Live Your Message Be the Superhero to Your Tribe™ Sat, 12 Oct 2024 04:53:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 224367331 7 Mistakes I Made When Just Starting Out & How You Can Avoid Them Mon, 14 Oct 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Building an online business is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It gives you freedom, the ability to make an impact, and — yes — the chance to create financial security.  But, let me tell you, it’s far from easy. When I started my business, Live Your Message, I made plenty of ... Read more

The post 7 Mistakes I Made When Just Starting Out & How You Can Avoid Them appeared first on Live Your Message.

Building an online business is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It gives you freedom, the ability to make an impact, and — yes — the chance to create financial security. 

But, let me tell you, it’s far from easy. When I started my business, Live Your Message, I made plenty of mistakes. Mistakes that cost me time, money and sometimes even my sanity.

The good news is you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. I’m about to share the seven biggest missteps I made so you can avoid them. These are the hard lessons I learned, and they’re the same lessons that helped me build a successful business that’s now empowered over 12,000 students.

Let’s dive in.

1. Launching Without Hands-On Experience

When I started my online business, I was pumped. I had devoured courses, webinars and articles about running an online business. I had all the theoretical knowledge but none of the practical experience. And that was a big mistake.

I thought I could bypass the learning curve by consuming more information, but the truth is, nothing compares to real-world experience. When I launched my first course, Build Your Site, Launch Your Business, I realized quickly that knowing how to do something on paper doesn’t translate to real success.

What you can do instead: Start small and start now. Don’t wait until you think you know everything or feel “ready.” Launch a beta version of your product or service, get feedback and improve as you go. Your first try won’t be perfect and that’s okay. The key is learning as you do.

2. Letting Imposter Syndrome Take Hold

I can’t tell you how many times I felt like an imposter in the early stages of my business. Even after investing heavily in online business training from top gurus like Brendon Burchard and Jeff Walker, I questioned whether I had what it took to succeed. I was always comparing myself to others, thinking, “They know more than I do,” or “Who am I to charge for this?”

This kind of thinking slowed me down and kept me from taking bold actions. Every time I was about to step outside my comfort zone, imposter syndrome reared its ugly head.

What you can do instead: Imposter syndrome is something most entrepreneurs face, but don’t let it paralyze you. Recognize it for what it is — a sign you’re pushing boundaries and growing. Focus on serving your audience and delivering value. The more you focus on them, the less you’ll focus on your own insecurities.

3. Creating a Business I Wasn’t Passionate About

One of my biggest mistakes in the early days was starting a business just because I thought it was practical. I offered web design services because I knew there was demand and I thought it was a logical step. But the problem was, I didn’t love web design. I was doing it to pay the bills, not because I was excited about it.

As a result, I found myself burnt out and disillusioned within months. I was stuck doing something I didn’t enjoy and it wasn’t the dream I had imagined. That’s when I decided to pivot. I needed a business that was aligned with my passion for helping others succeed.

What you can do instead: Don’t chase the money. Focus on what lights you up. If you’re passionate about your business, you’ll bring more energy, creativity and resilience to the table, and that will translate into better results for your clients. Choose a business that aligns with your strengths, values and long-term vision.

4. Spending Too Much Time Outside of My Zone of Genius

Like many entrepreneurs, I thought I had to do everything myself. I was designing websites, handling customer support, writing blog posts, creating courses — basically, I was trying to wear all the hats. And it was exhausting. Not to mention, I wasn’t great at everything. The tasks outside my “zone of genius” (where I could really add value) were draining my time and energy.

For example, spending hours troubleshooting website issues meant I wasn’t focused on creating new content or growing my business. In the end, it wasn’t just my energy that took a hit — so did my results.

What you can do instead: Delegate or outsource tasks that don’t align with your strengths. Focus on what you’re truly great at — your zone of genius — and let others handle the rest. Yes, it costs money, but the time and energy you’ll save is invaluable, and it will allow you to focus on what will really move the needle in your business.

5. Thinking My First Course Was the End-All, Be-All

When I launched my first course, Build Your Site, Launch Your Business, I thought I had created my masterpiece. I expected it to be my golden ticket to success. But guess what? It wasn’t.

The course made some sales, but it wasn’t the runaway hit I envisioned. I spent a lot of time refining and improving it, thinking it just needed that one extra tweak. What I didn’t realize was that it wasn’t about making one perfect product — it was about continually creating and improving new offers.

What you can do instead: Don’t expect your first product to be the one that defines your business. It’s just the beginning. Keep learning, creating and adapting. Each product you launch will give you more insights and help you get closer to that “blockbuster” offering. The key is to stay flexible and open to new ideas.

6. Playing It Too Small

I used to downplay my value. I’d offer my services at a discount, thinking I wasn’t experienced enough to charge premium prices. I was so worried about losing customers that I underpriced myself and didn’t set clear boundaries. This led to clients who didn’t respect my work and projects that weren’t profitable.

It wasn’t until I started charging what I was truly worth that my business grew. The right clients showed up, and I felt more confident in my work.

What you can do instead: Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth. Set clear boundaries from the beginning and don’t undervalue your expertise. If you don’t believe in the value you provide, neither will your clients. When you price yourself appropriately, you attract clients who are serious and ready to invest in their own success.

7. Not Nurturing My Audience Enough

In the early days of my business, I focused almost entirely on product creation and sales. I was so busy creating new courses that I neglected the most important part of my business — building and nurturing relationships with my audience.

I thought that once I had the perfect product, people would just buy it. But I quickly learned that it doesn’t work like that. People need to know, like, and trust you before they’ll buy from you. Building those relationships takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.

What you can do instead: Start nurturing your audience now. Whether through regular emails, social media or other content, find ways to engage with your audience consistently. Offer value, listen to their needs and build genuine relationships. The more connected your audience feels to you, the more likely they are to become loyal customers.

Learn From My Mistakes to Build Your Success!

Building an online business is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll make mistakes along the way, but each one is an opportunity to learn and grow. The seven mistakes I made were hard lessons, but they ultimately shaped my success.

By focusing on gaining real-world experience, overcoming imposter syndrome, aligning with your passion, staying in your zone of genius, creating multiple products, charging your worth and nurturing your audience, you’ll be miles ahead of where I was when I started.

Remember, success isn’t about never making mistakes — it’s about how quickly you can learn from them and keep moving forward!

if you want to build a long-lasting and fulfilling business… I’ve got something just for you… 

I’m talking about our program, Success School

Our goal at Success School is simple: 

To help people like YOU learn, practice and master the Essential Skills for Business Success in a fun, safe and supportive environment….

So you can FINALLY build the business of your dreams…

Click here for all the details about Success School and how it works…

Then, go out there and Live Your Message!

The post 7 Mistakes I Made When Just Starting Out & How You Can Avoid Them appeared first on Live Your Message.

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The Beginner-Friendly, 5-Step Guide to Email Marketing Sat, 12 Oct 2024 00:02:19 +0000 Ready to kickstart your email marketing journey?  This beginner-friendly guide breaks down email marketing into five simple steps. It’ll give you a clear path and practical advice for connecting with your audience, building relationships and growing your business.  And we’ll start with the big one… 1. Choose an Email Marketing Platform Picking the right email ... Read more

The post The Beginner-Friendly, 5-Step Guide to Email Marketing appeared first on Live Your Message.

Ready to kickstart your email marketing journey? 

This beginner-friendly guide breaks down email marketing into five simple steps. It’ll give you a clear path and practical advice for connecting with your audience, building relationships and growing your business. 

And we’ll start with the big one…

1. Choose an Email Marketing Platform

Picking the right email marketing platform is like choosing a good pair of shoes—it must fit well and support your journey. Don’t worry; you don’t need to be tech-savvy to make a good choice. 

Let’s explore three solid options that cater to different needs and skill levels.


If you’re starting out or on a tight budget, MailerLite is a great free option. It’s known for its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for beginners to create attractive emails with no design experience. The drag-and-drop editor is intuitive, allowing you to craft professional-looking emails quickly.

MailerLite offers a generous free plan that lets you manage up to 1,000 subscribers and send 12,000 emails per month. 

You can set up basic email campaign automations, like welcome sequences, to greet new subscribers automatically. Plus, all their email templates are mobile-friendly, so your emails look great on smartphones and tablets.

While the free plan is excellent for beginners, remember that as your email list grows, you might need to upgrade to access more advanced features.

Kit (Formerly ConvertKit)

Kit has gained popularity among bloggers and content creators for good reason. While it comes with a higher price tag than MailerLite, it offers robust features that can grow with you as your skills improve.

One of Kit’s standout features is its powerful segmentation capabilities. You can easily tag subscribers based on their actions or interests, allowing you to send more targeted, relevant emails. 

The platform also excels at email automation. Its visual automation builder allows you to create complex email sequences, making it easy to map out sophisticated email flows.

Kit also offers tools to create landing pages and sign-up forms. 


For those ready to dive deep into email marketing, ActiveCampaign is a top contender. It offers advanced features for sophisticated email strategies.

ActiveCampaign stands out with its customer relationship management (CRM) integration. This can be a game-changer if you use email marketing for sales or lead nurturing. 

The platform also uses AI to provide insights, such as suggesting the best times to send emails for maximum engagement.

One of ActiveCampaign’s strengths is its split testing capabilities. You can test different versions of your emails to see what resonates best with your audience. 

The platform also provides detailed reporting for deep insights into your emails’ performance.

How to Choose?

Selecting the right email marketing service can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry. 

Start by assessing your needs. Think about the size of your current email list and your goals. Are you looking to nurture leads, sell products or keep in touch with your audience?

Next, consider your technical skills and how much time you have to learn a new platform. If you’re not tech-savvy, prioritize platforms with excellent customer support and user-friendly interfaces. 

It’s also wise to think about growth. Will this platform scale with your business? Can you easily upgrade or switch to a different plan as you grow?

Most platforms offer free trials, so take advantage of these. Create a test email and try out the features. Pay attention to how intuitive the interface feels to you. Also, check if the platform integrates well with your other tools, like your website or CRM.

Don’t forget to look at the reporting features. Check what data the platform provides and how easily you can track opens, clicks and conversions.

Remember, there’s no perfect platform for everyone.

The best choice is the one that meets your current needs and budget while allowing room for growth.

So don’t get paralyzed trying to make the “perfect” choice. Pick one and get started. You can always switch later if your needs change.

2. Create a Really Good Lead Magnet

Now that you’ve chosen your email marketing platform, it’s time to focus on growing your list. 

But people don’t just hand over their email addresses for free. You need to offer something valuable in return and that’s where a lead magnet comes in.

A lead magnet is a free resource you offer to potential subscribers so they’ll give you their address. This “bait” attracts your ideal customers and gives them a taste of the value you provide. 

However, not all lead magnets are created equal. Let’s learn how to make one that works.

Understanding Your Audience

The first step in creating a killer lead magnet is understanding your audience. 

What problems are they facing? What keeps them up at night? Your lead magnet should address a specific pain point or answer your ideal customer’s burning questions.

For example, your audience might struggle with finding time to work out if you’re a fitness coach. A lead magnet like “5 Effective 10-Minute Workouts for Busy Professionals” could appeal to them.

