story that has your audience hooked, line and sinker.

Ready to sculpt a brand strategy that not only resonates but also puts your brand on the map?

Let’s jump right into the first tip.

1. Define Your Brand’s Purpose

Remember that golden ticket in Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”?

The one that offered more than just a factory tour — it opened a world of wonders, of Willy Wonka’s unimaginable delights.

Now, that golden ticket is your brand’s purpose. It’s more than just a reason for existence. It’s an invitation to a unique experience, a promise of value that only your brand can offer.

Defining your brand’s purpose isn’t about making a sales pitch or weaving marketing jargon. It’s about discovering your brand’s soul, its raison d’être.

It’s the why behind what you do — the commitment to your customers that transcends the transactional and moves into the realm of the transformational. It’s not about products or services but about the value you bring, the change you create and the lives you impact.

Consider Patagonia, the outdoor apparel brand.

They sell clothes, yes, but their purpose goes beyond mere transactions. They’re here “to save our home planet.” Every jacket they sell, every marketing campaign they run and every corporate decision they make aligns with this purpose. It’s a clarion call that resonates with their customers, connects on a deeper level and creates a community of outdoor enthusiasts. 

Or take a glance at TED, a global community that’s all about spreading ideas.

Their purpose? “Spread ideas that matter.”

Simple, direct and incredibly impactful. This purpose guides their strategy, whether it’s hosting global conferences, sharing free TED Talks videos or fostering local TEDx events. The focus is always on sharing ideas that can change perspectives, spark conversations and inspire action.

So, how do you define your brand’s purpose? Start by asking questions that dive deep:

  1. Why does your brand exist? What’s the core reason behind your business’s existence beyond making a profit?
  2. What change does your brand aim to create? How do you want to improve your customers’ lives or make the world a better place?
  3. What unique value does your brand offer? What sets you apart from competitors in delivering value to your customers?
  4. How does your brand connect on a deeper level? What emotional and psychological needs of your customers does your brand fulfill?

Defining your brand’s purpose may feel like uncharted territory. It may even feel intimidating.

But remember, it’s not about crafting a catchy slogan or a marketing tagline. It’s about honesty, authenticity and a commitment to create value. It’s about being the brand that doesn’t just sell but also serves.

2. Research Your Target Audience

Can you imagine stepping into an arena blindfolded?

A sea of cheers, boos, hushed whispers, all bombarding you from every direction.

You’re in the dark, unaware of who’s applauding, who’s shaking their head and who’s sitting on the edge of their seats. 

That’s what crafting a brand strategy without understanding your target audience feels like. It’s like swinging in the dark, hoping to hit the mark.

Who are you creating value for? Who would care about the change you aim to create? Who’s going to resonate with your brand’s purpose?

It’s more than a demographic profile or an exercise in statistics. It’s about peeling back the layers to uncover the real, living, breathing humans your brand seeks to serve.

So, let’s break it down:


This is just the tip of the iceberg — the age, gender, income level, location, education and occupation of your audience.

It’s crucial, yes, but it’s just the starting point.


Now, we’re diving deeper.

What are their interests, hobbies and lifestyles? What do they value, what are their opinions, attitudes and beliefs?

You’re not just selling to a 30-something female professional living in Seattle. You’re reaching out to an environmentally-conscious, fitness enthusiast, a lover of the outdoors who values quality and sustainability.

Needs and Pain Points:

This is where you strike gold…

What challenges do they face that your brand can solve? What needs and desires can your brand fulfill?

Is our Seattle professional struggling to find eco-friendly outdoor wear that doesn’t compromise style or quality?

Behaviors and Habits:

Where do they spend time online? What social media platforms do they use? What content do they consume, and what triggers them to purchase?

It’s about being where they are, speaking their language and creating a brand experience that seamlessly fits into their world.

One final note:

Understanding your target audience isn’t a one-and-done exercise.

It’s an ongoing process, a continuous conversation. You have to listen, observe and adapt. Over and over, again and again.

3. Conduct a Competitive Analysis

Picture yourself standing at the edge of a chessboard.

On one side, it’s you – your brand. On the other side, your competitors. The squares between? That’s the market, teeming with customers.

Winning in this strategic game of branding isn’t about annihilating your opponents. It’s about carving your own niche, your unique space in this grid. And that’s where competitive analysis comes in.

Competitive analysis is like being handed a pair of X-ray glasses that lets you peek into your competitors’ playbook. You’re able to see their moves, discern their strategies, understand their strengths and also spot their weaknesses.

It’s like uncovering hidden treasure maps that lead you to unique selling propositions, areas your competitors have overlooked or opportunities they’ve left untapped.

For a vivid illustration, let’s saunter down memory lane to the era of search engines before Google.

AltaVista, Yahoo, and others were dominating the landscape. But they missed something — simplicity. Amidst their crowded interfaces and complex algorithms, they overlooked the power of a clean, simple search page. Enter Google. It took this opportunity, offering a clean and uncluttered interface. And the rest is history. This ability to spot and seize upon a competitive gap is the real art of competitive analysis.

So, how does one conduct a competitive analysis? It’s a four-step dance:

  1. Identify Your Competitors: Look around. Who are the key players in your industry? Remember to consider both direct competitors (those who offer similar products or services) and indirect competitors (those who offer different products or services but target the same audience).
  2. Analyze Their Strategies: What branding tactics are they using? What’s their messaging style? How do they engage with their audience? Understanding these elements can help you pinpoint what’s working for them and where they’re falling short.
  3. Understand Their Unique Selling Propositions: What makes them stand out from the crowd? Is it their product quality, customer service, innovative approach or something else? Identifying these aspects can help you differentiate your brand and offer something unique to your audience.
  4. Spot Opportunities: Where are the gaps in their strategies? Where have they missed the mark? These areas become your opportunities to shine and offer something your competitors aren’t.

