The Experience Formula Archives - Live Your Message Be the Superhero to Your Tribe™ Tue, 07 May 2024 19:10:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 224367331 How to Fight Loneliness and Feel Genuinely Connected, Supported and Loved While Working From Home All Day Thu, 02 Apr 2020 23:46:52 +0000 Ever since the internet became a thing, people have fantasized about doing virtual work or running a business online… And for the longest time this dream was mostly about having more freedom. No more  “punching” in at the office 5 days a week. No more mindless meetings. No more feeling like you’re chained to a ... Read more

The post How to Fight Loneliness and Feel Genuinely Connected, Supported and Loved While Working From Home All Day appeared first on Live Your Message.

Ever since the internet became a thing, people have fantasized about doing virtual work or running a business online…

And for the longest time this dream was mostly about having more freedom.

No more  “punching” in at the office 5 days a week. No more mindless meetings. No more feeling like you’re chained to a desk, 8 hours a day.

But here’s the thing…

The world has changed a LOT in the past few weeks. So many of our social structures — the things we took for granted, the things we never imagined would change —  are transforming, crumbling and falling, right in front of us.

Social distancing is our new reality — at least for the foreseeable future — and it’s suddenly SUPER important to know exactly what it takes to run a successful online business or get paid to do some kind of virtual work from home.

I’ve been running an online business and working from home for going on 9 years now and I’m here to tell you that there are days that are beyond AWESOME… and there days when I wish I could throw in the towel!

And in today’s post I’m pulling back the curtain on exactly what it takes to successfully navigate this new world of work where a lot of people are being forced to “go virtual”…

A world where so many people are suddenly finding themselves alone, and stuck behind a computer all day every day. 

The Chilling Truth About Our Reality

To this day my mom still asks me, “So what do you do again, Marisa?”

And my Dad sends me articles about cybersecurity because he believes it would be a great online program for me to create (since I work with “the internet” :-))

Don’t get me wrong…

I love that my mom and dad are interested in what I do and I love that they’re showing their support but the bottom line is they don’t have a clue about what I really do for a living!

Here’s the thing…

What we do as entrepreneurs is a big part of who we are but the online world is still pretty much unfathomable to a lot of people.

And when we feel we can’t talk about what we do to the people we love, and the people around us, it can trigger feelings of deep loneliness and isolation.

Eric Pickersgill’s “Removed” photo series

I recently came across Eric Pickersgill’s “Removed” photo series, which was published on Quartz and it shows people staring at their hands, where their phones are supposed to be.

The result is a sequence of creepy “zombie-like” images of people vacantly looking out into nothing, missing out on opportunities to connect and have real world conversations and relationships.

And it’s a chilling depiction of our reality today. It highlights just how disconnected we are in general and it got me to reflect on how isolated we can feel when so many of our interactions take place online.

But then I thought…

What if being a successful online entrepreneur isn’t a trade off? 

What if you don’t have to choose between freedom and connection?

What if you could combine and meld your experiences in a way that significantly reduces — or even dissolves — isolation and loneliness? 

Being Alone Vs Feeling Lonely

For most of us, doing work online means a lot of time — literally — being on our own.

But here’s the thing…

Being alone is not the same thing as feeling lonely.

You could feel lonely or feel like you don’t belong even when you’re in a room full of people.

And that’s why I happen to think combating loneliness as an entrepreneur isn’t just about joining a club or doing Tequila shots with friends at your neighborhood bar every Friday night 🙂 

It’s not about doing something — anything — just so you’re not physically by yourself.

I personally found relief from loneliness and isolation when I stopped filling my time with random real world activities and consciously made an internal shift around HOW I approach my work here at Live Your Message.

I realized my work and everything I do is for my tribe, my community, my people.

I realized that even though I’m often alone here on my side of the screen, there are thousands of people who find value and meaning in what I do.

There are thousands of people who love me and my work and so I’m never alone and never lonely… not really.

And if you’re feeling lonely right now, if you’re feeling isolated, I recommend that you start to shift your thinking…

Know that you can form real relationships with your audience, your tribe and your community.

Know that you’re connected to your subscribers, students, clients and customers. 

And when you create marketing campaigns, design your programs, record your videos or write your blog posts, focus on the people you’re serving and think about how you’re making a difference in their lives.

And, like me, you just might realize that you’re not as lonely as you thought you were. 

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Having said that…

Know that just because you’re virtually connected to hundreds or thousands of people online doesn’t mean you get to skip real world relationships altogether! 

We are not built to have zero human contact.

There’s simply no substitute for human connection and human interaction, and it’s why solitary confinement is considered cruel and unusual punishment in the prison system.

So it’s good to connect and build relationships in the real world (and in light of what’s going on with the Covid-19 situation right now, it goes without saying that we need to proceed with caution, conscious consideration and a deep sense of responsibility).

This afternoon my husband Murray and I are going to go on what we’re calling a “10′ distancing hike” with our friends Adam and Mariella to get in a little social time while maintaining distancing.My friend Eben Pagan says that the term “social distancing” is super dangerous and what we’re really doing is “physical distancing and social intimacy.” 

It might seem obvious but it needs to be said…

Your business is not your boyfriend or your girlfriend.

Your business is not your partner.

Your business is not your best friend. 

Your business cannot — and must not — be your everything.

But I want you to know this and I want you to make this intentional, internal shift… 

When you’re all by yourself, tapping on your keyboard, your tribe online is just as real as your tribe offline. When you consciously connect with them in your heart and mind as you do the work to serve them at the highest level, you’ll never feel lonely again. 

And if you’re looking to find a tribe that fully supports you and helps you build unstoppable momentum in your business and life…

Our team of expert concierge coaches are standing by to help you do just that! Since 2015 we’ve worked closely with hundreds of students in our Momentum program who all wanted the deepest possible support to avoid the usual mistakes and accelerate their entrepreneurial journey.

Will you be next? Book your discovery call today.

Over to you…

Ever struggled with loneliness as an online business owner?

Share your thoughts and stories in the comments. We’re all part of the Live Your Message tribe so let’s connect and share the love 🙂

The post How to Fight Loneliness and Feel Genuinely Connected, Supported and Loved While Working From Home All Day appeared first on Live Your Message.

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Faith Over Fear: How to Rise, Survive & Thrive in a World That’s Changing Fast Sat, 21 Mar 2020 22:45:38 +0000 I walked out onstage and I could almost taste it… the bitter disappointment of seeing so many empty seats in the room.  I wanted to turn back. I wanted to sit and cry. I wanted to go home and hide under the covers. Anything but be there on that stage in that moment. But every ... Read more

The post Faith Over Fear: How to Rise, Survive & Thrive in a World That’s Changing Fast appeared first on Live Your Message.