Choose the Right Format

Lead magnets come in many forms. The key is to choose a format that best delivers the solution to your audience’s problem. Some popular formats include:

  • PDF guides or ebooks
  • Checklists or cheat sheets
  • Video tutorials
  • Templates or swipe files
  • Free trials or samples
  • Quizzes or assessments

Consider what format would be most helpful and easiest for your audience to consume. 

A video tutorial might be best if you’re teaching a complex process. For quick tips or strategies, a PDF checklist could do the trick.

Deliver High Value

Your lead magnet should provide real, actionable value. It’s often your potential customer’s first impression, so make it count. Don’t be afraid to give away some of your best stuff. This builds trust and positions you as an expert in your field.

However, keep it focused. A common mistake is cramming too much information into a lead magnet. Remember, you’re solving a specific problem, not writing a comprehensive guide to everything in your industry.

Make It Easy to Consume

Attention spans are short. Your lead magnet should be easily digestible. 

For written content, use short paragraphs, subheadings and bullet points to break up the text. For videos, keep them concise and to the point.

Also, make sure your lead magnet is visually appealing. A polished look adds perceived value to your offer.

Create an Attention-Grabbing Title

Your lead magnet’s title is like the subject line of an email; it determines whether people will be interested enough to download it. Make it clear, specific and benefit-driven.

For instance, “Social Media Tips” is vague and unexciting. However, “10 Instagram Hacks to Double Your Followers in 30 Days” is specific and promises a clear benefit.

3. Leverage Pop-Ups and Optin Forms

It’s time to showcase it to your website visitors. This is where pop-ups and opt-in forms come in. These tools are essential for converting your website traffic into email subscribers. 

Let’s explore how to use them without annoying your visitors.

Understanding Pop-Ups and Opt-in Forms

Pop-ups are windows that appear over your website content, while opt-in forms are embedded directly into your web pages. Both serve the same purpose; however, they each have strengths and ideal use cases.

Pop-ups are attention-grabbing and can significantly boost your conversion rates. They’re perfect for making a bold offer or highlighting a time-sensitive promotion. 

​​Optin forms are less intrusive, and you can strategically place them throughout your site for ongoing lead generation.

Choosing the Right Tool

You’ll need a dedicated tool to implement pop-ups and opt-in forms effectively. 

Two popular options are OptinMonster and BDOW (formerly Sumo). These platforms offer a range of features to help you create, customize and optimize your forms.

OptinMonster is known for its advanced targeting and triggering options. You can create pop-ups that appear based on user behavior, such as exit intent (when someone is about to leave your site) or after scrolling a certain percentage of the page.

BDOW offers a suite of tools beyond pop-ups and forms. It’s an excellent all-in-one option for boosting your website’s overall performance.

Strategic Placement

Where you place your forms can impact their effectiveness. Consider these placement strategies:

  • Header or navigation bar
  • End of blog posts
  • Sidebar
  • Footer

For pop-ups, timing is key. 

Avoid showing them immediately when someone lands on your page. Instead, wait until they’ve had a chance to engage with your content. 

Exit-intent pop-ups, which appear when someone is about to leave your site, can be particularly effective.

4. Craft an Amazing Onboarding Sequence

Now, it’s time to welcome new subscribers and build relationships with them. This is where your onboarding sequence comes into play.

An onboarding sequence is a series of automated emails new subscribers receive after joining your list. It’s your chance to make a great first impression, deliver on your promises and set the stage for a lasting relationship. 

Start with a Warm Welcome

Your first email should go out immediately after someone subscribes. This email has two main purposes:

1. Deliver your lead magnet

2. Welcome the subscriber to your community

This welcome email should be short, friendly and to the point. Thank readers for subscribing, provide clear instructions on accessing their lead magnet and give them an overview of what they can expect from you in the future.

Map Out Your Sequence

A good onboarding sequence typically runs for 7 to 21 days, depending on your goals and the nature of your business. 

This email campaign is not the time for hard selling. 

Instead, focus on providing tons of value. Share your best tips, offer exclusive content or provide in-depth insights into topics your subscribers care about.

By delivering value (for free), you build trust and position yourself as an expert in your field. This lays the groundwork for future conversions.

Tell Your Story

People connect with stories. Use your onboarding sequence to share your brand’s story or your personal journey. This will help create an emotional connection with your subscribers and give them a reason to root for your success.

Be authentic and vulnerable. Share your struggles and your triumphs. This humanizes your brand and makes you more relatable.

Set Expectations

Use your onboarding sequence to set clear expectations for your ongoing relationship. Let your email subscribers know:

  • How often they’ll hear from you
  • The content they can expect
  • How they can get in touch with you if they need help

This helps prevent unsubscribes down the line and ensures you’re attracting the right subscribers who are interested in what you offer.

5. Give, Give, and Give (Then Ask)

Now that you’ve nurtured your subscribers through your onboarding sequence, it’s time to settle into a long-term email strategy

Try the “Give, Give, Give, Then Ask” approach popularized by Gary Vaynerchuk in his book “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook.” It’s about providing value before asking your audience for anything.

In email marketing terms, here’s what this approach means:

Give — Provide valuable, free content to your subscribers.

Give — Offer more valuable content, no strings attached.

Give — Continue to deliver value without expecting anything in return.

Ask — After providing significant value, make an offer or request.

This strategy is based on the principle of reciprocity. 

By consistently providing value to your subscribers, you build goodwill and trust. 

When you finally make an ask, your audience is more likely to respond positively because of the free value you’ve provided.

Giving can take many forms. Here are some ideas:

1. Educational content

Share tips, how-to guides, or industry insights.

2. Entertainment

Tell stories, share jokes or provide lighthearted content related to your niche.

3. Inspiration

Share motivational quotes, success stories or case studies.

4. Free Resources

Offer downloadable templates, checklists or tools.

5. Exclusive content

Provide subscriber-only articles, videos or podcasts.

When and How to Ask

After you’ve provided value consistently, then you make an ask. 

When you make your ask, be clear and direct. Explain the value of what you’re offering and why it applies to your subscribers. And always tie it back to the free value you’ve been providing.

The “Give, Give, Give, Then Ask” approach is a long-term strategy. But it’s a solid method for building a loyal, engaged audience.

Your Email Marketing Journey Begins

Congratulations! You’ve learned the five essential steps to kickstart your email marketing campaign. 

What’s your first move going to be?

Share with us in the comments below!

Before you go…

One of the best online businesses to create right now?

An online course business!

That’s why I wanted to share my brand-new Guide on how to create a course people buy, binge and bring up over coffee 🙂

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Inside, you’ll:

  • Unlock the power of “experiential courses” to grab attention, drive action and skyrocket your sales (and repeat sales!)
  • Leverage the hidden psychology that drives people to buy and complete courses (this has created millions in sales in hundreds of niches)
  • Learn the ONE thing that AI can NEVER compete with that virtually guarantees your course success
  • Discover my unique “no-ask” referral method that will have your students raving about you to their friends
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This Guide is yours FREE — it will walk you through the only way you should create an online course today…

If you want your students to actually engage, take action and get results!

The post The Beginner-Friendly, 5-Step Guide to Email Marketing appeared first on Live Your Message.

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How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks Mon, 07 Oct 2024 20:46:04 +0000 Want to boost your Twitter (now known as X) followers?  Well, you’ve landed in the right spot.  Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your reach, these tips and tricks will show you how to get followers on X/Twitter effectively.  No filler, no fluff, just cold hard strategies that’ll help you grow on ... Read more

The post How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks appeared first on Live Your Message.

Want to boost your Twitter (now known as X) followers? 

Well, you’ve landed in the right spot. 

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your reach, these tips and tricks will show you how to get followers on X/Twitter effectively. 

No filler, no fluff, just cold hard strategies that’ll help you grow on this lively social media platform.


Let’s begin.

1. Craft a Magnetic Brand Persona

Your X/Twitter profile is your digital handshake, your first impression upon potential followers. 

So, it needs to be a cohesive, attractive presence that draws people in and keeps them wanting more.


Start by defining your unique brand voice and personality. 

What sets you apart in your niche? 

Are you the tech guru who breaks down complex concepts or the fitness coach who motivates with tough love? 

Your voice should reflect this uniqueness. 

Take NASA’s X/Twitter account (@NASA) as an example:

They’ve amassed over 80 million followers with their blend of awe-inspiring visuals, scientific explanations, and approachable tone.

Once you’ve nailed your brand voice, ensure every touch point reflects it.

We’re talking your bio, profile picture, banner and every interaction you have with potential followers.

Let’s look at a prime example from Airbnb (@Airbnb):

Their X/Twitter bio is concise, informative and within the 160-character limit: 

The profile picture features their recognizable logo, while the banner image showcases stunning imagery and partners. 

And their voice is present in every tweet or comment — warm, inviting and focused on unique travel experiences. It’s the complete package.

2. Master the Art of Visual Storytelling

In the fast-paced world of social media, visual storytelling is your secret weapon to grow your X/Twitter follower count

In fact, 4 out of every 5 X/Twitter user sessions now include watching videos. 

And, video views are, on average, growing 35% year-on-year.

Thus, increasing your reach and, potentially, supercharging your Twitter growth. 

But how can you harness this power?

Start by leveraging a mix of videos and images in your posts. 

Videos, limited to 2 minutes and 20 seconds on X/Twitter, offer a chance to deliver more complex messages. 

And high-quality photos can showcase your products or bring your ideas to life. 

National Geographic’s X/Twitter account (@NatGeo) excels at this:

They regularly post stunning wildlife and landscape videos and images, coupled with bite-sized facts or stories about the subject. 

For you, this could mean offering quick tips, summarizing key points from a longer article or presenting surprising statistics relevant to your niche.

Now, you might be thinking…

“This is all well and good, but I’m not a professional designer!”

Well, when it comes to creating eye-catching visual content, you don’t need to be. 

Tools like Canva offer user-friendly templates specifically designed for X/Twitter. 

For video content, Lumen5 can turn your blog posts into engaging video summaries.

3. Fine-Tune Your Tweeting Schedule

With over 500 million tweets sent each day, competition for followers is high. 

So, don’t post into the endless “void” and optimize your posting schedule so your X/Twitter audience can see you.

But first, you need to understand your audience’s active hours. 

X/Twitter Analytics provides valuable insights into when a potential follower is most active. 

Log in to your X/Twitter Analytics dashboard and navigate to the “Audiences” tab:

Here, you’ll find a breakdown of your followers’ online activity by hour and day.

If you’re new to the game, then check out this Sprout Social guide. They state the best days are Tuesday to Thursday.

However, peak days and times can vary depending on your specific audience and time zone. 

Once you’ve identified your peak times, implement a consistent posting schedule. 

Consistency builds anticipation and keeps your audience engaged. 

RivalIQ’s report found that accounts posting 5+ times per week saw the highest engagement rates on X/Twitter.

Yes, this can be difficult if you’re a busy professional.

So, plan ahead and schedule your social media posts.

X/Twitter’s native scheduling feature allows you to plan tweets: 

Simply write your social media post and click the schedule icon.

4. Pin the Right Tweet to Your Profile

Your pinned tweet is the spotlight of your X/Twitter profile. 

It’s the first tweet visitors see after scanning your X/Twitter bio. 

Make it count, and you’ll turn profile visitors into followers.

But which tweet should you pin? 

Well, let me spill the beans on picking your star performer…

The absolute best tweet to pin is the one that showcases your biggest win or most valuable insight. 