Keep in mind:

Competitive analysis isn’t about copying what your competitors are doing. It’s about learning from them, understanding the market dynamics and finding your unique path.

4. Develop a Brand Persona

Brands are like people. They have their unique vibe, a way they speak and a distinct character that sets them apart.

You remember how you feel when you’re around them. And just like you’re drawn to certain people, you’re attracted to specific brands.

But what is it that makes a brand so unique, so magnetic?

Think about your favorite brands. Picture them as a person.

Do they remind you of the life-of-the-party friend who’s always up for an adventure or the mentor who’s full of wisdom and guidance? Maybe they’re the playful friend who never fails to put a smile on your face.

That’s your brand persona — the character that your brand embodies. It’s not just a logo or a catchy tagline. It’s a personality that resonates with your audience, fostering deeper, more meaningful connections.

So how do you create a brand persona that strikes a chord? Let’s break it down.

Align with Your Audience:

Your brand persona should be a reflection of your target audience’s aspirations and values. They should see a part of themselves in your brand, a version they admire and aspire to be.

If your audience values sustainability and loves the outdoors, your brand persona might be the eco-warrior, strong, passionate and committed to making a difference.

Define the Characteristics:

Give your brand human traits. Is it adventurous or cautious, sophisticated or down-to-earth, playful or serious?

Map out the personality traits, behaviors and attitudes that define your brand.

Create a Visual and Verbal Identity:

Your brand persona dictates the tone of voice you use, the visual elements like colors and typography, and even the kind of content you share.

If your brand persona is the knowledgeable mentor, your content might be educational and informative, your tone authoritative yet approachable and your colors more muted and sophisticated.

Stay Consistent:

Consistency is key.

Your brand persona should be the golden thread that runs through all your brand communications. Whether it’s a social media post, a product packaging or a customer service interaction, your brand persona should shine through, creating a cohesive and consistent brand experience.

Keep in mind:

Building a brand persona isn’t just an exercise in creativity…

It’s an act of empathy, of truly understanding your audience, what they value and how they want to feel when interacting with your brand.

It’s about bringing your brand to life in a way that connects, resonates and builds lasting relationships.

5. Embrace Social Media Engagement

Picture this…

You’re at a party, you strike up a conversation with someone. They talk endlessly about themselves.

Boring, right?

That’s exactly how your audience feels when all you do is push out content without creating an avenue for engagement.

Let’s turn this around, shall we?

Welcome to the social media fiesta, where you aren’t just talking to your audience but engaging with them, creating a space for dialogue, connection and community.

It’s where your brand persona comes alive, where you cultivate relationships, where you show your audience that you’re not just a brand, but a brand that listens, understands and responds.

So, how do you dance to the rhythm of social media engagement? Here are a few tips:

Conversation Starters:

Kick things off with thought-provoking questions, interesting polls or captivating stories.

Don’t just ask for a ‘Like’ or a ‘Share’. Aim to spark meaningful conversations that resonate with your audience and embody your brand persona.

Two-way Street:

Engagement isn’t a monologue, it’s a dialogue. Respond to comments, answer questions, address concerns.

Show your audience that their voice matters, that their opinions are valued. When they talk, you listen. When they share, you respond.

That’s engagement.

Authentic Interactions:

Leave the scripted responses at the door. Your audience craves genuine interactions.

Let your brand persona shine through in your responses. Keep it real, keep it human.

Embrace User-generated Content:

Your audience loves to be seen, heard and appreciated.

Share their content, give credit where it’s due and celebrate their engagement with your brand. This not only fosters a sense of community but also fuels further engagement.

Analyze and Adapt:

Keep an eye on your engagement metrics.

What’s working? What’s not?

Use these insights to refine your strategy, create content that ignites engagement and build a thriving social media community.

Which Brand Strategy Tips Are Your Favorite?

It isn’t easy…

And it takes some time…

But executing a well-planned brand strategy is the key to long-term success in today’s cluttered digital landscape.

And so is taking consistent action on the right things!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

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10+ Great Branding Ideas to Help Your Business Stand Out (2024) Fri, 07 Jul 2023 14:15:42 +0000 Ever wondered how successful businesses stamp their identity and stand out from the rest? The secret lies in innovative branding ideas. It’s all about showcasing your uniqueness, connecting with your audience and creating a memorable impression. From embracing your quirks to delighting your customers with surprises, in this post, I’ve got 11 actionable strategies that will elevate your branding game.

The post 10+ Great Branding Ideas to Help Your Business Stand Out (2024) appeared first on Live Your Message.

Are you tired of blending into the crowd?

Ever wondered how successful businesses stamp their identity and stand out from the rest?

The secret lies in innovative branding ideas. It’s all about showcasing your uniqueness, connecting with your audience and creating a memorable impression.

From embracing your quirks to delighting your customers with surprises, in this post, I’ve got 11 actionable strategies that will elevate your branding game.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a clear statement that describes the unique benefit or advantage that your product or service offers compared to competitors. It highlights what makes your brand distinct and why customers should choose you over others. A strong USP addresses specific needs or problems of your target audience and communicates the unique value that only your business can provide.

Key Components of a USP:

  1. Unique Feature or Benefit: This is what sets you apart from the competition. It could be an innovative product feature, exceptional customer service, or a unique approach to solving a problem.
  2. Target Audience: Identify who your ideal customers are and what they need or desire that you can uniquely fulfill.
  3. Clear and Concise: Your USP should be easily understood and remembered. It should quickly convey the unique benefit you offer.
  4. Value Proposition: Explain how your unique feature or benefit adds value to the customer’s life or business.

Think of USP as your brand’s secret sauce. It’s that special thing that makes your brand not just another face in the crowd, but the face in the crowd.

For instance, take Apple.

Their USP? It’s not about creating tech gadgets.

No, it’s about crafting experiences and changing how we interact with technology. They dared to think differently, and boom! They’re not just a brand — they’re a revolution.

