Comments on: Belong Book Review: FOMO, FOBLO, Fu$k Yeah Friends and Why You Need to Find a Tribe Where You Truly Belong Be the Superhero to Your Tribe™ Wed, 11 Nov 2020 15:01:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marisa Murgatroyd Wed, 11 Nov 2020 15:01:44 +0000 In reply to John CHAPIN.

Thanks for sharing this John! I challenge people too and I know that comes from a place of love and what could be… I’ve struggled to fully accept what is so people can fully receive what could be.

By: John CHAPIN Fri, 17 Jan 2020 20:37:51 +0000 Marissa
I often get left out because people think that they know me, or they know me and don’t need to be challenged by me, or put up with me especially in business. The people that don’t want to put up with me are the shoulder Schrugger’s and don’t want to make commitments! The people that truly know me contribute to my energy and want to be part of that energy because we are of the same tribe. “GO GETTERS” I am looking forward to reading this book, Thanks for all you do, John

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Wed, 15 Jan 2020 15:34:48 +0000 In reply to Janine Gregor.

Hi Janine – I don’t know if I have a specific strategy for this… if a relationship is out of alignment, I either try to bring it back into alignment or let it go. I think at the core, it’s realizing that I’m enough. I’m loved, loving and lovable just the way I am. I don’t need anyone to complete me. <3

By: Janine Gregor Mon, 30 Dec 2019 06:15:38 +0000 Thank you for sharing your vulnerable thoughts on abandonment. I am interested in knowing how you dealt with this pain.

i don’t feel any issues with JOBLO or FOBLO. I do feel a disconnect with (and I’ll create my own acronym), FOLTR – Fear of Long Term Rejection.

You mention friends you have lost. Is the remedy for this loss the building of a new community?


By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sun, 29 Dec 2019 17:42:28 +0000 In reply to Lucie Nadon.

Beautiful Lucie! It’s hard to be part of a tribe when you’re used to being a leader. It takes a lot of humility and surrender… we’re not really raised to do this in American culture… and yet it feels so good when we do! <3

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sun, 29 Dec 2019 17:40:51 +0000 In reply to Andrea Johnson.

Andrea your voice and your comments ALWAYS matter. I highly recommend you read Belong. Radah talks about becoming a “Fuck Yeah Friend” and I realize how often I have one foot in and one foot out and I’m wondering why I don’t have the relationships I want. It takes a lot of courage to really care. <3

By: Lucie Nadon Fri, 27 Dec 2019 18:56:41 +0000 Hey Marisa! That was beautifully put. 2019 was a real mix bag for belonging and not belonging. The year ended with many friendships coming to an end. I ended a long term rocky relationship a year ago. Even though I had great friends the last few years I still felt like I was missing something. I think it was the Hell Yes Friends. I use to be part of a very large tribe where we were transforming and serving our ass’s off. I really miss being in that energy. I believe its more my tribe and re-cultivating it more today. Getting back to that movement, that flow. I recently felt JOMO a couple of times which was different for me. I’m usually the leader, but this time I declined a few times and it felt good. So much shifting, re-calibrating, expanding and allowing going on. We seriously need to go with the flow. Be easy on our selves. Thanks for your heart share.

By: Andrea Johnson Thu, 26 Dec 2019 02:17:35 +0000 I know this video came out several day ago and 68 comments later. The feeling of…will my comment matter or have the same impact as the first? Feel rejected or feeling like I missed out. But saying to myself, this woman does not know ME. I was thinking about the Facebook tribe or any tribe of this kind. I really do not understand how people get soooooo involved in this form of communication. I never felt like I belonged. But did I cultivate or try to be apart of this group of people who were heading in the same directions as me. I said a few things here or there, but didn’t know how to make a friend or friends here. Now wondering is it too late. There have been beautiful moments hearing and partaking of who you are and being real and true. O know we have stories of what you have shared here, but what will I do with it? Thanks Sinerely, AJ

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sat, 21 Dec 2019 14:53:03 +0000 In reply to Jennifer Holbus.

This is a beautiful share Jennifer and I so understand. I’m biracial as well and am used to be gawked at. 🙂

And Wisconsin is a strange and interesting place! 😉

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sat, 21 Dec 2019 14:52:46 +0000 In reply to Linda.

This is beautiful Linda! I’m so glad M2M Live supported you in this way and I hope you consider coming back again in 2020! It’s always rewarding to re-immerse in the community.