Take a look at how Justin Welsh (@thejustinwelsch) nails this strategy:

See how he hooks you with an impressive achievement and the promise of valuable insights? 

It demonstrates Justin’s credibility with a concrete achievement, offers a compelling story and promises value to the reader..

Ready to pin your star tweet? Here’s how:

  • Head to your profile
  • Find your showstopper tweet
  • Click the three dots (…) in the top right corner
  • Hit “Pin to your profile”

Boom! You’re pinned.

5. Optimize Your Engagement with X/Twitter Lists

Do you think a X/Twitter List is just for keeping your feed tidy?

Think again!

These underrated gems are your ticket to follower growth and targeted engagement.

But why is targeted engagement so crucial for growing your followers?

It’s simple: quality over quantity.

When you engage with the right people in your niche, you’re not just shouting into the void.

You’re having conversations that matter, with people who matter.

This focused approach shows you’re a valuable member of your community.

And in the Twitterverse, value attracts followers like moths to a flame.


It’s all about being smart with your lists.

Create lists that matter in your niche. Add the movers and shakers in your field.

Then, engage with their content like your follower count depends on it (because it does).

Like their tweets. Retweet the gold. Reply with your two cents.

Show them you’re not just watching — you’re listening and contributing.

By consistently providing value, those on your X/Twitter list start to notice you. Their followers notice you.

Suddenly, you’re part of your niche’s conversation.

Before you know it, your follower count is growing.

Now to create a list, click ‘Lists’ in your profile menu:

Next, hit ‘Create a new List’, give it a catchy name and start adding those target accounts.

6. Cultivate Authentic Influencer Partnerships

Influencer partnerships on X/Twitter are your secret weapon for follower growth.

Why? Simple.

When an influencer gives you a nod, it’s instant credibility. Their endorsement is your trust badge.

Also, you’re not just shouting into the void, you’re tapping into their follower base. Your brand is introduced to a whole new crowd of potential followers.

And here’s the kicker… these collaborations often spark conversations, giving your engagement a serious boost.

But finding the right influencers is crucial. 

You could simply use the X/Twitter search feature or a tool like Buzzsumo.

It offers features to find influential figures based on topics or keywords.

Once you’ve got your list of potential influencers, it’s time to make your move. 

Start by engaging authentically with their content. 

Retweet, comment, add value. 

Once you’ve built a rapport, propose a collaboration that benefits both parties.

Maybe it’s a joint X/Twitter chat, a collaborative thread or a shoutout exchange.

It’s about creating genuine connections, not just transactions. 

Do it right, and you’ll see your follower count climb faster than you can tweet.

7. Develop a Long-Form Content Strategy with X/Twitter Articles

X/Twitter Articles let you showcase your expertise in depth.

And when it comes to gaining followers, expertise is crucial.

You’re positioning yourself as a thought leader. And people follow thought leaders.

But it gets better.

X/Twitter Articles appear directly in a user’s feed.

No external links to your blog or websites. No app-switching.

Just pure, unadulterated value right where your potential followers are already scrolling.

It keeps eyes on your content, increasing the chances of likes, retweets, and yes, new followers.

So, how do you craft X/Twitter Articles that turn readers into followers?

Start with topics that showcase your unique insights.

What can you teach that no one else can?

Maybe you’ve got a fresh take on a common problem or a behind-the-scenes look at your field.

For instance, let’s say you’re a UX designer.

Don’t just write about “5 UX Best Practices.”

Everyone’s done that.

Instead, how about “How I Increased App Engagement by 200% with Counterintuitive UX Choices”?

You could break down your unconventional approach, share real data and give insights that challenge the status quo.

Beyond that, keep long-form content best practices in mind:

  • Use clear, attention-grabbing headlines
  • Break up your text with subheadings and visuals
  • Always, always, deliver more value than your readers expect.

Deliver that, and watch your follower count soar.

8. Leverage X/Twitter Spaces for Community Building

X/Twitter Spaces helps you cultivate engaged followers who’ll sing your praises to others. 

When you host a Space, you’re having real-time, voice-to-voice conversations with your target audience.

This personal touch? It’s follower-growth rocket fuel.

Think about it. When people hear your voice, your passion, your expertise?

They connect with you on a whole new level.

And people follow those they feel connected to.

But it gets better. Spaces aren’t just about you talking.

They’re about creating a dialogue. And dialogue breeds loyalty.

When followers feel heard, they stick around. And they bring friends.

Plus, every time you host a Space, X/Twitter sends out notifications.

That’s free promotion. Putting you on the radar of potential new followers.

So, to nail your X/Twitter Space, start with topics that showcase your expertise.

Maybe it’s “10 Tips for Creating a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy“.

Then, promote your Space in advance. Tweet, build anticipation and offer a glimpse of the value you’ll provide.

During the Space, engage. Ask questions. Encourage participation. 

And most importantly, deliver more value than promised.

9. Tap into the Potential of X/Twitter Ads

X/Twitter Ads offer a powerful way to accelerate your growth and reach new audiences. 

But why shell out cash when organic growth is free?

Well, they put you in front and center of your target audience, even if you’re starting from scratch.

And visibility is essential to follower growth.

Let’s break down the different ad formats and their uses:

  • Promoted Tweets: These appear in users’ timelines and search results. 
  • Follower Ads: These suggest your account to users interested in your content. 
  • Twitter Takeover: This premium option puts your ad at the top of users’ timelines for maximum visibility.

Setting up effective targeting is crucial for success. X/Twitter offers various targeting options, such as interests, keywords and audiences.

For example, a vegan meal delivery service might target users interested in “healthy eating”, and use keywords like “vegan recipes” and “meal prep”.

Finally, creating compelling ad copy and visuals is essential. 

Your ads should have a clear, concise message, include a strong call-to-action and use eye-catching visuals that align with your brand.

Start with a small budget, test different ad formats and targeting options and use Twitter’s built-in analytics to track performance metrics…

10. Drive Growth with X/Twitter Analytics

Knowledge is power and X/Twitter Analytics is just that. 

When used effectively, it can boost your strategy and increase your follower count.

We’ve already touched upon finding the best time to post but here are the other vital metrics you need to understand:

  • Impressions: The number of times your tweets appear in users’ timelines.
  • Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who interact with your tweets.
  • Top Tweets: Your best-performing content.

These metrics tell you what’s working and what’s not. 

High impressions but low engagement? Your content might not be resonating. 

Notice a sudden surge in activity? Analyze what you did differently that day and replicate it.

Start by looking at your top-performing tweets. 

What made them pop?

Was it the topic? The time you posted? The format?

Use these clues to fine-tune your content strategy.

If your jokes are getting all the love, maybe it’s time to amp up the humor.

If your how-to threads are blowing up, give the people what they want!

Remember, data without action is useless. 

Use these insights to continuously refine your strategy. Test new approaches, measure the results and adjust accordingly. 

Ready to Amplify Your X/Twitter Followers?

Now you’re armed with 10 powerful tips to enhance your following, but which strategy excites you most?

Let us know in the comments below.

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks appeared first on Live Your Message.

]]> 0 23186
The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing (With Tips & Strategies) Thu, 19 Sep 2024 03:46:14 +0000 Are you ready to experiment with online marketing but feeling overwhelmed? You’re in the right place.  This beginner’s guide breaks down the essentials of digital marketing, making it easy to understand and implement.  Whether you’re a small business owner or an aspiring marketer, we’ll help you navigate the online world confidently. What is Online Marketing? ... Read more

The post The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing (With Tips & Strategies) appeared first on Live Your Message.

Are you ready to experiment with online marketing but feeling overwhelmed? You’re in the right place. 

This beginner’s guide breaks down the essentials of digital marketing, making it easy to understand and implement. 

Whether you’re a small business owner or an aspiring marketer, we’ll help you navigate the online world confidently.

What is Online Marketing?

Online marketing uses the internet and digital platforms to promote products, services or brands. 

Depending on your business model, your online marketing strategy might cover:

  • search engine marketing
  • content marketing
  • social media marketing
  • email marketing
  • PPC advertising
  • affiliate marketing
  • influencer marketing

Online marketing is powerful because it lets even small businesses reach people worldwide. It offers more targeted, interactive and measurable campaigns than traditional marketing methods like print or TV ads.

And the best part? You can often see exactly how well your marketing campaigns are working. Then, you can adapt your approach for better results.

What are the Basics of Online Marketing?

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s essential to understand the foundation of online marketing. These basics will help you build a powerful marketing strategy as you promote your business online.

Understanding Your Audience

Knowing your audience is crucial. You’re not talking to “everyone on the internet.” Your audience is the specific group of people most likely to be interested in your offer.

Start by thinking about your ideal customer. What are their age, interests and challenges? Where do they hang out online? What kind of content do they enjoy? 

Once you understand your audience, you can create content and ads that speak directly to them. 

Understanding your audience isn’t a one-time task. Consumer behaviors change over time. Keep listening to your customers and be ready to adjust your approach.

Setting Clear Marketing Goals

Having clear goals gives you a roadmap for your online marketing journey. 

Start by thinking about what you want to achieve. Do you want people to:

  • Visit your website? 
  • Buy a specific product? 
  • Sign up for your email list?

Make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

For example, instead of saying, “I want more website visitors,” you might set a goal like, “I want to increase my website traffic by 20% in the next three months.” This gives you a target and a deadline.

Your goals should guide your marketing decisions. Regularly checking your progress against your goals lets you see what’s working and what needs to be adjusted.

Choosing the Right Online Marketing Channels

With so many digital marketing channels available, choose the ones that will work best for your business. 

Start by looking at where your audience spends their time online. 

Are they active on Facebook? Do they prefer email? Do they search for businesses like yours on Google? Your audience research will help you answer these questions.

Then, think about your business and what you’re trying to achieve. 

If you’re a B2B company, LinkedIn might be a good fit. If you sell visually appealing products, Instagram could be ideal. 

Consider your resources. 

Some channels, like social media, are time-consuming, though marketing automation can help. Others, like pay-per-click advertising, require a budget. 

What are the Key Online Marketing Strategies for Beginners?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some specific strategies. These are tried-and-true methods that even beginners can implement. 

Content Marketing

Content marketing is creating and sharing valuable information that engages your audience. Instead of directly promoting products, it focuses on building trust and showcasing your expertise.

Create High-Quality Content

To be successful with content marketing, you have to create content your audience wants to read, watch or listen to. These could be blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics or social media posts.

Start by thinking about what your audience wants to know. What questions do they have? What problems are they trying to solve? Your content should provide answers and solutions.

Vary your content types. Some people prefer reading, while others enjoy videos. By offering a mix, you can cater to different preferences and keep your content interesting.

Provide value. Whether you’re educating, entertaining or inspiring your audience, make sure they walk away feeling like they’ve gained something from your content.

Optimize for SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, helps search engines find and understand your content.

There are three categories of SEO.

  1. On-page SEO: Optimizes individual web pages by incorporating relevant keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to rank higher in search results.
  2. Off-page SEO: Involves actions outside your website, primarily building high-quality backlinks to boost search rankings.
  3. Technical SEO: Focuses on your website’s backend, including site speed, mobile-friendliness and ensuring an easy-to-crawl site structure for search engines.

While SEO is important, your primary goal should always be to create valuable content for your human readers. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing uses social platforms to connect with your audience and build brand awareness. It’s a terrific way to engage with customers and showcase your brand’s personality.