But let’s not forget your USP isn’t a fancy marketing gimmick. It’s the core of what your brand represents.

So, when crafting your USP: 

  1. Identify Your Strengths: List what makes your product or service special.
  2. Know Your Competitors: Understand what others are offering and find gaps or areas where you excel.
  3. Understand Your Audience: Know their pain points and what they value the most.
  4. Simplify Your Message: Make it straightforward and focused. Avoid jargon or complex language.
  5. Test and Refine: Ensure your USP resonates with your audience. Gather feedback and make adjustments as needed.

Your USP is the foundation of your branding and marketing efforts. It guides how you position your business in the market and communicate with your customers.

2. Develop a Strong Brand Voice

Let me tell you a secret…

Your brand voice? It’s not just about how you talk. It’s about who you are.

Let’s imagine your brand as a person.

How would they talk? What would they say? Would they crack jokes or would they prefer a heart-to-heart talk? That’s your brand voice right there.

Take Wendy’s, for example. They took the fast-food game, flipped it upside down, and sprinkled some sass on top.

Their tweets are snappy, their responses are cheeky, and guess what? People can’t get enough.

They took their brand voice and turned it into their superpower.

Or take Gary Vaynerchuk, commonly known as Gary Vee.

He’s known for his direct, straightforward and sometimes abrasive communication style. He doesn’t sugarcoat his messages, preferring to give honest, unfiltered advice.

And he has millions and millions of engaged followers across multiple social media platforms.

So don’t just choose a brand voice…

Find it. Discover it.

Because your brand voice isn’t about sounding like a brand. It’s about sounding like you, in all your authentic, unique glory.

3. Create a Memorable Logo

I know what you’re thinking…

“A logo? That’s so obvious.”

And it is obvious. But here’s the thing…

It’s that important.

Think about it. When you see those golden arches, what pops into your head? “McDonald’s!” Right? Now that’s what I call a logo that sticks.

It’s more than a symbol. It’s your silent ambassador, your brand’s fingerprint. And more than anything, it’s a reminder. A reminder of who you are, what you stand for, and the experience you deliver.

When crafting your logo, don’t just aim for pretty.

Aim for memorable.

Because in a world swamped with logos, you want yours to be the one that sticks…

The one that says, “Hey, remember me? I’m the brand that rocked your world.”

4. Consistent Visual Identity

Your brand’s visuals are like the clothes your brand wears. They express your identity without saying a word.

Take Coca-Cola. Their visuals? Bold, vibrant, and unmistakably Coca-Cola. You see that red and white, and boom, you know it’s them. They’ve etched their identity into our minds, one red can at a time.

Your brand’s visual identity is your style statement.

It’s what sets you apart in a crowd. It’s your signature style, and trust me, your audience is watching.

Whether it’s your color palette, your fonts or your imagery, consistency is key. It’s what takes your brand from recognizable to unforgettable.

5. Tell Your Brand Story

Alright, let’s move on to the good stuff — your brand story.

Stories aren’t just for kids, my friend. We all love a good tale, and your brand has one to tell.

Remember TOMS? They aren’t just about shoes — they’re about making a difference. For every pair you buy, they donate a pair. Now that’s a story that touches hearts, wouldn’t you agree?

Or take Grammarly. Their mission is to improve lives by improving communication. Grammarly’s story is about more than just correcting mistakes — it’s about transforming communication.

By making their tool accessible and easy to use, Grammarly has helped millions of people improve their writing.

From students drafting essays to professionals crafting emails and reports, Grammarly has made a significant impact on the quality of written communication worldwide.

Your brand story isn’t a sales pitch. It’s your journey, your purpose, your “why”. It’s the heart of your brand.

And when you share it, you don’t just create customers, you build relationships. 

So, dig deep. Find your story. Share your journey, your vision and your impact.

Let your brand be more than a product.

Let it be a narrative that resonates.

6. Embrace Imperfections

Now, let’s talk about imperfections.

Mistakes happen, but guess what? That’s okay.

Your imperfections? They’re not your weakness; they’re your strength.

Just ask Domino’s.

They admitted their pizza wasn’t great.

Bold move, right? But it worked.

Their “Our Pizza Sucks” campaign was a hit. They showed that they’re real, they’re honest and they’re human.

Or take Buffer, a social media management tool.

They openly share their company’s financials, salaries and even their failures.

For example, Buffer has blogged about the challenges they faced with their remote work model and how they addressed those issues. By embracing and openly discussing their imperfections, Buffer builds trust and authenticity with their users.

Your audience?

They’re not looking for perfect. They’re looking for real. Authentic. Transparent.

So, own your imperfections. Show the human side of your brand. It’s not about being flawless — it’s about being relatable.

7. Implement Surprise and Delight Tactics

Everyone loves a pleasant surprise, right? It’s like a dash of extra joy, a spark that lights up our day.

Sephora knows this all too well.

Their birthday gifts for loyalty members? That’s “surprise” done right. They don’t just sell products, they create experiences and delightful moments that stick.

Here at Live Your Message, we send a physical box of goodies to people who attend our virtual, business-building event, Live Your Message LIVE. Not only does this delight our customers, BUT each item is designed to help make the virtual event feel like they’re in the room with me.

Surprises aren’t just about gifts.

They’re about going the extra mile and exceeding expectations.

It’s about showing your customers that they’re not just customers; they’re special.

And when they feel special, they remember. That’s the power of surprise.

8. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Let’s dive into customer service.

It’s more than just being polite. It’s about making your customers feel like they’re the star of the show.

You’ve heard of Zappos, right? Their customer service is the stuff of legends.

Free shipping, free returns and agents who go the extra mile. But more than that, they make customers feel seen, heard and valued.

When you offer exceptional service, you’re not just resolving issues, you’re building relationships. You’re showing your customers that they’re not just numbers but people too.

And when people feel valued, they stick around. They become loyal. They become advocates. 

9. Engage with Social Media Influencers

Next up, influencers.

