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How to Introduce Yourself Powerfully in a Facebook Group or Online Community (Because You Never Know Who’s Watching)

Every year I invest 6-figures in trainings, coaching and Masterminds and I’m always invited to join new communities, often with powerful and influential people.

No pressure, right?

I’ve come to realize that the way you introduce yourself in a Facebook group or in a new community is absolutely critical, because you never know who’s watching.

Your first impression can make or break you. Either you introduce yourself in a way that quickly establishes credibility, gets engagement and has potential partners and clients private message you.

You can either get responses like this or — crickets. 🙁

Personally? I prefer these kinds of responses.

A few years ago, I was invited to join Plat Plus. An intimate Mastermind lead by Jeff Walker with 50 of the top business and internet marketing minds on the planet.

And the very first email I got was detailed instructions and examples on how to introduce myself to the group. That’s all. That was the most important step to getting started in that community.

“Marisa, we need an intro for you. This should NOT be a cut-and-paste of your bio. Plat Plus is a tight-knit group… more like a family than a business group. And we want to know who you really are…”

That got my gears turning and I crafted the following message to convey just the right combo of credibility and vulnerability (yes it’s long and yes people read it)! *Special Note: This is the exact message I used to introduce myself in 2018 — things have definitely changed dramatically for me and for Live Your Message since then but I wanted to be upfront and leave it exactly as is so you can see this works even if you’re not quite where you want to be at!*

Hi, there, I’m Marisa Murgatroyd.

I’ve been doing this online business thing since 2011 with my husband and business partner Murray Gray.

I first realized the full power of internet marketing when I walked into a room and was greeted with, “I know you from the internet!” I’ve been hooked ever since.

Before that I had a 7-year career as a documentary filmmaker and worked in the non-profit world as a multimedia consultant, using the power of the internet, video and social media to support big messages. After the challenge of marketing causes, internet marketing feels like a playground. 🙂

We’re based in Marina del Rey and run three separate-yet-related businesses that all have the same mission: “Turn entrepreneurs into online superheroes so they can change the world from their living room.”

Live Your Message – a business training company with programs that help entrepreneurs progress through the stages of business development from what we call the “blue sky” stage all the way up to being a 7-figure+ authority.

Our signature product is the Experience Product Masterclass, which brings together best practices from entertainment, video games, adult learning and neuroscience to create super sticky products that get customers hooked on taking action, getting results, and buying from you over and over again. This product is still new and fresh – we’re currently serving our second class and just had our first 7-figure launch with awesome conversion rates!

Heroic – A SaaS platform that’s a cross between Clickfunnels and Squarespace to create gorgeous branded websites that convert. These sites are designed to support the business models of coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, doctors, healers, creative and more. We’ve been embedding free trials and training in other people’s high-end programs. 3 years in the making, Heroic is about to go mainstream and it’s our goal to make this the industry standard.

The Internet Famous Agency – we’re currently pulling our branding and web design agency out of LYM and spinning it off on its own. We support 7, 8 and 9-figure thought leaders build a world-class brand, high-converting web presence and unforgettable customer journey. Our clients include Plat Plus members Susan Peirce Thompson, Justin Livingston, and Sage Lavine, as well as Danny Iny, Bill Baren, Alexis Neely, Josh Turner, and many more.

This year we’re focusing on expanding into branding software companies as well, since I’m super interested in the creative challenge of branding and positioning new technologies that the world has never seen before and doesn’t fully understand.

As soon as we get Heroic off the ground, I’d like to use our profits to go back to my roots and create a finishing fund for the marketing and distribution of art and media projects that reimagine the world we live in.

I also have a large-scale book and public art project I’ve been waiting for the right moment to do called, “Coming Soon: How to Make the Impossible Happen.”

What you need to know about me: I’m a geek and uber passionate about what I do. My core expertise is branding and conversion and my superpower is turning essence into form. Or pulling the truth out of people and wrapping words, images and experiences around it.

I look forward to getting to know you!


The great messaging expert Joel Roberts says that “Credibility is a mix of expertise and  humanity.”

And I’d say that the best way to introduce yourself powerfully in a Facebook group or online community is by showcasing both your expertise and your humanity.

Once I crafted this message, I used it again when I introduced myself to War Room, a community of 7-figure entrepreneurs who leverage internet marketing. Now instead of just using it exactly the way I originally wrote it, I shortened it and modified it to slightly to better fit that group. I tagged clients of mine who were already in War Room and I removed some of the stuff at the end where I shared my focuses for the year, since that felt TMI for this bigger group.