Choose the Right Platforms

Each social media platform is different; you want to be where your target audience is most active. 

Facebook is often a good starting point for many businesses because of its large, diverse user base. It’s great for sharing a variety of content types and building community. 

If your business relies on strong visuals, Instagram is effective. It’s perfect for showcasing products and engaging with audiences. 

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B companies or professionals offering services. 

X (formerly Twitter) is helpful for businesses that want to stay on top of trends and engage in real-time conversations. 

TikTok can be powerful for targeting younger audiences or for brands with creative content. 

Build an Engaged Audience

Building an engaged audience on social media takes time. 

Start by posting consistently. The frequency will vary based on the platform and your resources. 

Encourage interaction by asking questions or running polls. When followers comment or message you, respond promptly and in a friendly manner. 

Share diverse content to keep your feed interesting. Use images, videos and text posts. 

Be genuine. People connect with authenticity, not sales pitches. 

Social Media Advertising for Beginners

Organic reach can be tough, but social media advertising offers a way to reach your audience effectively. Start with a small daily budget and adjust as you see results.

Begin by setting clear goals for your ads. Choose ad formats that fit your objectives and content. Use eye-catching visuals and snappy copy that clearly communicates your value.

Test multiple ad versions with slight variations to see which performs best, and monitor the results to fine-tune your approach.

Social media advertising is a learning process — start small, track your progress and adjust your strategy as you discover what works for your business.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for building customer relationships, promoting your products or services and driving traffic to your website. And it offers an excellent return on investment.

Build an Email List

Start by offering valuable incentives, like a free guide or discount code, to encourage sign-ups.

Clearly communicate what subscribers can expect, whether it’s weekly tips, exclusive offers or company updates.

Use a double opt-in process to have subscribers confirm their email addresses for a higher-quality list.

Craft Effective Email Campaigns

The best emails you’ll write come from understanding your audience and their needs. 

Try segmenting your email list based on factors like purchase history, interests or engagement level. It’s the easiest way to send targeted, relevant content to your subscribers.

Use attention-grabbing subject lines to encourage opens, but avoid clickbait tactics that could disappoint readers. 

Personalization can improve your email performance. Use subscribers’ names and tailor content based on their preferences or past interactions with your business. 

Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in each email. Make it easy for them to take that next step.

Measure Email Campaign Success

Measuring the success of your email campaigns is how you’ll improve your strategy. Most email marketing platforms provide analytics to help you understand your emails’ performance.

The click-through rate shows how many people clicked on links in your email. This reveals how engaging your content and CTAs are.

The conversion rate shows how many people took the desired action after reading your email.

Bounces happen when emails cannot reach the recipient’s inbox. A high bounce rate might mean you need to clean up your email list.

The unsubscribe rate shows how many people opt out of your emails. Expect some unsubscribes, but a high rate might indicate your content isn’t meeting subscribers’ expectations. 

Test elements like subject lines, content types and sending times to see what resonates best with your audience.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click advertising is an online marketing method where you pay each time a user clicks on one of your ads. You’re buying site visits rather than waiting for organic traffic, so it’s an effective way to quickly drive targeted traffic to your website.

What is PPC?

PPC advertising works on an auction system. You bid to have your ad appear when someone searches for specific keywords related to your business. It’s commonly used on search engines and social media platforms.

The beauty of PPC is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. You’re not spending money on people who see your ad but aren’t interested. 

Setting Up Your First Campaign

First, choose your platform. Google Ads is the most popular search engine advertising tool, while Facebook Ads are great for social media.

Next, define your campaign goals. Are you looking to increase sales or generate leads? Your goals will influence your campaign setup and success metrics.

Keyword research is vital for PPC. Use keyword planning tools to find search terms relevant to your business. 

Write ad copy that highlights your offer. Include a strong CTA that tells people what to do next. Optimize the landing page for conversions.

Set a budget you’re comfortable with. Start small and increase your spending as you learn what works. Most platforms let you set daily budgets and maximum bids for each click.

Optimizing PPC Campaigns

PPC requires ongoing management and optimization to get the best results. 

Review your campaign performance regularly. Look at metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate and cost per conversion.

Refine your keyword list based on performance. Pause keywords that aren’t performing well and consider adding new ones. 

Test variations of your ads to see what resonates best with your audience. Try different headlines, descriptions and CTAs. Many platforms offer A/B testing tools to make this easier.

Monitor your quality score. Many PPC platforms use this metric to determine your ads’ relevance and value. A higher quality score can lead to better ad positions and lower costs.

Don’t be afraid to make changes, but give your campaigns enough time to gather meaningful data before making significant adjustments. 

What are Common Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid?

While online marketing offers many opportunities, it’s easy to fall into certain traps. 

Let’s look at three pitfalls you’ll want to avoid.

Ignoring Mobile Users

Overlooking mobile users is a costly mistake. Many people are browsing, shopping and interacting on their smartphones. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re likely losing potential customers. 

Consider how your emails and social media content appear on mobile devices. Are your fonts easy to read? Are your images clear?

Not Having a Clear Strategy

Set goals with specific, measurable objectives for your digital marketing campaigns. Concrete targets keep you on track.

Look at consumer behavior to find the best ways to reach your target audience. Make a plan for your content and digital marketing platforms. 

Review and adjust your strategy based on your results. 

Focusing on Quantity Over Quality

It’s tempting to prioritize quantity over quality. But low-quality content or ads do more harm than good. 

Instead, focus on creating relevant content that serves your audience’s needs. Posting one thoughtful, well-crafted piece of content is better than several rushed, mediocre ones. 

The same goes for your email list or social media followers. A smaller, engaged audience is far more valuable than a large, uninterested one. 

Your Journey to Online Marketing Success Starts Now

We’ve covered the essentials of online marketing.

Now it’s your turn.

What’s your biggest challenge in online marketing? Share in the comments below!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing (With Tips & Strategies) appeared first on Live Your Message.

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What is Affiliate Marketing? The No-Fluff Guide for 2024 Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Tired of the 9-to-5 grind? Affiliate marketing might be your ticket to freedom.  But what is affiliate marketing, exactly?  This beginner-friendly guide cuts through the noise and examines the what, why and how this powerful online business model works. Whether you’re a curious newbie or a seasoned pro, you’ll find actionable insights throughout.  Let’s get ... Read more

The post What is Affiliate Marketing? The No-Fluff Guide for 2024 appeared first on Live Your Message.

Tired of the 9-to-5 grind? Affiliate marketing might be your ticket to freedom. 

But what is affiliate marketing, exactly? 

This beginner-friendly guide cuts through the noise and examines the what, why and how this powerful online business model works.

Whether you’re a curious newbie or a seasoned pro, you’ll find actionable insights throughout. 

Let’s get started.

What is Affiliate Marketing? An Overview

Affiliate marketing is your digital megaphone for products you believe in. 

It’s a business model where you, the affiliate, become a virtual spokesperson for other companies’ offerings. 

You create content that showcases these products, and when your audience clicks through and makes a purchase, you earn a slice of the profit pie. 

It’s like word-of-mouth marketing but boosted by the internet’s reach and your persuasive prowess.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing operates through three pivotal players: the merchant, the affiliate and the customer.

The merchant, also known as the advertiser or retailer, creates the product or service. 

They’re the brains behind what’s being sold, whether it’s physical goods, digital downloads or subscription services — think Amazon, for example. 

Next, you, the affiliate marketer, promote the merchant’s offerings. 

Your job is to create compelling digital content that attracts potential customers. 

This could be through blog posts, YouTube videos, Instagram stories or even email marketing

As an affiliate marketer, you’re the bridge between the product and the consumer.

Finally, the customer completes the trio. 

They encounter your content, click on your unique affiliate link and hopefully make a purchase. 

When a customer clicks your link, a small file called a cookie is stored on their device. 

This cookie tracks the customer’s journey from your content to the merchant’s site, ensuring you get credit for the affiliate sale.

Why is Affiliate Marketing Popular?

Affiliate marketing has surged in popularity over the last decade. 

Why? It’s a win-win for both businesses and affiliates. 

Simply take a look at these affiliate marketing statistics to understand why.

You see, for businesses, it’s a cost-effective digital marketing strategy

They only pay commissions on actual sales, eliminating the risk of wasted ad spend. 

It also expands their brand awareness

By tapping into affiliates’ diverse audiences, businesses can access markets they might not have reached otherwise. 

Affiliates reap numerous benefits, too. 

For one, the low barrier to entry is a major draw. 

You can start with just a laptop and an internet connection — no need for product development or inventory management. 

The potential for passive affiliate income is another allure. 

Once you’ve created content and embedded affiliate links, it can continue generating affiliate revenue long after publication. 

Moreover, affiliate marketing offers flexibility. 

You choose which products to promote, matching your interests and values.

What are the Different Types of Affiliate Marketing

Not all affiliate marketing programs are created equal. Each type offers unique opportunities and challenges. 

Understanding these differences will help you choose the right path for your affiliate adventure.

Pay-Per-Sale (PPS)

This is the most common type of affiliate marketing program. You earn an affiliate commission when a customer completes a purchase through your affiliate link. 

For instance, if you review a bestselling novel on your book blog and a reader buys it through your link, you’ll receive a percentage of the sale price.

Amazon Associates, one of the largest affiliate programs, operates on this model. 

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

In PPC programs, you earn money each time a visitor clicks on your affiliate link, regardless of whether they make a purchase. 

If you run a travel blog and display ads for flight booking sites, you’ll earn a small amount for each click, even if the visitor doesn’t book a flight.

Google AdSense is a prime example of PPC. 

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL)

PPL programs reward you for generating leads. 

You get paid when a visitor follows your link and completes a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or requesting a quote. 

For instance, if you promote a car insurance company on your automotive website and a visitor fills out their online quote form, you’ll earn a commission.

How Do I Get Started with Affiliate Marketing?

Ready to dive into the world of affiliate marketing strategy? Let’s break down the process into manageable steps. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Choose a Niche
  • Find Worthwhile Affiliate Programs
  • Build Your Platform
  • Create Content that Converts

Along with an arsenal of affiliate marketing tools, these steps form the foundation of getting started with affiliate marketing.

So, let’s jump in.

Choose a Niche

Selecting the right niche is the first crucial step in affiliate marketing. 

Your niche should be the sweet spot where your passion meets market demand. 

So, start with your interests. 

What topics make you lose track of time? 

Maybe you devour every new smartphone release, or you’ve tried every fitness program under the sun. 

Your genuine enthusiasm will fuel your content creation and keep you motivated when challenges arise.

Now, let’s talk about market potential. 

For each niche, use tools like Google Trends to gauge interest in your chosen topics. 

For instance, “plant-based diet” has seen steady growth over the past 5 years, indicating a potentially lucrative niche: 

Whereas, the “Atkins diet” died out pretty quickly since its introduction:

Consider the competition, too. 

A broad niche like “travel” might seem attractive, but it’s crowded. 

However, “solo female travel” could be a more targeted and less competitive option.

Finally, profitability matters. 

Some niches, like technology or finance, often have higher-priced products and, thus, potentially higher commissions. 

The fitness niche, for example, offers a mix of low-cost items like resistance bands and high-ticket items like treadmills or yearly gym memberships.

Further Reading:

Find Worthwhile Affiliate Programs

With your niche selected, it’s time to hunt for affiliate programs that match your goals. 