They’re the new celebs, the trendsetters, the ones who have the power to take your brand from hidden gem to must-have.

Take Daniel Wellington, for instance. They partnered with influencers, gifted them watches, and just like that, their brand was everywhere. Simple, yet genius.

When you engage with influencers, you’re not just promoting your brand…

You’re amplifying it.

You’re reaching audiences you might not have otherwise, and you’re doing it with a trusted voice. 

So, think about it…

Who are the influencers in your niche? How can you collaborate to create a win-win?

10. Create Branded Content

Okay, time to talk about branded content.

People think it’s about pushing your products, but that’s not it at all…

It’s about pulling your audience in, offering them value, and making them say, “Wow, this brand gets me.”

Look at Red Bull.

They don’t just sell energy drinks. They sell adrenaline, excitement and adventure.

From extreme sports events to heart-thumping music festivals, they create content that embodies their brand. And in doing so, they don’t just create customers — they create fans.

Or take HubSpot.

They provide valuable educational content on marketing, sales and customer service. Their blogs, videos and ebooks offer in-depth insights, tips and strategies for businesses.

By positioning themselves as an authority in inbound marketing, HubSpot attracts and engages a professional audience looking for actionable advice.

So, think about your audience. What do they love? What do they relate to? Create content around that. Educate, inspire and entertain.

Show your audience that you’re a brand that understands them.

11. Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)

Finally, let’s dive into user-generated content.

It’s like word-of-mouth but on steroids. It’s your customers sharing their experiences, and creating authentic, relatable content.

Remember Starbucks’ “Red Cup Contest”?

They invited users to share creative photos of their holiday cups. Simple, yet powerful. It created a wave of authentic engagement and painted the brand in a positive, festive light.

Or take Spotify’s “Wrapped”, their annual campaign that gives users a personalized summary of their listening habits over the past year. Spotify Wrapped includes detailed insights about the music, artists and podcasts that users have listened to the most. This campaign has become a highly anticipated event for Spotify users, offering a fun and engaging way to reflect on their year in music. And it also creates a ton of shareable content as users share across their social media channels.

So, think about how you can encourage UGC.

Maybe it’s a photo contest, a hashtag campaign, or a customer spotlight. The goal is to get your audience involved and to make them a part of your brand’s story.

And when that happens, they don’t just share your content…

They become your content.

Which Branding Ideas Resonate With You?

Think of your favorite brands and ask yourself…

“Why do I love this brand so much? What made them ‘stick’ in my mind?”

I’d love to hear your answers in a comment below!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post 10+ Great Branding Ideas to Help Your Business Stand Out (2024) appeared first on Live Your Message.

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How to Get More Views on YouTube: 14 Free, Easy Tips (2024) Wed, 28 Jun 2023 16:58:49 +0000 Ever felt like you’re shouting into a void on YouTube? Pouring heart and soul into videos, only to be greeted with cricket chirps instead of views? What if I told you there’s a way to get more views on YouTube, without spending a dime? Imagine seeing your view count climb, drawing in viewers who can’t ... Read more

The post How to Get More Views on YouTube: 14 Free, Easy Tips (2024) appeared first on Live Your Message.

Ever felt like you’re shouting into a void on YouTube?

Pouring heart and soul into videos, only to be greeted with cricket chirps instead of views?

What if I told you there’s a way to get more views on YouTube, without spending a dime? Imagine seeing your view count climb, drawing in viewers who can’t wait for your next upload.

Exciting, right?

In this post, I’m going to share 14 proven, actionable tips to amp up your views and turn your channel into a buzzing hive of activity.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Unleash the Power of ‘Watch Time’: Mastering YouTube’s Secret Algorithm

We’ve all been there.

You craft a fantastic video. Pour your heart and soul into it. Then, it sinks into the YouTube abyss. You’re left scratching your head, wondering where you went wrong.

The answer is simpler than you might think.

YouTube’s algorithm.

It’s like the Wizard of Oz, pulling the strings behind the curtain. But what metric does this wizard value most?

It’s ‘Watch Time’.

Imagine ‘Watch Time’ as a golden ticket. It’s your pass to the bustling YouTube visibility funfair. And here’s a truth bomb for you: The longer viewers linger on your video, the more YouTube’s algorithm boosts your content.

Forget about “How do I make a viral video?” It’s time to reframe the question. “How do I create a video people can’t click away from?” That’s the key.

What we’re talking about isn’t just capturing attention. It’s about holding onto it. Reeling viewers in, and then keeping them hooked. Not for a minute or two, but for the duration of your video.

The implications?

Your content needs to sizzle from start to finish. It needs to be so captivating, so intriguing, that viewers can’t resist.

That’s the power move that will skyrocket your ‘Watch Time’, and consequently, your views.

2. Craft Your Video Masterpiece: Command Attention with Compelling Content

Creating compelling content. Sounds daunting, doesn’t it?

But here’s the thing. It doesn’t have to be. You see, compelling doesn’t mean complex or extravagant. What it really means is connecting.

It’s all about understanding your audience. Tapping into their cravings. Serving up what they’re hungry for, on a silver platter. And believe me, they’ll eat it up.

You want to talk about the intricacies of underwater basket weaving? Go for it! You might be surprised at how many people dive in if you present it with passion and a hint of mystery.

That’s the secret. Stories, not lectures. Weave a tale so captivating that they can’t resist. Draw them into your world. Hold their attention captive. And they’ll stick around.

And remember this…

Your content doesn’t have to be Spielberg-worthy. It just needs to resonate with your viewers.

3. Magnetic Video Titles: Making SEO Your Best Friend

Ever thought about the power of your video titles?

They’re more than just labels. They’re movie billboards. They either entice people to flock to your cinematic masterpiece or drive them away.

So, why not put some serious thought into them? Why not sprinkle a bit of SEO magic?

