Comments on: Two Simple Secrets to Discovering Your Authentic Voice & Attracting Your Tribe Be the Superhero to Your Tribe™ Tue, 07 Mar 2017 17:28:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robyn Landis Tue, 07 Mar 2017 17:28:52 +0000 I LOVE this!
“…when you tune into your message, leave behind the clichés of your industry behind, all of the stuff that’s been said a million times before by a million people, and start to put out content and material that’s authentically and unmistakably YOU…”
Oh. So. Exactly. YES! I am soooooo into leaving the cliches of my industry behind! (Of which there are many…) I’m all about this! And making my content more uniquely me! (I’ve been working on this for a couple of years, or trying to anyway, I hope laying the groundwork at least, and I am just itching to sharpen/tighten that up and drill it down as far as it can go and get it more OUT THERE….)

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Mon, 06 Mar 2017 18:24:32 +0000 In reply to Wendy HT.

Beautiful! Congratulations on the powerful work you are doing Wendy!

By: Wendy HT Mon, 06 Mar 2017 09:19:53 +0000 Greetings Marisa & Tribe,
Your blog about Haruki Marukami was very inspiring and I thought I’d share something with you, even though it’s about a visual artist rather than a writer. As you wrote that Haruki Marukami found the ability to write simply and in his own voice by writing in English, rather than in Japanese, I recalled teaching a brain based workshop called “Unleashing Your Creativity” at Malibu Arts Retreat and how an internationally reknowned visual artist had had her creative abilities stifled after having suffered 3 strokes. After just hearing a 3 minute “intro” to my class on the 1st evening of the retreat, she had taken this information and experimented the next morning by using her Japanese paint brush, vertical to the paper, with the tips of her fingers and moving from right to left instead of left to right. She did come to my class and the following Christmas she sent me a card with a copy of her beautiful painting made at the retreat. Her words “The effort of remembering to go from right to left meant the shakes were conquered. The second I forgot and went from left to right the shaky brush was back. My companions welcomed me back as a painter. The shakes had kept me from painting for five years. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your knowledge with me. It was a joyous experience.”
From one short woman (4’10-3/4″ tall 😉 to another – thank you for sharing your wonderful wisdom with such clarity. I’m refocusing my work and your blog has helped me enormously. I wish you great success. Yours in Gratitude, WendyHT

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sun, 05 Mar 2017 01:47:36 +0000 In reply to Colette Stroffolino.

Absolutely! There is a part of you that already knows your voice and what you’re here to do and it’s all about tuning into that voice while learning the skills to express that in the world in a way that’s valuable to others.

By: Colette Stroffolino Sat, 04 Mar 2017 22:33:00 +0000 I love this:
“While most people are shooting for a clear target, it’s often the artists and entrepreneurs of the world that are shooting for a target that no one else can see…”
Everything good I’ve created came when I relaxed into myself, stopped looking at how other people were doing things, got clear inside, and just did my own thing.
When I tried following rules and how you are “supposed” to do something, I felt stifled, my efforts felt forced, and my results felt stale.
It seems like when we create from a centered and authentic place, creative efforts really do come out with ease and that little something special that reflects who we are and attracts others as well.
Very interesting read, Marisa!

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sat, 04 Mar 2017 21:19:16 +0000 In reply to Nicole.

Thank you Nicole! So glad this post touched you and helped you understand the gap between what you can see in your head and how to share it with the rest of the world!

By: Nicole Sat, 04 Mar 2017 20:45:58 +0000 What an ingenious post, Marisa! It’s if full of clarifications and subtle distinctions that tell me a lot about you. You said three of the most important things I’ve ever heard:

Firstly, “it’s often artists and entrepreneurs who are shooting for a target that no one else can see” – so true. And no one’s said it before in quite that way. For me, I can’t seem to articulate to others exactly what I want to create. I definitely know what it is, but it’s an intangible picture that lives in my head. I can’t verbally get it out.

Secondly, “it’s one of my gifts and passions to help you make that target more visible to yourself and ultimately more visible to the world.” Beautiful. Many people say something similar about themselves (although not in those words), but I actually believe you when you say it. You’re so clear about it – how can I not believe you?

Thirdly, I love that you said we should tune into our own message, leave the clichés behind, and stop saying all of the stuff that’s been said a million times before by a million different people. This is great. You know, oftentimes I clam up, I stay quiet, and I don’t offer my opinions and viewpoints for this very reason. I’m afraid of sounding like a cliché. I’m afraid of sounding like a million other people. So I just stay quiet instead. It’s easier.

Your message is truly inspiring to me. Enjoy Hawaii!

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sat, 04 Mar 2017 20:20:47 +0000 In reply to Tara.

“Being Authentic” is the end point, but I find that that’s a useless thing to say to somebody. 🙂

The 2 secrets are:

1. Find a way to “forget’ what you know (like Murakami did by writing in English first. Your way will be different.)

2. Be OK with sucking at first. (People these days aren’t OK with sucking, and tend to not give themselves the time & space to improve.)

By: Tara Sat, 04 Mar 2017 20:15:28 +0000 Lovely post. SO what are the two secrets, exactly? Be authentic? If so, what specifically is the secret action to take? Your tribe shows up, how? I love the concepts you’re writing about but what are the actions? Specifically? Thank you!

By: Marisa Murgatroyd Sat, 04 Mar 2017 18:28:52 +0000 In reply to Tara Gesling.

I feel much the same way Tara. The more I write, the more it flows… as what once felt hard, now feels natural and easy. I’m glad you found your flow…