You’ve got two main avenues: high-paying affiliate networks or a direct affiliate partnership. 

Let’s consider each…

High-Paying Affiliate Networks

An affiliate network acts as a middleman, connecting you with multiple merchants in one place. 

They offer a smorgasbord of products and often provide robust tracking and payment systems.

Amazon Associates stands out as a popular choice for beginners. 


It boasts a vast product selection and a user-friendly interface. 

Imagine you’re running a cooking blog. With Amazon, you can link to everything from spatulas to high-end blenders.

For tech enthusiasts, networks like CJ Affiliate open doors to partnerships with giants like Samsung and GoPro. 

ShareASale is another heavyweight in the affiliate world. They partner with over 30,000 merchants across various niches. 

Whichever affiliate network you choose, examine the commission structure. 

Look for networks that offer competitive commission structures and high-ticket items in your niche. 

The goal is to maximize your earning potential, so prioritize partnerships that align with your audience’s interests and offer substantial payouts.

Direct Affiliate Partnerships

Some companies prefer to run their own affiliate programs. 

They often dangle higher commission rates but may require more effort to join and manage.

Take Shopify, for example. Their affiliate program pays up to $150 for all full-price plan merchant referrals. 

But when choosing programs, consider factors beyond just affiliate commission rates. 

Look at cookie duration (how long you’ll get credit for a referral), payment terms, and the quality of the product itself.

The bottom line…

Your credibility is on the line with every recommendation. 

So, choose products you’d genuinely use yourself. 

Your audience (and bank account) will thank you for it.

Build Your Platform

Your platform is the foundation of your affiliate marketing empire. 

It’s where you’ll showcase products, engage with your audience and ultimately drive those precious clicks. 

Let’s examine your two primary options: creating a website or blog and leveraging social media.

Create a Website or Blog

A website gives you complete control over your content marketing and branding. It’s your digital real estate and you make the rules.

WordPress reigns supreme in the website creation world thanks to its flexibility and extensive plugin options. 

Start by choosing a domain name that reflects your niche. 

If you’re in the fitness space, a domain like “” instantly communicates your focus.

Once you’ve secured your domain, select a hosting provider. 

Companies like Bluehost offer affordable plans with one-click WordPress installation.

Next, pick a theme that sums up your brand. 

ThemeForest boasts thousands of options for every niche imaginable. 

For a fitness site, you might opt for a theme with a bold, energetic design and space for workout videos.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms offer a quick way to start building an audience. 

It’s tempting to go all guns blazing by spreading yourself across all social platforms but you don’t need to be everywhere at once. 

You simply need to be where your target audience hangs out.

So, choose wisely based on your niche and content type.

Instagram works wonders for visual niches like fashion or travel. 

Imagine you’re a travel blogger. You could post stunning photos of destinations, with captions that include affiliate links to booking sites or travel gear.

Alternatively, YouTube is the go-to for in-depth product reviews and tutorials. 

Tech reviewers like MKBHD have built empires on YouTube, reviewing the latest gadgets and including affiliate links in their video descriptions.

And TikTok, with its explosive growth, offers potential for short-form content. 

If you’re in the beauty niche, you could create a quick makeup tutorial using an affiliate product.

Create Content that Converts

Content is the engine that drives your affiliate marketing success. It’s how you attract, engage and convince your audience. 

Let’s consider the types of content that work best and how to optimize them for search engines.

Types of Content for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate product reviews reign supreme in the affiliate marketing world. 

They provide value to your audience while naturally incorporating affiliate links. 

Wirecutter, now owned by The New York Times, built its entire business model on in-depth product reviews and comparisons. 

They test everything from mattresses to headphones, providing detailed insights that help readers make informed decisions.

How-to guides and tutorials also convert well. 

If you’re in the photography niche, you could create a guide on “How to Take Stunning Night Photos.” 

Then, include affiliate links to cameras, tripods or lenses. 

Photography Life does this exceptionally well, offering comprehensive tutorials alongside gear recommendations.

Finally, listicles remain popular for their digestibility. 

“The 10 Best Budget Laptops for Students in 2024” not only attracts readers but also provides multiple opportunities for affiliate links. 

SEO Best Practices for Affiliate Content

To ensure your content reaches your target audience, focus on search engine optimization (SEO). 

Start by using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to find relevant keywords with good search volume and low competition.

Then, incorporate these keywords naturally into your content. 

Place them in your title, headings and throughout the body text. 

Using the previous example, if you’re targeting the keyword “best budget laptops,” your article title might be: 

“The 10 Best Budget Laptops for Students in 2024.”


It’s click-worthy. 

It includes the keyword, highlights the post type (listicle) and audience (students) and adds relevance (the current year).

Beyond your title, create in-depth, valuable content that addresses your target audience’s needs. 

Google’s algorithms favor authoritative content that provides genuine value to readers.

Next, use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content so readers and search engines understand the hierarchy of information.

And finally, please don’t forget about mobile optimization. 

With over 50% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, ensure your content looks great and functions well on smartphones and tablets.

Keep in mind, creating content that converts is an ongoing process. 

Some content will hit the mark, other content will fall flat. 

Use analytics to help you see which is which. Then, double down on your best-performing content.

Your Journey into Affiliate Marketing Starts Now

Ready to dive into affiliate marketing? 

Share your thoughts, questions or experience in the comments below. 

Your unique insight might just inspire the next batch of successful affiliate marketers.

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post What is Affiliate Marketing? The No-Fluff Guide for 2024 appeared first on Live Your Message.

]]> 0 22924
Craft a Sales Page That Converts Visitors Into Customers for Your Course, Product, Program or Service Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:00:00 +0000 You’ve probably heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This holds true for sales pages. When someone lands on your page, you have a very short window to convince them that what you offer is the solution to their problem. Whether you’re selling an online course, product, program ... Read more

The post Craft a Sales Page That Converts Visitors Into Customers for Your Course, Product, Program or Service appeared first on Live Your Message.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This holds true for sales pages. When someone lands on your page, you have a very short window to convince them that what you offer is the solution to their problem.

Whether you’re selling an online course, product, program or service, your sales page is your chance to turn visitors into customers. The key? Crafting a compelling and strategic page that speaks directly to your audience’s needs.

Why Your Sales Page Matters

In a world where attention spans are shrinking, your sales page serves as your first (and possibly only) chance to connect with potential customers. It’s more than just a description of what you’re selling — it’s your opportunity to tell a story, establish trust and motivate action. The goal? To convince visitors that your course, product or program is exactly what they need.

But how do you do that? Let’s break it down!

1. Know Your Audience

Before you can convert visitors into customers, you need to know who they are and what they want. Without a clear understanding of your audience, your sales page will fall flat.

Start by asking yourself:

  • What are they struggling with?
  • How does that problem affect their daily life?
  • Where do they hang out online?
  • What other solutions have they tried?
  • What are they willing to sacrifice to solve this problem?

Answering these questions will help you write a sales page that feels personalized and resonates with your audience. The more you understand their pain points and desires, the easier it is to speak directly to them.

2. A Headline That Grabs Attention

Your headline is the first thing people see when they land on your sales page and you only have a few seconds to grab their attention. Think of your headline as the hook — it needs to speak to their problem and promise a solution.

Here’s a great formula:

  • Address the problem
  • Offer a solution
  • Create intrigue

For example, the headline for our signature program — the Experience Product Masterclass, reads:

Skyrocket Your Income With the New Kind of High-Impact Online Course — Guaranteed.

This headline works because:

  • It speaks directly to the visitor’s goal (to make more money).
  • It introduces a solution (a high-impact online course).
  • It creates intrigue by mentioning a “new kind” of course.

If you’re unsure about your headline, write 10, 20 or even 50 versions until you find one that sticks. A strong headline is the foundation of your sales page’s success.

3. A Subheadline That Keeps Them Reading

Once your headline grabs their attention, your subheadline needs to keep them interested. The subheadline is where you can dive a little deeper into the value of your offer.

For example, the subheadline for the Experience Product Masterclass reads:

A proven 12-week program to validate, create, launch and successfully sell your very own Experience Product — the new kind of “high profit” course taking the world by storm.

This subheadline does a great job of clearly communicating the value of the course: in 12 weeks or less, students will have a profitable course ready to sell.

4. Add a Hero Image (Optional but Powerful)

While optional, a well-chosen hero image can add a lot to your sales page. A hero image is a high-quality, relevant picture that complements your headline and subheadline, drawing people in visually.

For example, if your course is about meal prep, you could feature an image of a family sitting down to a healthy, home-cooked meal. Or, if your course is about yoga for moms, show a relatable, calm scene of a mom practicing yoga in her living room.

Another way to use a hero image is a product mockup. Since online courses are digital, doing this can give an important boost to the perceived value of your course… you show AND tell as opposed to just telling…

We do this on our summary sales page. This is the shorter version of our long sales page that we use on our LIVE Workshops and webinars. Instead of a hero image at the top, we include product mockups for each module in the Experience Product Masterclass. 

This breaks up the sales page while also helping prospects visualize each module and what they’ll get to learn, do and achieve as they make their way through our course. 

The goal is to use the hero image to convey the benefits of your course or product and create an emotional connection.

5. Include a Sales Video (Optional)

Video can be a powerful tool for making a personal connection with your audience. Whether it’s you speaking directly to the camera or a simple slideshow with narration, a video can give your potential customers a sense of who you are and what they can expect from your course.

Don’t worry about creating a Hollywood-quality production — your video just needs to be authentic. If video editing isn’t your thing, consider hiring someone on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to help you out.

6. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons

A call-to-action (CTA) button is a simple but crucial part of your sales page. It’s where you invite your visitors to take the next step and enroll in your course or buy your product.

Your CTA buttons should:

  • Stand out with a contrasting color.
  • Use strong action-oriented phrases, like:
    • Enroll Now
    • Claim Your Spot
    • Get Instant Access

Notice how our “ENROLL IN EPM” CTA is in a color that clearly stands out from the white background. It’s also clean and easy to read.

Place your CTA buttons throughout the page so visitors can take action whenever they’re ready, not just at the bottom.

7. Share Your Story

Your story is what connects you to your potential customers. It’s where you show that you understand their problem because you’ve been there, too. Use this section to relate to your audience and build trust.

For example, in my own story, I share how I was an artist with “no marketable skills” who figured out how to build a successful business anyway. Sharing your journey lets your audience know that you’re a real person who has walked the path they’re on.

8. Give a Bird’s Eye View of Your Course

People like to know what they’re getting before they buy. A bird’s eye view of your course gives them an overview of the modules or lessons, showing them how they’ll progress from start to finish.

This doesn’t need to be a super-detailed syllabus but a simple outline that shows the steps they’ll take to achieve their goals.

9. Add Social Proof

Social proof, like testimonials and success stories, is one of the most powerful ways to build trust. People are more likely to buy if they see that others have had success with your course.

If you have testimonials, include them throughout your page. If you’re just launching, consider running a beta version of your course and offering discounts or bonuses in exchange for feedback and testimonials.

10. Highlight Your Instructor Bio

Your bio doesn’t need to be long, but it should give potential customers confidence that you’re the right person to help them. Include a few sentences about who you are, your qualifications and why you’re passionate about solving their problem.

11. Offer Bonuses

Bonuses can sweeten the deal and help overcome objections. Think about what additional value you can offer to enhance your course. Maybe it’s a workbook, a 1:1 coaching call or a community group where they can get support.