Here’s the trick. The right keywords can turn your video into a superstar on Google’s search stage. “Beginner’s Guide to Paddle Board Yoga” sounds a lot more enticing than “My Paddle Boarding Adventures”. It’s specific, it’s informative, and it’s SEO gold.

It’s what people are searching for. So why not give them what they want?

Remember, your video title is the bait on the hook. Make it irresistible and they’ll bite. It’s your first shot at capturing attention. Make it count.

4. Thumbnail Magic: Stop Scrollers in Their Tracks

Let’s talk about your video thumbnails.

They’re more than just decorative additions. They’re the sizzle that sells the steak. The bright neon sign that screams, “Look at me!” amidst a sea of muted colors.

Consider this. If your video was a book, your thumbnail would be the cover. And let’s face it, people do judge a book by its cover. So, it stands to reason, they’ll judge your video by its thumbnail.

What does this mean for you?

Your thumbnail game needs to be strong. It needs to make potential viewers stop in their tracks. It needs to make them think, “I’ve got to watch this!”

So, get creative. A thumbnail with a smiling face, vibrant colors, and an intriguing title can turn potential viewers into definite watchers.

Ask yourself, “Would this thumbnail make me stop scrolling?” If the answer is yes, you’ve nailed it!

Check out MrBeast for some inspiration. 

5. Speak Their Language: The Underrated Power of Video Transcription

Video transcription. It’s the hidden gem of YouTube SEO. And it’s more powerful than you might think.

Transcribing your videos isn’t just about reaching the hearing impaired. It’s about reaching those viewers who can’t turn on the sound. Those who are in a silent setting, without headphones, but still want to consume your content.

Ever thought about that?

By transcribing your videos, you’re actually boosting your SEO ranking. Google loves text, and the more it has to work with, the better.

So, think about this…

A viewer is intrigued by your video, but they can’t turn on the sound. Game over, right? No, because thanks to your handy transcription, they can follow along silently.

That’ll give you an edge over most competitors.

6. The YouTube Trailer: Your Channel’s Red Carpet Premiere

Imagine your YouTube channel as a blockbuster movie.

What’s the one thing every blockbuster movie has? That’s right, a captivating trailer. It’s the tantalizing sneak peek that gets audiences hooked.

Your YouTube trailer is no different.

It’s your chance to strut down the red carpet. To tease your audience with the best bits from your channel. It’s an invitation to dive in and explore more.

So, how do you create an enticing trailer?

Showcase your best content.

Give viewers a taste of the excitement, knowledge or entertainment your channel offers. Make it short, make it snappy, and most importantly, make it irresistibly you.

Remember, your trailer is your channel’s first impression. Make it count. Would you want to miss out on a premiere that promises a thrilling ride? Of course not.

Roll out your red carpet and let your trailer do the talking.

7. Making Your Mark: Why Watermarks Aren’t Just For Dollar Bills

Let’s talk about watermarks.

Watermarks aren’t just for protecting banknotes or fancy stationery. They’re a powerful branding tool, a whisper of your identity imprinted on your video canvas.

Think about it. It’s subtle, it’s smart, and it’s oh-so-professional.

Your watermark is like an artist’s signature on a masterpiece. It tells viewers that this video is your creation. It’s your content, your voice, your story.

What’s more? It’s a sneakily effective way to promote your channel. When a viewer gets curious and hovers over your watermark, they’re offered a one-click path to subscribe. It’s a nifty little trick that works wonders!

So, why not leave your mark on your videos? Make them unmistakably yours with a watermark.

8. Sharing is Caring: The Power of Video Embedding

Ever wished your videos could hop around the internet, making guest appearances on different blogs and websites?

Well, they can! All thanks to video embedding.

When you enable embedding, you’re offering others a golden ticket to share your video. You’re making it easy for them to integrate your content into their blogs, websites and social media posts. And let’s be real…

The easier you make it, the more likely they are to share it.

9. From Viewers to Tribe: Building Strong Relationships

Ever been part of a tribe?

A community where you feel seen, heard and valued. It’s more than just a group of people. It’s a shared experience, a shared journey.

And here’s the thing.

Your YouTube viewers aren’t just viewers. They’re potential members of your tribe.

Imagine that! Each click, each view, is an opportunity for connection. A chance to build a relationship that goes beyond the screen.

So, how do you turn viewers into tribe members?


Engage with your audience in the comments section. Respond to their feedback, answer their questions and appreciate their support. Show them that you value their input and that you’re in this journey together.

Remember, relationships are a two-way street. The more you engage with your viewers, the more they engage with your content.

And what does that lead to? More views, more subscribers and a thriving YouTube tribe.

10. Motivate, Don’t Manipulate: Encouraging Subscriptions

Think about the last time you subscribed to a YouTube channel.

What prompted that click? Was it the compelling content? The engaging host? Or perhaps, it was a subtle nudge?

Asking for subscriptions is a tricky game.

It’s like trying to coax a shy cat out from under the sofa. You can’t be too forceful but a gentle persuasion could do the trick.

So how do you encourage your viewers to hit that subscribe button?


Show them the value of joining your YouTube family. Let them know what they’ll gain from it. More exciting content? Exclusive tips? A community of like-minded enthusiasts?

Don’t just ask for a subscription. Earn it. Prove to your viewers that subscribing to your channel is a choice they won’t regret.

And always remember, it’s about motivating, not manipulating. It’s about inspiring, not pressuring.

The best relationships are built on trust and respect.

11. The YouTube Binge: Creating Playlists that Hook Viewers

Ever found yourself lost in the YouTube rabbit hole?

One video leads to another, and before you know it, you’ve spent hours watching content that you didn’t even realize you were interested in.

That’s the power of a well-curated playlist.

Think of it like serving up a feast. Your videos are the delectable courses and your playlist is the mouth-watering menu. A menu that leaves viewers wanting to taste everything.

So, how do you create a playlist that hooks viewers?