I walked out onstage and I could almost taste it… the bitter disappointment of seeing so many empty seats in the room. 

I wanted to turn back. I wanted to sit and cry. I wanted to go home and hide under the covers.

Anything but be there on that stage in that moment.

But every single person in the room was counting on me.

And I couldn’t — I wouldn’t — let them down. 

Live Your Message LIVE had to go on and not just because it’s a major live event for our company but because we’d put SO much into it.

The whole team at Live Your Message had gone above and beyond anything we’d ever done before.

We were better prepared in terms of performance, content and coaching and our marketing had paid off BIG time.

As a result, we had sold more tickets than ever before — 650 total.

I’d been looking forward to getting on that stage and giving it my ALL. I knew I could deliver massive value — more than 10x the ticket price.

And I was beyond happy, beyond excited to do what I do best — teach people how to start and grow a business that feels good. A successful, profitable business that’s an expression of who they truly are and how they want to show up in the world.

And our participants were excited too. Many of them were flying in from all over the world and it was all going exactly as we’d planned.

Then, disaster struck. 

The Coronavirus outbreak started to gain momentum and the Governor of California declared a state of emergency on March 5th — literally 1 day before our event.

In just a few hours, almost 50% of our participants, cancelled…

And I was on an emotional roller coaster with no end in sight. 

3 Minutes of Pure Magic

Don’t get me wrong. I was super grateful that we didn’t have to cancel and that our company isn’t in any kind of financial jeopardy.

But I was also deeply worried, anxious and concerned for everyone’s safety.

And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake off that bitter taste of disappointment at the back of my throat.

It felt like everything we’d done — all the hard work, hundreds of hours of planning and executing not to mention the investment we’d put into making this year’s Live Your Message LIVE the best ever — was going down the drain.

But then I stepped onstage on the morning of Day 1 and something magical happened.

Every single person in the audience — all 350 of them — stood up to give me a standing ovation.

They clapped and cheered for 3 full minutes and I didn’t know how to react!

My mind started going berserk and I remember thinking, “I haven’t done anything and I haven’t said a word yet. Why are they clapping like that?”

And then it hit me… 

They were applauding me who I was being, not what I was doing. 

And for the very first time, on that stage as I listened to the applause go on and on, awkwardly trying to receive the love that was being directed toward me, the lesson that I’ve been trying to fully absorb and embrace pretty much my entire life, finally landed…

Who I am and what I stand for is WAY more important and more valuable than anything I could ever do or say. 

Beyond Anything I Could Have Imagined…

I went on to give the performance of a lifetime that weekend.

And the energy, courage and inner strength to give my tribe everything I had to give even through the disappointment, worry and anxiety…

It started in those first few magical minutes, on that first day when I felt so appreciated and so loved for who I am as a human being.

It made me see that more than anything else, people need me to be me and so I practiced staying in my heart and connecting with them from the heart…

And the response was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Despite everything that happened, we made a massive impact on everyone who chose faith over fear and walked into that room, which led to well over 7-figures in sales of our flagship mentorship program. 

And what I realized from that experience is that it’s always possible to create a “micro-environment” of hope, opportunity and deep interconnectedness no matter what’s going on in the world..

And when you’re fully present, on purpose and aligned, your students, clients and customers… 

Will see you, value you and flock to you.

Seeing the Gifts in The Viralapocalypse

The truth is that the whole world is kinda upside down right now and many of us are feeling more unsteady, more uncertain and yes —  more fearful — than we ever have before.

Personally, I’ve seen a whole month of major speaking engagements and appointments disappear, just like that.

But I’m also seeing the gifts in this crisis I’m affectionately calling the “viralapocalypse”…

The gifts of time, space and perspective.

And each of these gifts is beyond priceless because right now, as the world pauses to gather resources and overcome this…

Everything that isn’t truly important is just falling away.

And now’s the time to ask some critical — potentially game-changing — questions.

Questions like:

What do I really want in my life and in my business?

Is who I’m being who I truly want to be?

Am I being deeply nurtured by my work or is it exhausting me?

Am I 100% aligned with what I do or is there a pivot on the horizon?

I call these “shadow questions” because they’re always there at the back of our minds and we’re good at ignoring them when we’re busy and hustling and life feels… full.

And frankly, it’s because most of us are afraid of the answers.

But I’m seeing this as a time to reflect on what we really want so we can finally let go of all the extras…

The things we don’t really care about, the things that keep us overwhelmed and confused and stuck in an endless cycle of frantic busyness.

In a way, it’s like we’re returning to simple… returning to what truly matters in life. And business. 

So, I recommend that you take a deep breath and answer those questions and I encourage you to be brutally honest with yourself.

Because when all of this is over, when everything is said and done, I know a LOT will change but something will remain the way it’s always been…

People are drawn to people who are 100% aligned with who they’re being in the world.

People feel connected to people who are 100% aligned with their values, and what they stand for.

And right now what I stand for in this moment is choosing faith over fear. Creating a contagion of strength, resilience and courage…

Cause, as I learned in that room when 350 people stood up to clap and cheer and show their love and appreciation before I said a single word…

All that really matters right now is being fully present, aligned with who you are and letting your heart guide you.

All that matters is you staying in the room, no matter what.

I’ve come to see now more than ever that life is a gift meant to be enjoyed. Not something to be endured or suffered through, but truly deeply enjoyed.

The post Faith Over Fear: How to Rise, Survive & Thrive in a World That’s Changing Fast appeared first on Live Your Message.

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Radical Self-Expression Part 1: How to Harness the Power of YOU to Build a Thriving Business in a Wildly Unpredictable Marketplace Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:00:44 +0000 So much of what worked in online marketing, sales and communication is now officially dead (check out my recent post to find out what’s working now) and people are scrambling to figure out their next move.  A lot of entrepreneurs are beyond frustrated because it feels like no matter what they do — no matter ... Read more

The post Radical Self-Expression Part 1: How to Harness the Power of YOU to Build a Thriving Business in a Wildly Unpredictable Marketplace appeared first on Live Your Message.

So much of what worked in online marketing, sales and communication is now officially dead (check out my recent post to find out what’s working now) and people are scrambling to figure out their next move.

 A lot of entrepreneurs are beyond frustrated because it feels like no matter what they do — no matter how much time, money  and energy they invest in sales and marketing and website optimization and all the rest — they just can’t seem to move the needle in their business.

And that’s not all…

The market is overcrowded, overloaded and overflowing with low quality products and audiences are increasingly frustrated and burned out.

They can’t tell the difference between entrepreneurs who are offering real, deep value and those who don’t have a clue what they’re doing… so they’re not clicking on that “buy” button like they used to.