Whatever it is, make sure it’s relevant to your course and adds value.

12. Include an FAQ Section

The FAQ section is your chance to address any last-minute doubts or questions that could be holding someone back from buying. Think about the most common objections and answer them here in a friendly, conversational tone.

13. Reveal the Price

Finally, it’s time to reveal the price. You can either display the price directly on the page or after the CTA button is clicked. Showing the price alongside the bonuses and value your course provides can help reinforce that what you’re offering is worth the investment.

Wrapping It Up

Creating a sales page that converts doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following these 13 key elements, you can create a page that speaks directly to your audience and guides them to take action.

Remember: your headline and subheadline are the most important pieces, so focus on nailing those first. Once you’ve hooked your visitors, the rest of your page should naturally guide them toward enrolling in your course or buying your product.

What was your biggest takeaway from this post? Drop me a comment — I’d love to know!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post Craft a Sales Page That Converts Visitors Into Customers for Your Course, Product, Program or Service appeared first on Live Your Message.

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From Side Hustle to Full-Time: Strategies to Scale Your Course Business Tue, 10 Sep 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Many people start their online course businesses as a side hustle, hoping to one day make it their full-time gig. But making that leap can feel like an impossible dream. The truth is that transitioning from a small course side project to a full-time, profitable business isn’t just about luck. It’s about taking the right ... Read more

The post From Side Hustle to Full-Time: Strategies to Scale Your Course Business appeared first on Live Your Message.

Many people start their online course businesses as a side hustle, hoping to one day make it their full-time gig. But making that leap can feel like an impossible dream. The truth is that transitioning from a small course side project to a full-time, profitable business isn’t just about luck. It’s about taking the right steps to scale your business.

If you’re ready to move from side hustle status to running a full-time online course business, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs grow their online course businesses — many starting as side hustles and turning into 7-figure empires. 

Watch the video or keep reading below for the key strategies that can help you scale your business and turn your passion project into a profitable, sustainable venture.

1. Build Strong Relationships with Your Current Customers

Your first step in scaling is to focus on the customers you already have. It’s tempting to always chase new customers, but your existing customer base is an untapped goldmine. These are people who already know, like and trust you.

Strengthening your relationships with them can lead to glowing testimonials, word-of-mouth referrals, and more sales. At Live Your Message, we have over 2,900 success stories for our signature program, the Experience Product Masterclass. Why? Because we deliver results, and our students love sharing their transformations.

Remember, delivering on the transformation you promised is the key to turning customers into lifelong fans. It’s about creating that “Photo Finish” moment — the point where your customer crosses the finish line and achieves the big result your course promised.

But don’t stop there. Stay engaged with your customers. If someone stops showing up, don’t just write them off. Instead, reach out and offer support. For example, one of our students hadn’t logged in for a few weeks, so we sent a simple email. She re-engaged, went on to make $100,000 from the course and then earned an additional $150,000. Woohoo! That’s the power of caring about your customers’ success.

2. Expand Your Customer Base

Once you’ve nurtured your existing relationships, it’s time to widen your net. Expanding your customer base is essential if you want to scale from side hustle to full-time.

Start by asking for testimonials and referrals from your current customers. The best time to do this is right after they’ve experienced success with your course. Encourage them to share their stories, and if possible, incentivize them with a graduation bonus for providing a testimonial.

Another way to expand is by exploring related markets. Think about what complements your current offering. For example, if you’re teaching coding, maybe your next step is to offer UI/UX design tutorials. Or, if you’re a fitness coach, adding nutrition plans or mental health coaching could create a more holistic experience for your clients.

Geographic expansion is another smart strategy. With an online business, you can reach customers from anywhere in the world. Take our annual Live Your Message LIVE event, for example. We’ve had participants from over a third of the countries on Earth. Don’t let location limit your growth.

3. Learn from Your Competition

A great way to grow is by keeping an eye on what others in your industry are doing. Study your competitors, both large and small, and analyze their strategies. What’s working for them? What complaints do their customers have? Is there a gap in the market that you can fill?

For instance, when AI tools like ChatGPT became the hot topic, we saw everyone jumping on the same bandwagon. Instead of following the crowd, we created our own platform —, an AI tool designed to help our students define their niche, craft profitable product ideas and so much more. It’s been a game-changer for our students and it’s how we stood out in a sea of ChatGPT prompts.

By observing your competitors and spotting opportunities to differentiate yourself, you can carve out a unique space in the market.

4. Craft Your XYZ Statement

Your XYZ statement is a powerful way to clarify your messaging and stand out. The formula is simple: “I help X do Y so that Z.”

  • X = your ideal client
  • Y = what you help them achieve
  • Z = the result or transformation they experience

For example, one of our Momentum students, Naomi, has a great XYZ statement: “I help accounting professionals expand their practice into the U.S. legal cannabis industry.” Clear, specific and immediately attention-grabbing.

Once you’ve nailed your XYZ statement, use it everywhere — on your website, social media profiles, emails and even in live conversations. It becomes your calling card, helping you attract the right people who are ready for what you offer.

5. Build Your Online Presence

With your XYZ statement in hand, the next step is to build a strong online presence. Your website, social media channels and even your email signature should all reflect your clear, compelling message. Consistency is key here.

Don’t just focus on content creation for content’s sake. Instead, create valuable content that aligns with your expertise and the results you deliver. Post regularly and engage with your audience. The goal is to position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.

For example, if you’re a spiritual healer, platforms like Instagram and TikTok, which are heavily video-based, might be the perfect places for you to engage your audience. If you offer financial planning for professionals, LinkedIn is a great platform to showcase your expertise and results.

6. Make the Leap

At some point, your side hustle income may start to rival your main income. This is a sign that it might be time to go all in!

Of course, this leap can be scary. The idea of leaving the safety net of a day job is intimidating for most people. But, once you hit that threshold, the question to ask yourself is, “What am I losing by NOT making the leap?”

Many side hustlers hit a plateau where their main job actually starts costing them opportunities in their business. If you find yourself in this situation, it might be time to take the leap into full-time entrepreneurship.

7. Tell Everyone You Know

Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful, even in today’s digital world. Don’t be afraid to talk about your business with everyone you meet. Whether you’re at the grocery store, chatting with friends or sitting on a plane, let people know what you do. You never know where your next client might come from.

For example, one of our Momentum students (that’s our yearlong group coaching program), Angela, found clients simply by chatting with people at her local farmers’ market. She helps Gen X moms improve their finances and knows that even if the person she’s talking to isn’t a good fit, they might know someone who is. It’s a simple yet highly effective way to grow your business.

8. Seek Support

Lastly, one of the most important keys to success is having the right support. No one builds a successful business alone. You need a roadmap, templates, tools, a supportive community and coaching to guide you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

At Live Your Message, our yearlong coaching program, Momentum offers all of that and more. Our students get access to proven systems, swipe files and a community that will cheer them on. If you’re serious about growing your course business, having this level of support can make all the difference.

Scaling your online course business from a side hustle to a full-time venture is one of the most exciting and rewarding transitions you can make. By following these steps — building relationships with your current customers, expanding your reach, learning from your competitors, refining your messaging, building your online presence, and getting the support you need — you can turn your passion project into a thriving, sustainable business.

Are you ready to take the leap? 

At Live Your Message, we’ve helped countless entrepreneurs make this journey, and we’re here to help you too. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can support you in scaling your business, book a no-pressure call with one of our Program Specialists today.

Your full-time course business awaits!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post From Side Hustle to Full-Time: Strategies to Scale Your Course Business appeared first on Live Your Message.

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Are AI-Based Courses Destined to Fail? Here’s What You Need to Know for 2024 (& Beyond) Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:00:00 +0000 If you’ve been anywhere on the internet in the last year and a half, you’ve probably seen ads promising to teach you how to build a course using AI. Sounds pretty simple, right?  Just plug in your ideas, let the AI do its magic, and voila! You’ve got a course. But here’s the thing: while ... Read more

The post Are AI-Based Courses Destined to Fail? Here’s What You Need to Know for 2024 (& Beyond) appeared first on Live Your Message.

If you’ve been anywhere on the internet in the last year and a half, you’ve probably seen ads promising to teach you how to build a course using AI. Sounds pretty simple, right? 

Just plug in your ideas, let the AI do its magic, and voila! You’ve got a course.

But here’s the thing: while AI can be an amazing tool, there’s a huge difference between creating a course that merely exists and one that actually delivers results — for you AND your students.

So, should you create an AI-based course?

The answer is a resounding NO if you want a course that truly stands out, creates real transformations and drives long-term success.

And in this post, I’m going to share exactly why relying solely on AI to create your online course is a recipe for disaster in 2024. More importantly, I’ll reveal the ONE thing AI can’t do that’s absolutely essential to your success as a course creator.

Why AI IS So Tempting

When ChatGPT was released in December 2022, it took the world by storm. Suddenly, AI-based tools and AI-generated content were everywhere, promising to make life easier, boost productivity, and, yes, even create entire online courses for you.

The possibilities seemed endless: AI could brainstorm ideas, generate content, automate tedious tasks and even help with marketing. For many, it felt like the ultimate shortcut to building a profitable course without the headaches.

But here’s the cold, hard truth: AI might be great at generating information, but information alone isn’t enough to create a successful online course. In fact, it’s often the very thing that leads to failure.

The Danger of Information Overload

Let’s talk about what I like to call the “thud” factor. It’s the idea that the more content you deliver, the bigger the perceived value. You know, that satisfying “thud” when a heavy package of information lands on your doorstep — or in today’s world, your inbox.

This myth has been around for ages, from door-to-door Encyclopedia Britannica salesmen to the early days of information marketing. The more you cram into a course, the more valuable it must be, right?


In reality, this approach leads to information overload. It’s like trying to drink from a fire hose — overwhelming, exhausting and ultimately ineffective. And that’s exactly what’s happening with many AI-generated courses today.

When students are bombarded with endless modules, lessons and resources, they don’t get value. They get overwhelmed. They get frustrated. And more often than not, they give up.

Why Information Alone ISN’T Enough

Let’s face it: if information alone could solve all our problems, we’d all be living in Googletopia — or ChatGPTopia — by now. We’d be rich, happy, healthy and thriving because we’d have all the answers at our fingertips, 24/7.

But we’re not. 

Because information doesn’t lead to action. And without action, nothing changes.

This is the biggest mistake I see course creators making — they think that packing their course with as much information as possible will guarantee success. But in reality, it’s a recipe for refunds, low completion rates and declining sales.

My Hard-Learned Lesson in Course Creation

Back in 2012, I launched my first big course, Message to Money, featuring my Live Your M.E.S.S.A.G.E. System. It was packed with content — six courses in one, all crammed into a single six-week program.

I spent months creating the content, building the sales page, writing the emails and putting everything together. And while I made some sales and felt like I was on my way, the cracks quickly started to show.

Refund rates were high, and when I dug deeper, I discovered that only around 5% of my students were actually completing the course. The rest? Overwhelmed, frustrated and dropping out.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but it taught me a valuable lesson: more information isn’t the answer. What matters is how you engage your students and get them to take action.

The Real Secret to Course Success: Experiential Learning

So, if AI-generated information isn’t the answer, what is?

It’s all about creating an experience — what I like to call an “Experience Product” rather than an “Info Product.” This is the secret sauce that gets your students into action, keeps them engaged and drives real results.