Let me give you another example. My husband Murray saw the response I was getting with my intro and he crafted his own:

Hi folks! #Imnewhere

I’m Murray Gray, am Australian marketing guy, copywriter, tech geek and platform builder. I’m joining War Room alongside my partner in business and life, Marisa Murgatroyd.I love (in no particular order), AI, solving problems, sci-fi, alone time, blockchain, imagining new futures and figuring out how to build them.

I believe that we’re at the most exciting point in human history right now and I’m grateful to be here with such an amazing group of folks as this.

Marisa and I have been building our businesses together for about 5 years, and my main focus right now is a platform called Heroic that turns entrepreneurs into online superheroes.

To quick explain what it is, imagine Clickfunnels and Squarespace had a baby and started generating entire gorgeous branded websites that actually worked to build your business.

Our current target market is coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, doctors, healers, creatives, etc.

We’ve been in development for over 3 years, have a couple hundred users, and are now about to turn the marketing on, and I’m excited to get the group’s input on the best tools and tactics to get the word out as fast as possible.

Some of my past projects include a relationship marketing tool called Harvest Marketing that I was marketing online back in 1995, a Facebook tool called Adicted that recently closed. We were also the people behind the Superhero Summits series of webinars that turned many famous Internet Marketers into Online Superheroes. (Yes, there’s a theme here 😉

I’m super-looking forward to our first War Room and meeting many of you there!


So, what are you noticing? What makes these intros so compelling?

Bingo, it’s the mix of expertise and humanity, credibility and vulnerability.

Let me know one vulnerable, human thing about you in the comments below.

BTW, this is also a great way to introduce yourself at a networking meeting — or just about anywhere else. If you disarm people with your humanity, they’re going to want to know more about your expertise… trust me on this one!

Where will you use this strategy to introduce yourself? Drop me a comment!

And before you go…

If you’re ready to get the support, guidance, coaching and community you need to take your business to new heights, then, I’d like to invite you to check out our Momentum program.

It’s the only business-building program that’s 100% customized to fit what YOU want to create in your business over the next 12 months.

Momentum is designed to help you build a business that:

  • Feels fully aligned with who you are and how you’re uniquely designed to serve
  • Stands out powerfully and eliminates all competition
  • Instantly attracts your ideal clients
  • Brings in an easy, consistent flow of money
  • Feels inspiring so you can keep going and growing your business for years to come.

If that sounds good to you and you’re serious about building the business of your dreams, then go ahead and schedule your valuable 25-Minute Business Accelerator Call with one of our coaches.

Now go out there and Live Your Message!

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  1. K Suresh Rao Avatar
    K Suresh Rao

    Hi Marisa,

    Very interesting. One question, do people have patience for long introductions?


    1. Marisa Murgatroyd Avatar
      Marisa Murgatroyd

      It depends on the group K. I’ve found if you write in a compelling enough way that people will read long intros, emails, blog posts, sales pages, you name it.

  2. Sabrina Avatar

    Hi Marisa, good job congratulations I have your name on the list.

    1. Marisa Murgatroyd Avatar
      Marisa Murgatroyd

      Thanks Sabrina!

  3. Jim Brown Avatar
    Jim Brown

    Buried deep inside this 84 year old humanist soul is the preacher my mommy wanted me to be. It has played out as a teacher, school counselor, and real estate sales advisor Living My Message to the best of my ability, both in my dealings on an individual basis and in my worldview.
    Thank you for being yourself in so many ways during the LYM venture and I look forward to spending quality time with you as I work on My Last Hurrah!

    1. Marisa Murgatroyd Avatar
      Marisa Murgatroyd

      I look forward to supporting you too Jim! We need more 84 year old preachers who have both wisdom and humanism. 🙂

  4. Linda Vorthman Avatar
    Linda Vorthman

    I’m an empathic superhero who spreads love throughout my social media network, with many friends through Live Your Message. I’m a lifelong geek who studies digital marketing techniques with Ryan Deiss’ clan. When I saw Marissa, Murray & Ryan’s picture all on one page … ** BOOM ** my head exploded and my heart skipped a beat. I was seeing stars and couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face, while I mouthed “Off course!” and my hands flew up in the air to emphasize only to myself.
    Then I read Ryan’s comment about Marissa being “kind of” a big deal and I smiled while recognizing his uber subtle wit.

    1. Marisa Murgatroyd Avatar
      Marisa Murgatroyd

      Aww. Thanks for this Linda! xo

  5. The Invest Advisory Avatar
    The Invest Advisory

    Nice 😉

    1. Shannon Avatar

      Thank you!

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