Group related videos together. Guide your viewers through a journey of your content. Offer them a logical progression that keeps them hooked from start to finish.

Because when one video ends, the next one is waiting in the wings, ready to take the stage.

And just like that, your viewer is hooked. They’re binging on your content, feasting on your wisdom and savoring your storytelling.

12. Cross-Promotion Power: Leveraging End Screens and Cards

Picture this.

You’ve just watched a riveting video. As the final scene fades, you’re left wanting more. What’s next? Where do you go from here?

Enter end screens and cards.

Think of them as your video’s encore. They pop up at the end or during your video, guiding your viewers towards more of your content.

It’s like a helpful tour guide saying, “If you loved this, you’re going to adore that.”

So, how do you use these powerful tools?


Promote relevant videos or playlists. Guide your viewers to the next logical step in their content journey. Create a seamless transition that keeps them engaged, keeps them watching, and keeps them hooked on your channel.

Remember, every end is a new beginning.

And with the power of end screens and cards, it’s a beginning that leads viewers deeper into your content.

13. Sharing the Love: Promote Your Videos on Social Media

Ever been at a party, sitting quietly in a corner?

Well, promoting your YouTube videos on other social media channels is like walking up to the middle of the dance floor and showing off your moves. You’re grabbing attention, you’re making connections, you’re starting conversations.

Why limit your video to just YouTube? Share it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Embed it in your blog posts and include it in your newsletters.

Each share is a potential gateway for new viewers to discover your channel. It’s a chance for your existing audience to engage and share your content within their circles.

So go on, be brave.

Take your video by the hand and lead it to the dance floor. You’ve got the moves, it’s time to show them off.

14. All in the Timing: Publishing at the Right Moment

Picture this.

You’ve just baked a batch of the most delicious cookies. They’re warm, they’re chocolatey, they’re irresistible. But it’s 2am and everyone’s asleep. No one gets to taste your scrumptious creation. That’s a shame, isn’t it?

Timing matters.

Whether it’s delivering a punchline or publishing a YouTube video, the right timing can make a world of difference. If you post your video when your audience is most active, you’re likely to catch them at their most receptive.

Figure out your audience’s habits. Are they night owls, scrolling through videos at the crack of dawn? Or are they early birds, consuming content with their morning coffee?

Identify the pattern, and use it to your advantage. Publish your videos at the right time, and watch your views soar.

Ready to Get More Views on YouTube?

Which of the above tips are you already using?

Which ones are you going to implement TODAY?

Let me know in a comment below!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post How to Get More Views on YouTube: 14 Free, Easy Tips (2024) appeared first on Live Your Message.

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How to Turn Up the Urgency Dial so Your Clients and Customers Buy From You Without Thinking Twice Tue, 16 May 2023 23:02:59 +0000 So you might have heard of something called FOMO… it’s an acronym for the Fear of Missing Out. And when you’re trying to create urgency that drives someone to pull out their wallet and buy from you right NOW — not sometime in the fairy tale future — FOMO is your best friend 🙂 So ... Read more

The post How to Turn Up the Urgency Dial so Your Clients and Customers Buy From You Without Thinking Twice appeared first on Live Your Message.

So you might have heard of something called FOMO… it’s an acronym for the Fear of Missing Out.

And when you’re trying to create urgency that drives someone to pull out their wallet and buy from you right NOW — not sometime in the fairy tale future — FOMO is your best friend 🙂

So if you’ve been in sales conversations or sales calls lately or if you’ve been trying to sell on a social media platform and you keep hearing and seeing things like:

  • I need to think about it.
  • I’ve got to ask my partner.
  • Let me do some research and get back to you.
  • Can I have a few days to make up my mind?

Then chances are you’re not creating enough urgency or FOMO.

They Can’t Stop Thinking About Those Bad Apples

We’re all busy and life just seems to get busier all-the-time.

So it takes a huge investment for someone to drop what they’re doing and focus on your product… 

And I’m not just talking about money.

It’s also an investment of energy and time and when someone is thinking of committing those things to you and your product, they really want to be sure that — when they do the work — they’ll get the results they’re looking for.

So here’s the tricky part…

Most people like to delay their decision around purchasing something or signing up for something.

And it’s because they’ve had experiences where they’ve invested in a program or course or service and it turned out to be a bad apple.

Basically, they ended up with buyer’s remorse and they want to avoid going through that again at all costs.

So what’s happening is that every single one of your potential clients and customers are looking at your offer through the lens of everything they’ve bought in the past

All those buying decisions where they said yes, when they should have said no.

According to the American Psychological Association most people are procrastinators and a full 20% of all humans are chronic procrastinators.

This means most of us procrastinate on making ANY decision at all because we’re afraid of making the wrong decision!

And it’s why you MUST create urgency around your offers and services if you want people to make a decision and commit to you and your product.

What Happens When They Take Action… And When They Don’t

Now that you know creating urgency is critical, you need to understand that not all urgency is created equally.

There’s actual 2 different kinds of urgency in marketing — real urgency and manufactured urgency

So real urgency is why it’s important for someone to take action right now in their life and that’s done through 2 things:

  1. ROI and that’s the Return on Investment of your product
  2. COI and that’s the Cost of Inaction

So the ROI is what they get out of the product, what they’re going to be, do, feel, have, overcome or achieve.

And that has to be much bigger — ideally 10x bigger — than all the investment of money, time and energy that they’re going to put in.

So your promise has to draw your prospects forward and that’s simply about making a great offer. 

Now, the other part of real urgency is COI, the Cost of Inaction and this is basically the cost of waiting and it’s going to be something they don’t want to happen. 

So, for example, with my program, the Experience Product Masterclass, I make a promise, which is that I’m going to teach people to design, launch and profit from an Experience Product in 12 weeks or less, so they can get off the marketing treadmill, make sales and have a bigger impact.

But I don’t stop there… 

I also talk about the Cost of Inaction and what’s going to happen if they wait which is they’re not going to have great sales, a successful business and happy, satisfied clients and customers.