 Some business owners are even saying it’s the end of the online world as we know it and it’s time to pack up and get a 9 to 5 job (if you can find one!) 

But that’s not how I see it.

This isn’t the end… 

It’s a new beginning.

It’s the start of an exciting new era where we’re moving into the age of real

The age of truth, honesty and integrity…

The age of what I like to call radical self-expression.

And I’m passionate about this because I know it’s the only reliable way to build a successful business in today’s wildly unpredictable marketplace.

So over the next 3 blog posts, I’ll be taking you deep into the unlimited power of radical self-expression…

Because if you don’t take the time to discover and tap into your own radical self-expression you’re going to find yourself lost, left-behind… 

And out of business.

Are You Having Fun?

It was 1999 and I was an intern at the World Paper.

Back then, I was thinking of studying journalism but I was up against a pretty big problem… I couldn’t write an interesting article to save my life!

Everything I wrote was a total snooze fest and for a long time I couldn’t figure out why.

I was being a “good journalist” and following every rule, word for word. I kept trying to “dumb it down” for the readers, “kiss the lead” and make sure I didn’t share an opinion (aka be totally neutral) but none of it worked and my stories fell flat.

Then one day, my editor at the paper asked a simple, powerful question…

“Marisa, are you having fun?”

And that’s when it hit me… I wasn’t having fun. Not even a little bit.

So I threw out the rule book and made it my mission to have as much fun as possible by being myself on the page…

And I’m happy to say that the editorial I wrote received a ton of engagement from readers.

I didn’t see it then but I was practicing radical self-expression…

And it’s the ONLY reason why my words came to life, jumped off the page, grabbed people’s attention…

And didn’t let go!

What Makes You Tick & What Ticks You Off

In a world where everyone’s talking about the same thing the same way and people are fed-up with overused marketing and sales messages…

Radical self-expression shines like a diamond in the dust.

It lets you stand out, be seen and heard by all the right people and it’s based on a simple, unbreakable rule… 

Be yourself or be ignored.

Radical self-expression is basically about showing up as yourself no matter how boring, how different or how crazy you think you are 🙂

It’s about letting people know what makes you tick and what ticks you off and it’s the secret sauce to building a loving, loyal customer base of people who are happy to buy everything you put out there because YOU made it.

So here’s the thing…

Only you can give yourself permission to practice radical self-expression…

Only you can step up, speak up and allow yourself to be who you truly are in your business and not a weak imitation of someone else.

So if you’ve been hiding in the shadows, it’s time to step out and embrace radical self-expression because the world needs you to be YOU…

We need every single authentic voice we can get because authenticity breeds curiosity, creativity and growth… 

The stuff that leads to world-changing — world-saving — ideas and innovations.

Exercises in Radical Self-Expression 

So you might be thinking, “Radical self-expression sounds great and all Marisa, but what do I do? How do I work with it?”

First thing’s first… be patient with yourself.

Like anything worth doing, radical self-expression takes time and practice… and yes it’s a LOT easier said than done!

So here’s what I want you to do… 

Start by practicing radical self-expression with these 3 exercises.

Each one is guaranteed to stretch you out of your comfort zone, build your courage and help you stay resilient in the face of judgment and criticism. 

The more you work with these exercises, the stronger you’ll feel and the better you’ll get at being YOU in your business so you can easily stand out from the crowd, attract all the right clients and customers and build a successful business no matter what else is going on in the marketplace. 

And it’s going to feel scary but I promise it’s worth it!

Exercise #1 

Think of a song you like… preferably something that’s easy and fun to sing (even Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star will work :-)) .

Next go to a public place. This could be the middle of the street outside your home, the neighbourhood park or your local Starbucks

Now start singing your song as loudly as you can… and don’t stop no matter what happens!

I want you to try this even if you think you can’t sing…

And your mission — should you choose to accept it (and I hope you do!) — is to complete this exercise sometime in the next 72 hours…

Bonus points if you do it in the next 24 🙂

Take it up a notch: Sing your heart out in a crowded elevator (billionaire inventor of Spanx, Sara Blakely does this whenever she wants an extra large shot of brave)

Exercise #2

This one’s a personal favorite 🙂 

When someone asks how you’re doing, resist knee-jerk responses like “I’m great” or “I’m just fine” or “I’m doing good.”

Instead, take a moment to reflect on how you really feel before you reply. Aim to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth… 

And be 100% honest.

So we actually did something like this at a dinner party a few nights ago with my dear friend Sage Lavine and the question at the table was…

What’s your biggest personal edge?

Sage went first and she talked so deeply and so honestly about the edges in both her business and her relationship that she inspired the rest of us.

It cracked open everyone else’s shares after that and brought us all so much closer together…

And that’s what radical self-expression does.

It brings you closer to the people in your life and business, it allows you to be who you truly are…

And it gives others permission to do the same

Take it up a notch: When you get the “how are you doing” question, avoid one-word answers… keep talking for at least a minute or two!

Exercise #3 

Word of warning: this next exercise is a great way to grow your “radical self-expression muscle” but don’t attempt it until you’ve built up some resilience with the first 2 exercises.

This exercise is about sharing one of your deepest, darkest secrets with a friend or family member — someone you know and trust — and here’s the deal…

I want you to go all out. Pour your heart out and don’t hold back. 

So my husband Murray and I had “a dark secret” moment recently where he shared something I didn’t know about after 7 years of marriage. 

I asked him what his most embarrassing moment was as a child and it broke my heart when he told me that his deepest childhood embarrassment wasn’t a specific situation or experience…

He was embarassed about who he was.

He didn’t like his name or what he looked like — he had to wear glasses and braces. 

He was introverted and he preferred spending time with computers rather than people and the other kids picked on him because of it all.

When he shared this with me, my heart opened up to him even more… and I had insight into why he can be sensitive around some things that don’t bother me as much.

So I know that sharing a deep, dark secret isn’t going be fun or easy but you’ll be surprised at what it can do for you and for the people you share your story with.

Take it up a notch: Share your secret with more than one person… maybe 2 to 3 people you trust.

There’s Always Room for One More…

People who change the world are the ones who dare to be themselves, even in the face of harsh judgment or criticism or massive push back… think of Malala Yousafzai or Nelson Mandela or Greta Thunberg.

So when it comes to your business, keep in mind that no matter how saturated the market gets, no matter how “burned out” audiences are…

There’s always room for one more authentic voice…

There’s always room for someone who wants to do powerful, transformational work…

There’s always room for the one who’s willing to go the extra mile, push past the norm and make a REAL difference… and you know what?