An Experience Product is designed to create specific kinds of experiences that inspire your students to take consistent action. It’s about moving them from information overload to actual transformation.

Here are four critical experiences you need to embed in your course to make it truly effective:

  1. Shared Experiences: People crave connection and community. Build an engaged community where students can support and learn from each other, whether through group coaching calls, virtual events or online forums.
  2. Perceived Customization: Your students want to feel like your course is tailored just for them. This doesn’t mean you need to create a personalized course for each student, but rather design your course so it feels like a unique experience for everyone.
  3. Constant Wins: Create a game-like experience where your students can achieve small, easy wins that build their confidence and keep them motivated. Instead of saving the rewards for the end, offer micro-rewards throughout the course.
  4. Emotional Experiences: Engage your students on an emotional level. Use storytelling, multisensory language and pattern interrupts to keep them invested and excited about their progress.

Real-World Examples of Experiential Learning in Action

To truly grasp the power of experiential learning, let’s look at some compelling real-world examples that showcase how creating unique experiences can lead to massive engagement and success.

Fitbit: Fitbit isn’t just a fitness tracker — it’s a personal coach, motivator and accountability partner all rolled into one. This wearable tech transforms daily steps and heart rate monitoring into a dynamic, personalized experience. 

Every time you meet a goal or reach a milestone, Fitbit responds with celebrations and encouragement, making it feel like you have a coach cheering you on every step of the way. This personalization keeps users engaged and motivated, turning a simple product into a transformative experience.

Spotify: Spotify revolutionized the music industry by turning the act of listening to music into a shared, social experience. Through features like collaborative playlists, real-time listening sessions and personalized song recommendations, Spotify turned music from a solitary activity into a community-driven experience. 

Users don’t just listen to music; they share it, discover it together and bond over their favorite tunes. This shared experience has been key to Spotify’s success, driving user engagement and loyalty.

Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour: Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour is a masterclass in creating unforgettable, experiential events. Understanding that her largely Gen Z audience craves participation and social connection, Swift designed a tour that was much more than just a series of concerts. 

(Taylor Swift in Detroit on June 9.Scott Legato / Getty Images for TAS Rights Management) 

Each show became an immersive experience, complete with themed costumes, fan participation and exclusive moments that felt tailored just for the attendees. Fans weren’t just passive spectators; they were active participants in a once-in-a-lifetime event. 

The result? 

Swift’s tour became a cultural phenomenon, dominating social media and selling out venues worldwide. This level of engagement and emotional connection is something NO AI-generated experience could replicate.

Experience Product Masterclass (EPM): Now, let’s talk about something close to home — my signature program — the Experience Product Masterclass (EPM). EPM is designed around the principles of experiential learning. When Davina and Galen Detrick first joined EPM, they were ready to create a traditional info product for dentists. But after diving into EPM, they realized the future was in creating experiences, not just delivering information. They transformed their approach, building an experiential course that took their students on a journey rather than just providing content. 

The result? 

They didn’t just create one successful course; they built an online course empire with 12 courses and counting. Davina even retired from practicing dentistry to focus on their thriving online business, proving that experiential learning doesn’t just benefit students — it can transform the lives of course creators, too.

Why AI Alone Can’t Create These Experiences

While AI is fantastic for generating ideas, automating tasks and even helping with content creation, it can’t create the kind of personalized, engaging experiences that lead to real transformation.


Because experiences are human. They require empathy, understanding and a deep connection with your students. AI can’t replace the human touch that’s essential for building trust, motivating action and creating lasting change.

AI can assist in the process, but it shouldn’t be the sole creator of your course. It’s your job to design the experiences that will get your students results — AI is just a tool to help you do that more efficiently.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Online Courses in 2024

As we move into 2025, the landscape of online courses will continue to evolve. AI will play a bigger role in course creation, marketing and delivery, but the fundamental principles of what makes a course successful won’t change.

The courses that will stand the test of time are those that go beyond just delivering information. They’ll be the ones that create transformative experiences for their students — experiences that inspire action, foster connection and drive real results.

So, as you plan your next course, remember this: AI can be a powerful ally, but it’s not a replacement for the human experience. Focus on creating an Experience Product that gets your students into action, and you’ll set yourself up for success in 2024 and beyond!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post Are AI-Based Courses Destined to Fail? Here’s What You Need to Know for 2024 (& Beyond) appeared first on Live Your Message.

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7+ Social Media Platforms Brands & Businesses Should Know in 2025 Wed, 04 Sep 2024 16:32:00 +0000 You know your brand needs to be on social media. You know your customers, true fans and approximately 5.17 billion people worldwide have social media accounts — and that number’s expected to exceed 6 billion by 2028! And, you know your business needs a top-notch social media marketing strategy. Thankfully, a great strategy doesn’t require ... Read more

The post 7+ Social Media Platforms Brands & Businesses Should Know in 2025 appeared first on Live Your Message.

You know your brand needs to be on social media.

You know your customers, true fans and approximately 5.17 billion people worldwide have social media accounts — and that number’s expected to exceed 6 billion by 2028!

And, you know your business needs a top-notch social media marketing strategy.

Thankfully, a great strategy doesn’t require being familiar with every social media platform.

You only need to know the ones that can benefit your brand the most…

The ones where your target audience is most active, where you’ll get the greatest visibility and furthest reach and where your brand and offerings can shine brightest.

In this post, we’ll go over the 8 social media platforms we believe every business should know — so you can decide which ones are right for you.

Let’s dive in!

The Top 8 Social Media Platforms to Consider for Your Brand in 2025 (and Beyond)

1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals.

It’s called “the world’s largest professional community” — because it helps you grow your network, build your resume and find employment.

LinkedIn has over 1 billion global members and lists over 67 million companies, so it’s an excellent resource for entrepreneurs building recognition in their industry.

You’ll do especially well on LinkedIn if you’re a B2B marketer. Approximately 40% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is the top channel for driving high-quality leads because of its reputation as the top social media channel for B2B digital marketing. 

To get started on LinkedIn, you should:

  • Complete your business profile and add links in it to all your websites, blogs and shops.
  • Import your contacts list and connect with those people through the platform.
  • Follow the people and businesses you hope to work with in the future.
  • Watch your news feed for posts you can share or comment threads you can contribute meaningfully to.

Engagement on this social networking platform focuses on industry-related topics and professional experiences. 

Networking efforts as an entrepreneur could lead to partnerships, collaborations or talent acquisition. 

LinkedIn’s host of business solutions include:

  • Ad Targeting options
  • Sponsored Content
  • Text Ads
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Sponsored Messaging
  • Campaign Manager
  • LinkedIn Pages
  • Sales Navigator
  • LinkedIn Audience Network
  • Reporting and Analytics

Add the Follow Company Plugin to your website and drive visitors to your LinkedIn page when they click the Follow button.

Further reading: 15 LinkedIn Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Business

2. Reddit

Reddit is the self-proclaimed “front page of the Internet.”

People worldwide use it to share social news and entertainment content from across the Internet. 

Users post content in over 100,000 dedicated sub-forums called subreddits, then other users can comment, share and either upvote or downvote the post. 

With all the different subreddits, you can enter the scene with virtually any niche. But some topics and posts see more activity than others, so be sure to determine whether your niche resonates on Reddit before joining.

Reddit boasts some impressive stats too:

Reddit offers paid ads and advertising resources, but building rapport first is crucial.

Blatant advertising and self-promotion are frowned upon, but you can still reap marketing benefits and raise brand awareness by prioritizing engagement. 

For example, if a Redditor post a question related to your niche and expertise, providing a helpful, thorough response will help you gain credibility and upvotes in the community.

Further reading: Everything Our Paid Team Learned From Attempting a Reddit Advertising Strategy

3. Facebook

Facebook is the reigning king of all social media platforms. With 3.27 billion DAP (daily active people) as of June 2024, it’s the largest social media site in the world.

To put that into perspective, that’s over one-third of the global population!

With that kind of reach, having a Facebook presence can benefit businesses in any industry. And Facebook offers many opportunities for businesses to engage with their audience, including:

  • Post comments
  • Public or private groups
  • Messenger
  • Facebook Live
  • Events
  • Facebook Ads

Ads Manager helps you create and monitor each Facebook ad. You can format ads as either a single image or a slideshow of images, and create video ads by turning a video into a story ad or by boosting a video post. 

And with these additional business services, Facebook can also help you find your target audience, build an email list and attract new customers:

  • Advanced targeted advertising – Get your ads in front of the right eyes.
  • Analytics – Evaluate your business profile, content performance and each marketing campaign.
  • Tracking Pixels – Add these to your websites and any pop-up campaigns to measure activity. They let you:
    • Reach people most likely to buy your products or services.
    • Reconnect with pass-through visitors to your website.
    • Discover new customers that resemble your existing ones by specific criteria.

Further reading: Facebook for Business: Everything You Need to Know

4. X (Formerly Twitter)

X is a microblogging social media site that emphasizes short, digestible content, real-time entertainment and immediate reactions.

Purchased by Elon Musk in 2022 and rebranded from “Twitter” in 2023, X has 611 million MAUs (monthly active users) who are highly engaged — perfect for increasing your follower count.

Strategize your X/Twitter activity by:

  • scheduling your tweets
  • planning multiple daily tweets
  • monitoring activity closely and replying promptly

Connect directly with customers and influencers who can help promote your brand. Middle-aged adults —  mostly men — are the largest group using Twitter, so focusing your presence on this platform is perfect if they’re your key demographic. 

X’s advanced search function is a useful tool for market research… you can discover trending hashtags and topics, find popular influencers in your industry and glean insights on new ideas.

You can engage in targeted advertising using hashtags and @mentions. Click To Tweet buttons allow you to easily share content and track performance over time. 

X ads offer 20+ product options, targeting tools and analytics. Business Insights offers personalized advice based on the performance data from your page.

And it’s a great customer service solution… your customer support X/Twitter strategy can include:

  • Concise, focused replies to inquiries due to the 280-character limit boost efficiency.
  • Quick, almost real-time interactions with customers feel more conversational.
  • Public answers to inquiries address issues for multiple people at once.
  • Public replies show everyone the responsiveness, knowledge and humanity of your support team.

Further reading: Get your business started with X

5. TikTok

Launched in 2016, TikTok is the fastest-growing social media app worldwide. It’s one of the most downloaded apps in over 40 countries, with audiences in over 20 regions.

This platform allows you to showcase your brand’s creativity, passion and personality using short-form video sharing. 

Users record, edit and post quick videos, often set to music… and then other users like, comment, share and make their own videos using your music or content. 

TikTok has over 1.5 billion MAUs with extremely high engagement. This presents a huge opportunity for growing your followers and increasing your reach. 

The user base is young, mostly under 35 years old. 25% of users are teens, while 22.4% are in their 20’s.

Business accounts receive real-time performance tracking, engagement solutions and creative post formats. Use Ads Manager to build and manage each marketing campaign and enable ad tracking. 

Advertising options on TikTok include:

  • Branded Hashtag Challenge: Create a hashtag campaign lasting 3-6 days. Then users create content based on your campaign theme and using your hashtag.
  • Branded Effects: Create shareable stickers, filters and special effects customized to your brand.
  • TopView: Record a video ad lasting up to 6 seconds. It’ll show as a full-screen ad with autoplay and sound, uninterrupted by any other feed content.
  • Brand Takeover: Post a full-screen dynamic or static display of your brand visual.
  • In-Feed Ads: Integrate a video ad with autoplay and sound, lasting up to 60 seconds max, into the user’s “For You” feed.