And this applies whether I’m talking to someone who’s never created a product before, or they’ve got a product that’s not selling the way they want it to or they have a successful product that they just want to make that much more successful.

You Only Have 24 Hours to Get This…

When most people think of urgency, they immediately think of manufactured urgency. 

Now, this is when you see things like countdown timers and ticking clocks on sales pages.

And it’s not just ticking for the end of the opportunity to buy, It might be ticking for an early bird bonus…

You only have 24 hours left to buy this. 

If you buy this right now, you get this bonus or that bonus.

These are all the ways you can manufacture urgency by creating scarcity, a deadline or limited availability.

So both types of urgency are important — real and manufactured — and you want to include urgency in everything that you do. 

I’ve done webinars where I forgot about urgency and I sold way less — like less than 50% less — of what I sold on webinars where there was urgency.

People just thought, “I’m going to buy that later” and they never did!

So it’s super important for you to understand how to create both real and manufactured urgency because people will say yes when they have FOMO, and when the pull to buy is much stronger than the potential for buyer’s remorse or making the wrong decision. 

It’s the difference between seeing hardly any sales or having to wait until the very last minute to see sales come through. 

And you don’t want to be in that feast and famine cycle or psychologically wondering where the next sale is going to come from. 

You want to have the ability and the skills to make sales on demand, and that, my friend, will completely crack open your business and help you reach the next level of income and impact. 

But with how fast everything is changing in the online space… just starting or taking any type of action to start and grow your online business can seem daunting. 

And over my nearly 12 years in the online world, I’ve seen far too many entrepreneurs with great ideas stall out. 

How are you going to create real urgency or manufactured urgency for your next product or service? Let me know in the comments… I read and reply to each one.

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post How to Turn Up the Urgency Dial so Your Clients and Customers Buy From You Without Thinking Twice appeared first on Live Your Message.

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10 Great YouTube Alternatives for Content Creators in 2023 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 18:48:38 +0000 Looking for YouTube alternatives? Platforms for creatives to share their passion and message with the world (and maybe even profit from it)? Spaces where users can find entertainment, inspiration, information and community (or at least two or more of these things)? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, I’m going to ... Read more

The post 10 Great YouTube Alternatives for Content Creators in 2023 appeared first on Live Your Message.

Looking for YouTube alternatives?

Platforms for creatives to share their passion and message with the world (and maybe even profit from it)?

Spaces where users can find entertainment, inspiration, information and community (or at least two or more of these things)?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this post, I’m going to share with you 10 of the top YouTube alternatives vying for your attention in 2023. 

Let’s jump right in.

1. Facebook Watch

Facebook Watch gathers trending videos uploaded and shared to Facebook under one tab. 

It curates video suggestions based on likes, follows and viewing history. Then it displays each video in the Watch feed for you to view or scroll through. 

Pros of Facebook Watch

  • Facebook has more active users than YouTube, where you can view content without an account. 
  • You can host and view live video streams and watch parties.
  • Videos are curated by category or trending hashtag.
  • The offerings include music videos and original shows.
  • Users can upload videos of up to 10 GB (4 hours).

Cons of Facebook Watch

  • Content creators can only monetize their videos through ads.
  • The Facebook Watch feed is much more difficult to customize than the News feed or your homepage feed. 
  • There are no advanced search filters. 

Who Should Use Facebook Watch

Facebook users interested in trending news or viral videos should consider exploring Watch.  It’s also an efficient option for marketers with cross-channel strategies (social media, videos, ads). 

Only videos posted by a page with at least 5,000 or a verified profile with at least 50,000 followers can appear in Watch. 

2. Instagram

Instagram is positioning itself as a legit YouTube alternative, not just a photo-sharing and social media site. 

It hosts videos, Reels, Stories and live streams, providing content creators with tools to make dynamic content and earn money. 

Last Fall, Instagram TV (IG TV) and in-feed videos combined to form Instagram Videos, further enhancing the viewer experience. 

Pros of Instagram

  • Discover, watch and engage with videos straight from your feed.
  • Record, edit and post content in a streamlined process.
  • Watch videos in full-screen, mobile-optimized vertical format. 
  • Upload videos of up to 3.6 GB (1 hour), create Reels up to 90 seconds long, and stream for up to 4 hours.
  • Monetize all your video content.

Cons of Instagram

  • You can’t search or customize Instagram Videos, so the videos you scroll through are entirely random and unrelated.
  • Some monetization programs are still in the pilot/testing phase.

Who Should Use Instagram

Content creators, influencers and marketers can showcase their brands on Instagram. Any user who loves watching or making high-quality visual content will also love using it. 

3. Open Video Project

Open Video Project is a digital library of educational videos. You’ll find everything from historical footage and scholarly material to skits and TV spots. 

This archive of research videos is more of a study hub than an entertainment hub.

Pros of Open Video Project

  • Use advanced search options and filters.
  • Discover unique historical, educational and humanities content.
  • Watch or download videos for free without an account. 

Cons of Open Video Project

  • They have lower-quality videos.
  • There is no built-in community.
  • Users cannot upload content, and they are currently not accepting new submissions.

Who Should Use Open Video Project

Anyone conducting related research for work, an assignment or a project may find value in this video site. Someone passionate about this content should also check out the site.  

4. Dailymotion

Dailymotion is one of YouTube’s most significant competitors and most notable alternatives. It features staff-picked videos in different categories from professional publishers across the internet. 

It also offers video hosting and live stream solutions for businesses with remote or hybrid teams. 

Pros of Dailymotion

  • Embed the customizable and feature-rich video player on your websites and integrate it across devices.
  • Use marketing and analytics tools for advertising. 
  • Monetize your videos or website with Partner solutions.
  • Take advantage of less competition compared to YouTube.
  • Enjoy unlimited free video uploads.