If you’re reading this I already know that someone is YOU 🙂

This is only the first in my 3-part series of how to practice radical self-expression… check out Part 2 and Part 3.

And if you’re ready to build a business that’s authentically YOU… that allows you to practice radical self-expression every day…

Then, check out my FREE Masterclass.

In just 60 minutes, you’ll discover the business you’re meant to build and how to share it with the world.

Save your seat NOW.

The post Radical Self-Expression Part 1: How to Harness the Power of YOU to Build a Thriving Business in a Wildly Unpredictable Marketplace appeared first on Live Your Message.

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Countdown to 2020: 5 Hard-Won Lessons to Help You Create the BEST Year of Your Life Fri, 20 Dec 2019 01:18:22 +0000 It’s the end of the year and 2020 is just around the corner so happy holidays from me and the entire Live Your Message team!  As we close in on the final few days of 2019, I wanted to take this opportunity to look back over the hard-won lessons I’ve learned over this past ... Read more

The post Countdown to 2020: 5 Hard-Won Lessons to Help You Create the BEST Year of Your Life appeared first on Live Your Message.


It’s the end of the year and 2020 is just around the corner so happy holidays from me and the entire Live Your Message team!

 As we close in on the final few days of 2019, I wanted to take this opportunity to look back over the hard-won lessons I’ve learned over this past year…

They’re mostly about building a business and life that’s meaningful to me and focusing on the things that matter.

So here are my 5 game-changing lessons from this past year.  

Hard-Won Lesson #1: Learn to Surrender So You Can Do Great Work

Honestly, this has been the HARDEST year that I’ve ever experienced in my 8 years as an entrepreneur.

I hit burnout and I experienced some serious adrenal fatigue. I just didn’t have the energy to create at the level that I was used to in my business and for me, that was a very hard thing to accept.

But I had to learn to surrender and I had to learn that I can’t do everything on my own…

 I had to learn that my message and my vision in my business is SO much bigger than me and that I need support not just once in a while, but every, single day if I want to continue to do great work in the world.

So, 2019 is when I feel like I finally accepted my limits at a new level.

 I’ve become a little more vulnerable, a little more deeply human, a little more aware of not just what I could do in the world, but how I want to live my life.

Hard-Won Lesson #2: Your Value Doesn’t Come from What You Do

Sometimes, in the early stages of building an online business, you’ve got to hustle and you’ve got to grind it out a bit.

You’ve got to work hard to get to that escape velocity where you can leave the gravitational pull of your life behind and get out there in a much bigger way.

But at some point, you’ve got to stop the hustle and you’ve got to stop the grind and you’ve got to start enjoying your life.

You need to recognize that the design of your life is so much bigger than what you do in your business.

And while Live Your Message is a HUGE part of who I am and what I do, it’s not the only thing.

While intellectually I know that my value and worth as a human doesn’t come from what I do in the world but from how I’m showing up and how I’m being every single day, I don’t think I really accepted and understood that at the deepest possible level until this year.

 And it’s something I’m so grateful for as I look forward to new goals and dreams in 2020 and beyond.

Hard-Won Lesson #3: Start Asking Who You are Beyond Your Business

So, there was a part of me that was always overcompensating.

A part of me that was always striving and trying to prove to my family and to everyone else, that I was worth something. 

That kind of ego-driven desire to prove something and make it BIG in the world and to succeed and have an impact… led me to burnout.

 So, I’ve finally started to listen to myself and ask, “Well, who am I beyond what I do? Who am I beyond this business that I’m building?”

And I’ve started looking 5 and 10 years out to the future. It’s something that I’ve never been able to do before this year — that I’ve been reluctant to do it — because I always thought, Why bother? You can’t predict the future!

But I realized that without an end game and a bigger vision for my life, I was losing touch with the why behind my work in the world.

So, I asked myself, “Am I really going to be doing what I’m doing, forever?” 

Chances are I will be writing and I will be speaking and I will be facilitating and I will be mentoring and coaching because I LOVE all those things.

But I want to have the option to not do that sometimes, if I don’t want to.

I want to have the option to travel the world, to hunker down and write a book, to pursue projects related to film or my other passions and interests like public art. 

Hard-Won Lesson #4: Forget “Fly by the Seat of My Pants” and Build a REAL Business

This year I’ve also come to realize that I need to look at my business differently.

It’s not just the expression of who I am but something that could potentially be sellable one day (even though I don’t think I’ll ever sell Live Your Message!)

So often online businesses start out as a “fly by the seat of my pants” type of thing. 

But at some point in the road, you need to choose to be a real business owner.

And so often, with many of my students — and it’s true for me too — it’s tempting to want to take shortcuts and hold everything together with super glue and duct tape.

So often, we don’t take the time to build real systems and a loyal, long-term team.

These are some of the structures you need to give yourself a break. These are the things you need to take a REAL vacation without having everything fall apart because you’re not around!

Now imagine what would be possible when you can have a massive impact on the world and complete financial freedom…

AND have freedom of mind and freedom of time to do whatever you want to do — whether it’s for work or for play. 

If you want all of that, it means you need to start building a real business with systems and processes and long-term support from the best team you can find.

Hard-Won Lesson #5: Stop Doing Business by Default or Obligation

This might sound strange but I’m grateful that I ran out of steam for my business and here’s why…

That whole experience of feeling burned out allowed me to turn inward and take a good look at who I really am and what I really want.

It got me to stop doing business by default, to stop doing business out of obligation and — because of that — the future that I see is so much brighter.

It gives me freedom… freedom to go back to what I really love to do, which is creating every single day.

I’ve found that when I’m not creating and I’m busy managing and scaling things, I lose my inner compass, I lose my happiness and my satisfaction with what I’m doing.

Now I know that all I should be doing here on this earth is writing, speaking, making videos like this and just creating on a bigger and bigger scale. 

I’ve committed to give myself the freedom to create over the next 5 to 10 years…

And I want to help you create YOUR vision for 2020 and beyond!

I’ve got a little New Year’s tradition that I’ve started where I hold a free online workshop on New Year’s Day.

 So on January 1st  2020, from 1 to 4pm Pacific, you’re invited to a very special workshop where I’ll walk you through planning your BEST year… ever!

This is about creating a future vision that will allow you to stay true to yourself and how you want to show up every single day, and creating all the other things that are important and meaningful to you.

I want you to be pulled forward by a powerful vision and find your internal motivation to be the best version of yourself and create your best year yet!

I know when you’re fully aligned, nothing can stop you… and that’s what I want for you 🙂

I look forward to seeing what 2020 brings for you, for me and for all of us, because together we can change the world from our living rooms. 

Before you go, I’d love to know… 

What’s one beautiful, powerful vision, goal or dream that you hold for yourself or your business in 2020?