Further reading: A Beginner’s Guide to Using TikTok

6. Instagram

Owned by Facebook, Instagram is a growing giant in the social media landscape with over 2 billion MAUs and over 500 million DAUs

Instagram is highly visual and has one of the highest engagement rates of all social media platforms. It’s also one of the most effective platforms for influencer marketing.

Most users are under 35, and 90% of all users follow at least one business. 

Instagram users share photos and short videos using their Instagram feed and Instagram Stories. And videos longer than 60 seconds can be shared using IGTV. 

So Instagram offers an incredible opportunity for you to share your business’s branded content and grow and engage with your audience!

Use IG Live to livestream original content like announcements, interviews, product releases and Q&As. The live comment feed lets you address comments and helps viewers engage with each other. 

It’s ideal for artisans and brands that thrive with visual digital marketing. Resources available for those with a free business account include:

  • Instagram Insights – vital performance analytics on your profile and posts
  • Instagram Shopping – features that make your content shoppable anywhere in the app, including in-app checkout
  • Instagram Ads – your visual content transformed into a unique and creative advertisement

Ads can run either directly in the app, through Ads Manager or via an Instagram Partner. Thanks to ad targeting, your ads can appear in the Explore section in addition to the feed for a wider reach. 

Further reading: How to Use Instagram for Business: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide

7. Pinterest

Pinterest has 522 million MAUs. Over 70% of these users are women, but male users have increased by 40% since 2020. Although most users are Millennials, Gen Z users increased by 40% last year.

Pinterest is a photo-sharing social platform and hub of ideas from across the Internet. Users post or collect “pins” — images and videos that link to external websites. 

Through pins, they share products, ideas, quotes and unique, inspirational visuals. They either “pin” to an existing board or create a new one. 

A board is a self-named collection of pins dedicated to a specific topic. Pinboards span a wide array of interest areas, including: 

  • Wedding ideas
  • Home improvement
  • Travel destinations
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Summer fashion
  • Recipes

A whopping 97% of Pinterest searches are unbranded. So this is one of the top social media sites for small businesses building recognition. Brands that are highly visual or creative especially thrive on Pinterest.

Create a business account and connect your website, blog or shop. Make your site content pinnable and your pins shoppable. Resources for business accounts include:

  • Analytics
  • Pinterest Trends
  • Audience Insights
  • Shopping tools
  • Audience targeting tools

Ads Manager helps you turn your pins into ads. You create, track and manage those ads all from one place and can even set up presets. 

Free ads consultation offers you personalized support, guidance and strategies for success. A curated list of Pinterest Partners can also help you manage your business account.

Further reading: Resources to help your small business succeed on Pinterest

8. YouTube

YouTube is a video-sharing social media channel. Like Facebook, it’s largely used by all age groups and in all industries. And it boasts some impressive stats:

  • It’s the second-largest social media platform after Facebook.
  • It’s the second-largest search engine after Google, its parent company. 
  • It’s the most popular video-sharing site in the world.
  • It has over 2 billion monthly users, not including users without an account or who don’t log in. 
  • Over 500 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute.

With video marketing on the rise, YouTube is leading the charge.

YouTube allows entrepreneurs, business owners and experts to post video tutorials, product descriptions, announcements reviews, interviews and how-to walkthroughs.

You can engage with your audience and build rapport by responding to their comments, hosting live streams where you hold live Q&A sessions. 

YouTube hosts user-uploaded videos of any length and broadcasts live streams. Viewers can like and share your videos, leave comments and subscribe to your channel. 

You can also embed your YouTube videos on your websites. Other people may also embed your videos on their sites or in their blog content. This further increases brand awareness, since:

  • Over 70% of users discover new brands on YouTube.
  • Users are 4x more likely to research a brand, product or service on YouTube than on any other social platform.

YouTube uses Google data for targeted advertising. This ensures the right people see your videos. YouTube’s analytics tools help you track the performance of your media over time.  

Just as web content ranks high in a search when it follows SEO rules, videos rank well when they follow YouTube SEO.

Further reading: How to Build an Audience on YouTube Without Spending Money on Ads or Fancy Production

Your Turn

Which social media platforms do you currently use? Which are you most interested in trying?

Let me know in the comments below!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post 7+ Social Media Platforms Brands & Businesses Should Know in 2025 appeared first on Live Your Message.

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Transforming Live Launches With Rosey: A Case Study on Chatbot Success Wed, 21 Aug 2024 21:35:28 +0000 I still remember the day we launched the first Experience Product Masterclass (EPM). It was exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and, honestly, a bit chaotic.  As someone who’s always looking to elevate the experience…  I’ve kept iterating and iterating and iterating our signature program — the Experience Product Masterclass — to awesome, including refilming the entire program direct-to-camera ... Read more

The post Transforming Live Launches With Rosey: A Case Study on Chatbot Success appeared first on Live Your Message.

I still remember the day we launched the first Experience Product Masterclass (EPM). It was exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and, honestly, a bit chaotic. 

As someone who’s always looking to elevate the experience… 

I’ve kept iterating and iterating and iterating our signature program — the Experience Product Masterclass — to awesome, including refilming the entire program direct-to-camera in 2022 (over 60 hours of filming!) and creating, our proprietary AI tool that helps our students overcome common stuck points and get results even FASTER…

So, in addition to consistently delivering on the promise of EPM — a proven 12-week program to validate, create, launch and successfully sell your very own Experience Product…

The new kind of “high profit” course taking the world by storm…

I’m always looking for ways to improve the experience for our launch audience and our students. 

In 2022, I knew there was room for improvement in how we communicated with our audience during the annual live cohort launch of EPM. That’s when I realized we needed something — or someone — to guide our participants through the journey. Enter Rosey, our interactive chatbot built by my friend Matt Leitz and the incredible team at BotBuilders (FYI — Matt has a FREE Masterclass for non-techies on how to create income with artificial intelligence… even if you don’t have a business or product yet).

Rosey isn’t just any chatbot. She’s like a “choose your own adventure” guide, tailored to keep our audience engaged, informed and motivated every step of the way. From timely reminders to personalized interactions, Rosey has been a game-changer in how we connect with our audience during our live launches.

In this case study, I’ll share how Rosey has transformed our launch process, the tangible results we’ve seen and why you might want to consider adding a chatbot like Rosey to your own business strategy.

The Challenge: Engagement and Communication in a Complex Launch

Launching a program like EPM isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a multi-stage process that involves engaging our audience over several weeks, sometimes even months. We start with our live 5-Day Crack Your Course Idea Challenge, followed by a series of live Workshops, Webinars and an all-day Livestream. And that’s just the lead-up to the main event: the launch of the Experience Product Masterclass.

Here’s where it gets tricky: how do you keep thousands of participants engaged throughout this entire process? How do you ensure they know what’s happening when it’s happening and why they should care?

In the past, we relied heavily on emails and text messages, but we quickly realized that this wasn’t enough. People would miss crucial updates, forget about live events or simply lose interest over time. We needed a solution that would keep our audience informed and excited without overwhelming them.

The Solution: Meet Rosey, Our Interactive Chatbot

That’s where Rosey comes in…

Designed and built by our friends at BotBuilders, Rosey is much more than just a chatbot — she’s an interactive guide that helps our audience navigate the entire launch process with ease. Here’s how she does it:

  1. Engaging Copy and GIFs: Rosey’s messages aren’t just informative; they’re fun! Using engaging copy and GIFs, she keeps the conversation light and entertaining, making sure our audience stays excited about what’s coming next.

  1. Timely Messaging: Rosey sends out daily broadcasts to remind participants about upcoming events, deadlines, special offers and resources. Whether it’s a heads-up about our next live Workshop or a highly relevant download, Rosey ensures that no one misses out on anything important.

  1. Personalized Interactions: One of the things that makes Rosey so effective is her ability to tailor messages based on the options participants choose. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you need and when you need it.
  1. Free Gifts and Incentives: Who doesn’t love a good freebie? Rosey occasionally surprises our audience with free gifts, from downloadable resources to exclusive offers, which keeps them engaged and coming back for more. During the EPM launch, we give out our Online Course Creators Swipe File as a free gift!

  1. Seamless Integration: Rosey isn’t just a one-off tool we use during launches. She’s integrated into our paid programs as well, keeping our students on track with important updates, opt-ins for coaching calls and reminders about deadlines.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Key Metrics and Results

Now, let’s talk numbers. Over the past two years, Rosey has been instrumental in driving engagement and conversions during our EPM launches. Here’s a look at the key metrics from our last two launches:

2022 EPM Stats:

  • Total Users Engaged: 3,720
  • Emails Collected: 1,517 (40.7%)
  • Messenger List Opt-Ins Collected: 3,380 (91.0%)
  • Total CTA Clicks: 427

2023 EPM Stats:

  • Total Users Engaged: 3,861
  • Emails Collected: 2,655 (68%)
  • Messenger List Opt-Ins Collected: 3,514 (91.7%)
  • Total CTA Clicks: 375

Total Clicks to Website (2022 & 2023): 1,459

Analysis: What the Numbers Tell Us


  • Increased Engagement: From 2022 to 2023, the number of users engaged grew from 3,720 to 3,861, showing that Rosey’s approach is resonating with our audience.
  • Significant Boost in Email Collection: We saw a dramatic increase in the percentage of emails collected, jumping from 40.7% in 2022 to 68% in 2023. This indicates that Rosey’s messaging is effectively driving participants to take action.
  • Consistent Opt-In Rates: The opt-in rates for our Messenger list remained impressively high, with 91.0% in 2022 and 91.7% in 2023. This consistency is crucial for maintaining ongoing communication with our audience.

Areas for Improvement:

  • CTA Clicks: While overall engagement improved, the total number of CTA clicks decreased slightly from 427 in 2022 to 375 in 2023. This suggests that we might need to fine-tune our calls to action to make them more compelling or better aligned with our audience’s interests.
  • Website Traffic: Although the total clicks to our website were solid, there’s room for growth. We plan to explore new strategies for encouraging more of Rosey’s users to visit our website for additional resources and information.

The Bottom Line: Rosey’s Impact and What’s Next

Rosey has been an absolute game-changer for our launches, helping us create a more engaging, personalized and effective communication strategy. By guiding our audience through each stage of the launch process, Rosey ensures that no one gets left behind and everyone stays excited about what’s coming next.

But we’re not stopping here. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve Rosey’s capabilities and enhance our launch process. With the upcoming Crack Your Course Idea Challenge happening September 30th-October 4th, we’re excited to see how Rosey will continue to drive engagement and results for our audience. We hope you’ll join us for the Challenge and all of our live sessions that’ll help you create a successful online course that stands out in our ultra-crowded online world. 

FREE Masterclass — Leveraging AI & Chatbots 

Ready to see AI and chatbots in action? Don’t miss this chance to learn from a true expert. Join Matt Leitz’s FREE Masterclass, How to Create Income With Artificial Intelligence… Even if You Don’t Have a Business or Product Yet!

Click the link to secure your spot and start leveraging AI for real results 🙂

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

The post Transforming Live Launches With Rosey: A Case Study on Chatbot Success appeared first on Live Your Message.

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