Cons of Dailymotion

  • Viewers can’t comment on videos.
  • All videos have ads.
  • Videos have a 4 GB (60 min) limit.

Who Should Use Dailymotion

Dailymotion serves publishers, advertisers, businesses and consumers alike. 

This YouTube alternative website is great for brands with a smaller fan base not yet established on YouTube. They can expand their audience easier because they have less competition. 

5. DTube

Mimicking YouTube’s layout almost exactly, DTube is basically a smaller, more independent version. Users upload and share videos via blockchain rather than a centralized server.

Since DTube is “self-governed,” the user base manages the site and elects leaders to format it. 

Pros of DTube

  • Browse by categories (new videos, hot videos, trending videos and trending tags).
  • Earn cryptocurrency from your videos, which display the amount of crypto earned rather than the number of views.
  • Experience fewer video interruptions and outages.
  • Enjoy greater privacy and security as a video creator or viewer.
  • Post freely without censorship.

Cons of DTube

  • Inappropriate content can’t be reported, blocked, hidden or deleted since there’s no censorship.
  • You can only upload 1 GB of video.
  • A smaller user base means less reach.

Who Should Use DTube

Users looking into decentralized video sites for security, privacy and video quality purposes should check out DTube. Free-speech enthusiasts will want to give this video-sharing platform a whirl as well. 

A content creator wanting to avoid censorship who doesn’t mind not earning money on DTube may also want to look into it.

6. Vimeo

Vimeo is a video hosting platform for brands and content creators. It offers some TV series, but it mainly features content uploaded by artists and filmmakers. 

Vimeo also provides solutions for virtual teams and video marketing professionals.

Pros of Vimeo

  • You’ll find a tight-knit community of passionate, professional content creators.
  • The features page displays staff picks and new short films.
  • You can employ various methods of earning money from your videos.
  • Marketers can leverage video marketing and analytics tools.
  • Teams can communicate and collaborate via team features.

Cons of Vimeo

  • The free Vimeo Basic plan is extremely limited in features and only allows a 500 MB video limit for free users.
  • Only users with Vimeo Pro or a higher plan can sell or monetize their videos.

Who Should Use Vimeo

Studios and content creators can showcase their videos for Vimeo’s niche-focused user base and gain exposure. Artists looking for work can also use this video platform as their portfolio. 

Marketers and businesses with virtual or hybrid teams should try out Vimeo’s advanced solutions.

7. Twitter Video

With Twitter Video, you can watch videos straight from your feed. You can also search for a topic, figure or hashtag and then click the video tab to see all related videos in a feed.  

As a platform with “short and snappy” messaging and tight character limits on tweets, they only support short videos of 140 seconds max. 

Pros of Twitter Video

  • Leverage live streaming options.
  • Like, comment, retweet and share videos within a highly active and engaged community.
  • Use advanced search and filters.
  • Enjoy a feed of watchable videos rather than a list of video thumbnails from search results. 

Cons of Twitter Video

  • Videos are limited to 140 seconds.
  • There is no way to monetize video content.

Who Should Use Twitter Video

If you’re looking for a quick, painless watch-and-scroll video experience, Twitter Video’s the platform for you. 

8. The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is similar to Open Video Project because it’s a digital library. It differs because it’s an archive of ALL types of web content (books, audio, video, images, software, documents, web pages). 

It also differs from Open Video Project because it houses varying types and genres of current and older videos.

Pros of The Internet Archive

  • Discover content in various styles and genres.
  • Download videos for free.
  • Use advanced search and filters.
  • Upload content with a free account.
  • Find rare and obscure videos that are difficult to find elsewhere.

Cons of The Internet Archive

  • You can’t monetize the videos you upload. 
  • There’s not much activity in the forums.

Who Should Use The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is the perfect place to search for specific footage, films, or episodes of tv shows you can’t find elsewhere. If you possess such content, you can share it with the world here. 

9. 9GAG (Formerly 9GAG TV)

9GAG curates trending and viral videos in a Reddit-esque, Twitter-esque format. The content on 9GAG is humorous, engaging, entertaining and doesn’t take itself too seriously. 

Find fun, shareable content such as videos, clips, gifs and memes to post on social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter.

Pros of 9GAG

  • Upload and view short videos.
  • Use social media share buttons to quickly post videos to your social pages.
  • Browse through a variety of categories.

Cons of 9GAG

  • Uncensored content may leak into your search results.
  • There are no earning opportunities for uploaded content. 

Who Should Use 9GAG

If you’re creating or seeking content purely for laughs and entertainment value, then 9GAG is your go-to video-sharing platform. 

It’s also great for influencers and marketers trying to build relationships with their audiences. Occasionally posting funny videos to your social media can encourage engagement and show a brand’s personality.

10. Twitch

Twitch is best known as THE place to stream video games, connect with other players worldwide, and interact with the gaming community. 

While gaming videos make up much of the content, this video streaming platform hosts almost every kind of stream. 

Popular streams include sports, podcasts, concerts, events, performances, demonstrations, tutorials, tours and vlogs. 

Pros of Twitch

  • Browse content by category, tag or video game title.
  • Follow your favorite channels and receive notifications when streams begin.
  • Watch live streams, past broadcasts and highlight clips for free without an account.
  • Connect with a highly-active and engaged community.
  • Monetize your streams and channel.

Cons of Twitch

  • You can’t perform an advanced search or apply search filters.
  • There’s some inappropriate content.

Who Should Use Twitch

Gamers and gaming enthusiasts love Twitch. But anyone interested in watching live stream content will enjoy exploring this platform.

And anyone who wants to share their passion with a highly engaged, like-minded global audience should try Twitch.   

Which Alternative to YouTube is Your Favorite?

After all, the best YouTube alternatives for you are the ones that best match how you use YouTube.

Have you tried any of the YouTube alternatives mentioned?

Do you have a favorite, on or off the list?

Let me know in the comments below!

Before you go…

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