Share in the comments below 🙂 

Take care and have a happy holiday!

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3 Little Known Ways to Create (or Resuscitate!) a Fun, Engaging Online Community People Can’t Get Enough Of Tue, 17 Dec 2019 00:44:36 +0000 You just paid for a great training course or program and you join the Facebook group — or online community space — that goes with it.  You’re excited to get in there and get to know people. You scroll through the feed and you immediately notice something weird… Nothing’s going on in there. Nobody’s sharing, ... Read more

The post 3 Little Known Ways to Create (or Resuscitate!) a Fun, Engaging Online Community People Can’t Get Enough Of appeared first on Live Your Message.

You just paid for a great training course or program and you join the Facebook group — or online community space — that goes with it.

 You’re excited to get in there and get to know people.

You scroll through the feed and you immediately notice something weird…

Nothing’s going on in there.

Nobody’s sharing, asking questions, commenting or engaging… it feels like a ghost town.

So this happens way more than it should because a lot of entrepreneurs have no idea how to build a supportive, vibrant community for their students and customers.

It’s a huge problem because the truth is, a disengaged or “dead” community is worse than no community at all! 

It’s well known that people are drawn to your programs for the content but they stay for the community. 

So, if you want your ideal customers to buy from you — not just once but over and over again — you need to master the art of building a dynamic, lively community around each of your offers…

And I’m the first to admit that this is tricky business!

I’ve spent years figuring out the “how-to” behind powerful online communities and there was a whole lot of trial and error involved.

But I’m happy to say I’ve finally cracked the code 🙂

Here are some of my favorite methods to create a fun, engaging online community around your next product, program or service.

Method #1: Encourage (Healthy) Competition & Celebration

One of the most powerful and effective ways to kick off the community is to seed share requests inside your training program. 

For instance, after each training video, you can specifically ask students to share their questions and comments on what they just learned, inside the community space.

Once you’ve got them connecting, commenting and engaging with you and with each other, you can pivot to asking for “midstream transformations.”

This is about getting them to open up about what’s going on for them during your course or program…

Basically, the ups, downs and everything in between that they’re experiencing while implementing the strategies and techniques in your training.

 And you can incentivize this activity with fun contests and competitions 🙂

For instance, you could do a weekly roundup post in the group on a Monday, tell people you’ll choose the best share by end-of-day Sunday and the winner gets a prize.

So the prize could be anything you like… a 20-minute 1:1 call with you, a mini course or training from your library or anything else you can think of to motivate people to participate.

And if you want to generate even more engagement and connection, encourage everyone else to celebrate, ask people to drop an emoji or a few words of love and support when you announce the winner.

 The point is to create a culture of healthy competition and celebration that inspires community members to get to know each other and build real relationships based on vulnerability and connection.

One big mistake I see all the time around this type of contest or competition is that in order to win, people have to hit some kind of crazy goal.

So, don’t ask your community to sign on 100 new clients, or create a 10-week course or add 1000 people to their email list in a week just to get their hands on the prize.

You want to encourage people to share and celebrate small wins — no matter how insignificant they think it is — because in this case, size really doesn’t matter

Small wins often pave the way for big ones and a community that celebrates together sticks together 🙂

Method #2: Dream Up Your Own Culture & Language

There’s this book by Benedict Anderson called Imagined Communities, and it’s one of the top books in anthropology.

 Imagined Communities are not about borders or location…

They’re about people coming together around a shared culture and language, which gives them a chance to connect with each other on a much deeper level.

Shared culture and language also creates an energy of understanding and feeling understood… something ALL great communities have in common.

 So, we have this awesome Imagined Community in our Experience Product Masterclass Facebook group.

EPM is our signature program and I’m proud to say we’ve built one of the most engaged communities around.

And I think one of the big reasons is that we have a lot of shared language and culture going on in the group.

For instance, EPM-ers love using specific phrases, words or titles to communicate with each other.

When they hit a goal or target in the program, they’ll say “Mission Accomplished” or they’ll use EPM-centric terminology to share whether they’re brand new in business, more advanced or somewhere in between.

And if you take a peek in the group you’ll see people saying things like, “I’m in Blue Sky” or “Call Me” and someone else might say, “I’m in the List Build or Authority stage” and everyone else instantly gets what that means.

One of our EPM grads, Danilo Tambone, even recorded a rap song for us.

It’s called the Experience Product Master Rap and you’ll see that he talks about members of our team and each of our core principles at EPM.

Take a look…

Danilo even performed the Experience Product Master Rap on our final call at the end of the program.

People absolutely loved it (especially me!) and it made every one of us feel like we belong together… and we do! 

It’s a great example of the magic of shared culture AND shared language at work 🙂  

Method #3: Use Symbols, Rituals and Traditions

Something else that got a lot of buzz and engagement inside our EPM community has to do with hats and T-shirts 🙂

It all started with a training call where I talked about looking at your product or program like a scientist in the experiment lab of your business and putting on your metaphorical “Experimenter’s Hat.”

The idea totally caught on and hats — literally — became a thing!

People would get on our group calls wearing a fun hat and they’d say it was their Experimenter’s Hat and when we had our final call, people showed up in all kinds of crazy hats to celebrate!

 And as for the shirts…

 We had a contest winner record himself talking about his win while wearing our EPM T-shirt. He shared the video in the group and a tradition was born 🙂

More and more people started wearing their T-shirts every time they shared that they’d hit a goal or when they won a contest.

 It got to the point where people couldn’t wait to wear a T-shirt! It had turned into a symbol of success and because they won it through a jump contest, they were especially proud of it 🙂

So hats and shirts became an ‘insider” thing for EPM-ers and it became a community ritual that brought people together in ways that went beyond anything I could have imagined.

So, creating an engaged community around your program or course isn’t a walk in the park…

But it’s not rocket science either!

Start by giving yourself permission to try new ideas and activities. Aim to surprise and delight your students and enjoy your community

Encourage people to have fun but don’t forget to define some ground rules on how you want people to behave, and post, and share.

I highly recommend investing in customer support to make sure people follow the rules and the energy inside the group stays positive, upbeat and supportive.

Over to you…

What’s an online community that you’re in love with right now (it doesn’t matter if it’s free or paid)?

And I’d love to know what makes you want to stay connected and engaged with the people in the group.

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments… I read and personally reply to each one 🙂

But before you go…

Are you ready to build a business that stands the test of time?

A business that gives you the life you’ve only dreamed of?

Then, you need to discover your True North Business (the one you’re meant to build).

And that’s what you’ll uncover in my free, 60-minute Masterclass — Discover the Business You’re Truly Meant to Build & How to Share It With the World

So if you’re ready to build a business on a rock-solid foundation — instead of one built on sand — save your seat!

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Should You Do What You’re Good at? Or What You Love? (A Super Personal Story I’ve Never Shared Before) Sun, 10 Nov 2019 02:52:21 +0000 Most entrepreneurs have no problem coming up with a ton of great ideas.

And when it comes to product creation (which happens to be my zone of genius :-)) here’s what I can say for sure...

Ideas are NOT the problem.

Just about every one of my students and clients can churn out awesome product ideas without breaking a sweat.

But how do you know if your idea will go down well with your audience?

How do you know if people will even want your product let alone pay for it?

In this week’s post, I’m sharing exactly how to choose a profitable product idea that’ll practically fly off your (virtual) shelves!

The post Should You Do What You’re Good at? Or What You Love? (A Super Personal Story I’ve Never Shared Before) appeared first on Live Your Message.


Just because you can do something or just because you’re good at it, doesn’t mean it brings you joy and it doesn’t mean it’s your real gift to the world.

But so many people end up choosing the work they do by default, and this is something I’m passionately against.

So I’m going to tell you a story I’ve never shared before.

It’s a little bit sad but I know it will really help you understand why it’s so important to find the business, find the career, find the thing that you truly love to do, the thing that you’re meant to do…

And not just the thing you can do.

Giving Up On Your Dreams

I’m sad to say that my mom has dementia and so she doesn’t remember a whole lot.

She came to visit me a while back and we were walking through my garden which is full of gorgeous flowers, shrubs and all kinds of plants and I noticed that just being around plants and being close to nature gave my mom amazing clarity and groundedness… 

And she started talking to me about her life and her past.

 She told me about how when she was a teenager, she wanted to go to school to learn about agriculture and to buy a plot of land somewhere and start a farm.

But her dad said no because it was too “low class.” 

Now my mom is from Thailand and she was born there and when she was growing up in the 1940’s and 50’s, people who work with plants, people who work with the land were mainly farmers who were considered “low class” citizens.

It wasn’t something that my mom’s dad wanted for his daughter and it wasn’t something he believed she was meant to do.

So, my mom “followed the rules”, listened to her dad and gave up on her dream of working with plants.

She ultimately became a professor and she taught counselling and spirituality.

But to this day she loves spending hours and hours and hours in the garden.

Are You Living the Life You Were Born to Live?

And it’s so sad for me because she was told that it wasn’t what she was meant to do when it’s so clear that this is her passion and purpose. 

So here’s what I’ve learned and it’s what I want to share with you right now…

Only YOU know the thing that you’re meant to do.

Only YOU can understand not just what you’re good at, but what you love to do, where you’re going to make an impact in the world and earn a great living at the same time. 

I don’t want you to get to the point where you’re like my mom, who’s 79-years-old and the thing she gave up is the only thing that can bring her joy…

The only thing she can remember at this point in time.

Now, I’m not saying my mom has dementia because she wasn’t following her dreams but I am saying that she’s spent her life on a path that she no longer wants to remember.

She didn’t live the life she wanted to live, every single day. She didn’t live the life that she was born to live.

Tuning Into What You REALLY Want

And so I feel it’s my duty to not only live the life I was born to live, but to teach you how to find that thing that gives you joy, that gives your life meaning, the thing that you love that you can do for the world and for yourself…

Because when you’ve got that thing — oh my gosh — everything changes and you start to come alive.

You’re lit up because you get to do what you want to do. You’re lit up because you’re sharing your gifts with the world and it’s also a gift you give to yourself. 

And everybody will feel your energy and your excitement. They’ll feel your joy.

So if you really want this for yourself, I’ve created a free training to help you tune into what you really, really want to do.

This is going to walk you through the steps of how to find the thing you love because I don’t want you to end up later in your life feeling like you never went for it…

Feeling like you missed out.

You can find the link below. It’s my gift to you 🙂

Get it here

Like I said, you really only have one life to live and when you spend that life aligned with your gifts, every day brings so much more joy and so much more meaning.

You were born to share your gifts, you were born to Live Your Message. Your time is now so don’t wait a second longer.

Here’s to you, living your gifts full out. Here’s to you living your life your way! 

I’d love to know…

Do you think you’re doing the work you love, right now? Work that brings you joy, work you’re meant to do in the world?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. I read and reply to each one.

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The One Thing You Need to Do Today, Tomorrow and Every Single Day: Life Lessons from My 103-Year-Old Grandma Thu, 12 Sep 2019 14:01:26 +0000 So, I’m not sure if I’ll live to be 103 like my grandma but I know I’m not waiting that long to do the things that matter…

Spend time with the people I love, make the best of things, have fun, make people happy, do good and be good to people every day of my life.

How about you? How can you make time for the things and the people that matter to you? How can you make someone happy, do good and be good to someone today?

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A few years ago, my grandma, Auril, turned 103… and she’s been a huge inspiration to me!

Her joy, vibrancy and love for the people around her have made her a role model for me and my entire family…

And after over a century on the planet, I wanted to get her take on things she’s experiencing in today’s world which is so very different from the world she was born in!

Plus I wanted to share some of her wisdom and life lessons with you 🙂

Here’s what she said…

What’s your first memory?

When I was 3, I loved the boy next door. He was a nice kid. He did what I wanted him to and we got along fine!

What did you do as a family?

We would go riding around the countryside a lot… I had a very pleasant childhood.

What was life like for you, when you were young?

I had lots of friends 🙂 I remember my mother made all of my clothes when I was in grade school and in high school she did the same thing so I didn’t have new clothes from the store. I wish I did but I didn’t!

What was the best time in history?

When the war ended, that was the best time.

What happened to the family during the Depression?

We lost our business, we lost our home. We moved to a field and set up a tent and we really enjoyed living in that tent all summer. We felt free. It was so nice… and it was fun too!

What do you miss most about your childhood?

I miss having the whole family together. When we were all together it was wonderful… we played games and we had so much fun. We loved each other.

What brought you happiness?

Having the family together brought me more happiness than anything else.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to share with us?

Make good decisions and be a good person… be good to people every day of your life.

What do you want to do with your remaining years?

All I want to do is make people happy.

Are you scared of death?

No, I’m not because it happens to everybody and I know I don’t have any control over it.

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who did a lot of good.


So, I’m not sure if I’ll live to be 103 like my grandma but I know I’m not waiting that long to do the things that matter…

Spend time with the people I love, make the best of things, have fun, make people happy, do good and be good to people every day of my life.

How about you? How can you make time for the things and the people that matter to you? How can you make someone happy, do good and be good to someone today?

Share your thoughts and comments below… I read and personally reply to each one 🙂

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From Everyday Entrepreneur to Online Superhero: How to Build a Super Successful Company That’s More than Just a Business & Makes a REAL Difference in the World Wed, 28 Aug 2019 15:27:19 +0000 It’s getting harder and harder to make it big online and that’s the truth…

But there’s more to it.

Most people aren’t hitting their income goals because they’re all about “making the sale.”

They think it’s about their offers and what they’re selling but here’s the thing…

We live in a world that’s beyond competitive, beyond crowded, beyond noisy.

It’s a world of 2 billion websites and non-stop communication.

It’s a world where attention is the currency of the day.

And people (literally) have countless options to choose from and they don’t just want to buy more stuff.

They want more than that.

The post From Everyday Entrepreneur to Online Superhero: How to Build a Super Successful Company That’s More than Just a Business & Makes a REAL Difference in the World appeared first on Live Your Message.


I believe that entrepreneurship can change the world. When we step forward to fully give our gifts and solve the problems that we’re uniquely designed to solve, we help make the world a better place.

I also believe in turning up the dial on your unique expression.

The only way to be heard over the noise of over 2 billion websites is by being more of who you are.

These are some of my deepest beliefs and Live Your Message is founded on them.

And that’s what today’s video blog is about — beliefs and convictions.

It also happens to be the last in our 6-part video series on the power of emotional markets, which is about how people no longer buy based on information alone but based on stories and the emotional needs each product or service fulfills. 

(In case you missed the first 5 videos, they’re right here: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5)

Today’s video is extra special because I’m talking to an extraordinary entrepreneur: Pres Kabacoff.

Pres is the founder of H.R.I. Properties in New Orleans, a company that works to redevelop the historic areas in the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

I asked Pres what makes H.R.I. different from any other real estate development company… and what led to it’s incredible growth so now it’s a company of a couple of thousand employees with over a billion dollars in assets. 

Watch the video to find out more!

As Press Kabacoff says… 

Having a Strong Mission is the Key to Becoming a Successful Company 

Personally, I found that our big mission at Live Your Message — to turn everyday entrepreneurs into online superheroes so they can change the world from their living room — inspires me, motivates me and fuels me. 

It’s why I have those late nights and all those early mornings!

It’s a mission driven by my core beliefs and convictions and it’s why I do things that make people think I’m crazy but it’s got me where I am today — living the life I want with a mid 7-figure company that makes a real difference in the world 🙂

We’re at the end of our emotional market video blog series and here’s a little recap of the 6 emotional markets we explored: 

  • Emotional Market #1: Fun and adventure
  • Emotional Market #2: Peace of mind and permanence
  • Emotional Market #3: Togetherness, friendship and love
  • Emotional Market #4: Care and connection
  • Emotional Market #5: Self-identity
  • Emotional Market #6: Beliefs and convictions

So when you really understand that your business goes way beyond what you sell — and you laser in on to the stories that you tell and the emotions that you convey through your work — all of a sudden your business becomes MORE than a business… 

It becomes a MOVEMENT that stands for much more than what you do.

And that’s what people want to buy these days, that’s what people want to follow and it’s  what people want to believe in. 

Let me know in the comments… 

What’s your mission, core beliefs and convictions behind your business?

How do you plan to integrate some of these emotional markets into what you do so that you can stand for more in your business and become a leader others want to follow?

Join the conversation below — I can’t wait to hear from you! 🙂

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How to Attract a Massive Tribe of Adoring Fans and Customers Who’ll Love You Just Because You’re YOU Wed, 31 Jul 2019 22:53:54 +0000 Ever heard of Kermit’s Tremé Mother-in-Law Lounge? If you’re from New Orleans like me, you know what I’m talking about and if you’re not… you might think I made that up! But it’s a real business… a live music lounge in New Orleans. And I GUARANTEE that if you ever go down there and see it for yourself, you’re never going to forget it! The walls are covered in colorful murals and you’ll see banners saying things like, “I’m cocky but I’m good” and “Teenage Antoinette you can’t break her yet!”

The post How to Attract a Massive Tribe of Adoring Fans and Customers Who’ll Love You Just Because You’re YOU appeared first on Live Your Message.


What’s the difference between having a business and selling products or services… and having a brand that people powerfully identify with, are crazy loyal to, rave about and buy from over and over again?

The answer: self-identification.

(Self-identification is actually 1 of 6 “emotional markets” I reveal in my 6-part video series that’s all about fulfilling on the emotional needs of your tribe vs just sharing information about a product or service. You can find the other 4 videos here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4).

When people hear your or your company’s name, you want them to think and feel something that’s about MORE than just what you sell…

You want them to be able to self-identify with you and your message, so that they can get behind you and your brand and say, “Yes, this is me too!”

A perfect example of this is Kermit’s Tremé Mother-in-Law Lounge, a music lounge in my hometown of New Orleans. 

This is a business with a rich history…

The Emperor of the Universe

The lounge used to be called Ernie K-Doe’s Mother-in-Law Lounge, after R&B musician, Ernie K-Doe. 

His most popular song, “Here Comes the Girls” was #1 on the Billboard Charts for a long time.

Up on the roof of the lounge, there’s a big banner that reads, “I’m not sure but I’m almost positive that all music came from New Orleans.” 

People from New Orleans are so self-identified with the music of the city that we believe all music descended from here and nowhere else!

Ernie was a lovable eccentric and some of that’s rubbed off on the lounge.

He used to be on the radio in New Orleans and he was known for his explosive announcements and blatant self-promotion. He’d say things like “I’m cocky, but I’m good!” and because he had that self-identification of being a total badass, everybody believed it!

He even called himself “The Emperor of the Universe” and he went around town in a crown and a cape. 

Ernie’s widow, Antoinette K-Doe, took it over for a while and when she died a man named Kermit Ruffins took it over… and Kermit is also known as quite the character here in New Orleans!

It used to be called Ernie K-Doe’s Mother-in-Law Lounge, after an R&B musician. (His most popular song, “Here Comes the Girls” was #1 on the Billboard Charts for a long time.) 

Ernie started his music lounge roughly 30 years ago and it remained a thriving, bustling business until it got destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

It was quickly rebuilt by another musician — pop superstar Usher, believe it or not! 

Ernie’s widow, Antoinette K-Doe, took it over for a while and when she died a man named Kermit Ruffins took it over… and Kermit is known as quite the character here in New Orleans!

But bottom line, whenever anyone from New Orleans hears the name, Kermit’s Tremé Mother-in-Law Lounge, it represents much more to us than just a lounge where you can listen to music and buy some food and drinks…

We self-identify with this brand, because people from New Orleans naturally think of their city and its contribution to jazz, music, culture, food and all that other good stuff. 

This business reminds us of who we are, where we come from and what we consider to be a rich cultural history. We feel like this is a business that represents what we’re about, and so we flock to Kermit’s because it feels like US.

Name It, Claim It, Own It

When it comes to you and your business, you can self-identify as whatever you want to be, as long as you name it and you claim it, you OWN it.

As long as you have the energy of, “Yes! This is who I am!” people will believe you. 

And people who self-identify in the same way as you will want to connect with you and have that tribal affiliation. 

My company, Live Your Message, is a perfect example. People who join my tribe are drawn to me and what I represent because they believe in living their message, too… 

In the case of Harley Davidson, people are drawn to that brand because they self-identify with loving the freedom of the open road. 

Your specific flavor of self-identity is like a Bat Signal that tells other people who have the same tribal affiliation, “If you’re like me, come follow me because together we’re absolutely going to get along!”

Do What You Wanna

What I love about Kermit’s Tremé Mother-in-Law Lounge is it’s such a hotspot for New Orleans culture.

And even though Kermit Ruffins owns it now, he still honors the legacy and pays tribute to the late great Ernie K-Doe because Ernie was a true New Orleans musician. 

There’s a lot of respect for music here, there’s a lot of respect for tradition and roots and there’s such a self-identification of being from New Orleans. 

And I’ve got to say when I moved here in the middle of eighth grade, it changed my life and really contributed to making me who I am today because I realized that I could self-identify as more than who and what I was born into. 

I could self-identify as more than what was “appropriate” because my mom (who’s from Thailand) told me to be modest, to be quiet and that children should be seen and not heard. 

But I was like, “You know what? I’m going to be seen AND heard and down the line it helped me create a much bigger, bolder, better brand with Live Your Message.” 

We’ve got a saying here in New Orleans… do what you wanna do.

Self-identity is all about doing what you want to do and no matter who you are and what you want to do there’s someone in the world, who’s going to resonate with that and they’re going to want what YOU want!

So, I’m curious…

If self-identity is your emotional market, what do you identify as? What is your Bat Signal out into the world?

What do you want to be known for? How can you show people that you stand for more than business, that you stand for more than what you sell? 

Share in the comments below. I read and personally reply to each one.

Now go out there and Live Your Message!

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The Enduring Magic of Dooky Chase: How to Transform Your Everyday Business into a Lasting Legend Thu, 18 Jul 2019 23:04:04 +0000 There’s an amazing restaurant in New Orleans called Dooky Chase. It’s been standing on the exact same spot in the historic neighborhood of Tremé since it opened 70 years ago. :-) And the 96-year-old owner -- Leah Chase -- is still cooking in the kitchen!

The post The Enduring Magic of Dooky Chase: How to Transform Your Everyday Business into a Lasting Legend appeared first on Live Your Message.


It’s time for video #4 in my 6-video series on the power of emotional markets, which is basically about how information is giving way to imagination and how people no longer buy based on information alone but based on the stories and the emotional needs each product or service fulfills.

We’re shooting these videos, on location at some of my favorite restaurants and small businesses in New Orleans (you can catch my first 3 videos on emotional markets here, here and here).

Today we’re at Dooky Chase, which has been around since 1941. I chose this space because today’s video is about a very important emotional market…

It’s the market of care, which is basically about providing and receiving care in your business.

I know a lot of people talk about creating an extraordinary customer experience but rarely is a business as infused with care as Dooky Chase is.

The Queen of Creole Cuisine

The owner of this amazing restaurant is 96-year-old Leah Chase and get this… she’s still cooking in the kitchen! 

So, Leah married Dooky back in the 1940s and together they started a restaurant serving down home food in the historic neighborhood of Tremé.

Dooky Chase is still located at the same spot today, even though it’s now a fine dining establishment.

Over the years, Leah became known as The Queen of Creole Cuisine a title she absolutely deserves!

She’s all about using amazing food to bring families together, to uplift and to support the community where she lives and it’s something she’s been doing since Day 1…

No matter the cost.

Hosting MLK and the Freedom Fighters 

Back in the 1960s, Leah used to host people like Martin Luther King, the freedom fighters and all their political meetings at her restaurant. 

Don’t forget this was in the ‘60s when it was illegal to gather and talk about civil rights — that’s how much Leah infused the emotional market of care in her business.

You could say she helped open the door for the civil rights movement.

The police could NOT shut her down even though they knew what she was doing because they feared backlash from the community since Dooky Chase was so popular. 

Leah went out on a limb for people and they rewarded her with unstoppable love and loyalty.

The Power of Lagniappe 

So, I just finished reading Leah’s book And Still I Cook where she shares her life story…

Leah grew up dirt poor during the Depression. She says her generation had a lack of money but not a lack of morals and she learned about the power of care and of giving from her parents — especially her dad.

In New Orleans we’ve got an expression, lagniappe, which means “a little something extra.”

And whenever someone comes and buys something, you give them a little something they weren’t expecting just to surprise and delight them.

Leah learned the principle of lagniappe from her dad who used to sell vegetables from his garden. Whenever people bought something, he’d throw in an extra vegetable here or there just to give them a gift.

Leah uses that principle to this day, to come up with extraordinary experiences for people who dine at her restaurant and she’s created an unbeatable reputation and customer loyalty and love that has lasted for decades.

Give… and You Get Back Double 

From giving and receiving care through lagniappe and extraordinary food, to creating a place for the community to gather, to holding political events even when it was illegal…

Leah has been doing all of this for 70 years and it’s absolutely paid off…

Dooky Chase has hosted the likes of not just Martin Luther King but also President George Bush, President Barack Obama and Ray Charles!

This is a business that deeply inspires me and so does Leah.

She lives by the belief that whatever you give, you get back, DOUBLE 🙂

I believe in the same thing and with Live Your Message I always say that you can have everything you want in life if you’ll just help other people get what they want in life. 

So often people talk about building a business based on what they can get and the lifestyle they can lead vs what they can give and how they can make their own dreams come true by making other people’s dreams come true.

So, let me ask you this…

How can you infuse your business with care to draw people in and give back to them, to love them up and change their life?

Go ahead and share in the comments… I read and reply to each one!

And stay tuned for the next video in this series — it’s the emotional market of self-identity… super juicy stuff PLUS I’m taking you somewhere really special in the video. 

One last thing…

If you’re ever in New Orleans, don’t leave without stopping by at Dooky Chase 🙂

Now go out there and Live Your Message!

The post The Enduring Magic of Dooky Chase: How to Transform Your Everyday Business into a Lasting Legend appeared first on Live Your Message.

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