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25+ Video Marketing Statistics for Creators in 2024

Welcome to the world of video marketing statistics, where numbers speak louder than words. 

Understanding the latest trends and insights is crucial as digital marketing evolves.

In this post, we’ll explore over 25 video marketing stats that will help you stay ahead of the curve and elevate your content game. 

1. Video marketing is a key part of many marketing strategies.

It’s no secret that video marketing is a powerful tool, and the numbers back it up.

According to Wyzowl, 86% of businesses are already using video marketing. And the Content Marketing Institute found that 71% of B2B and 66% of B2C marketers incorporate video into their campaigns.

The stats don’t lie: video is now an essential part of marketing. 

2. Video marketing impacts more than online sales.

Video marketing also influences in-store purchases.

Over 55% of shoppers use online video while shopping in a brick-and-mortar business. Consumers are using their smartphones to research products and compare prices. And video content plays a vital role in the process.

Companies should create engaging videos that help consumers make informed online and offline purchasing decisions.

3. Video marketing offers a solid ROI.

Wyzowl found that 92% of marketers say they receive a good return on investment (ROI) from video marketing. And 86% of video marketers report an uptick in website traffic since adding video into their strategy.

In comparison, 78% saw an increase in sales. With those numbers, it’s no wonder video marketing has become a staple in the marketing world.

4. Businesses are spending more money on video marketing.

As competition intensifies, investing in high-quality video content can help companies to stand out from their competitors.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) says companies are increasing their video budgets by 25% year over year.

This trend suggests that businesses recognize the value of video content and its ability to engage audiences and drive sales.

5. Video helps businesses adapt and respond to changes in the market.

The pandemic forced businesses to adapt to new ways of operating, and video marketing emerged as a crucial tool for staying connected with customers.

Video content helps companies maintain their brand presence and connect with customers when face-to-face interactions are limited. According to Biteable, 47% of marketers believe that video marketing is the best way to respond to business challenges.

6. Video uploads are increasing.

According to video-marketing platform Wistia, businesses have increased their video uploads to the platform by a staggering 263% over the past five years.

This trend suggests video marketing is here to stay. And it will continue to play a significant role in the future of digital marketing as businesses recognize its potential to engage audiences and drive sales.

7. Consumer watch time is increasing.

Consumers are not only watching more videos, but they’re also engaging with them for extended periods.

The time we spend watching videos has increased by almost 250% over the past five years, a testament to the growing popularity of video marketing. By capturing and holding viewers’ attention with video content, businesses can increase brand awareness, loyalty and sales opportunities.

8. More than half of marketers think video has more ROI than Google Ads.

68% of marketers believe video marketing gives them more ROI than Google Ads.

With a significant number of marketers feeling this way, businesses may shift their focus and allocate more resources toward video marketing.

This trend could lead to a decrease in ad spend and an increase in video content creation.

9. Video content is a revenue generator.

Video content not only engages audiences but can also help generate revenue more quickly.

According to Wordstream, businesses with video content earn more income 49% faster than non-video users.

Making more money faster highlights the potential impact of video marketing on a business’s bottom line. It also underscores the importance of including video in your digital marketing strategy.

10. Video length is important.

When it comes to video length, keep it short and sweet.

According to data from Social Media Examiner, 80% of marketers create videos that are three minutes or less. Wistia found that videos two minutes or shorter get the most engagement.

The takeaway? Audiences prefer shorter videos that get straight to the point. Keep your videos concise and focused, and you’ll capture the viewer’s attention.

11. Social media is the place to share video content.

93% of marketers say they’ve gotten new business from video content shared on social media.

By sharing video content on social media platforms, companies reach a wider audience and attract new customers. This trend also suggests that businesses should focus on creating video content that is shareable and optimized for social media channels.

12. YouTube is the number one platform for sharing video content.

It’s important to know where your business should share its content.

Approximately 90% of marketers will share their content on YouTube. Almost three-quarters (70%) of marketers will use Facebook in their video marketing strategy. And 66% of marketers will use LinkedIn, while 65% will share on Instagram.

13. There are three types of commonly used videos.

HubSpot found three common video types:

  1. Promotional videos showcase a product or service and encourage viewers to take action.
  2. Brand storytelling videos focus on the brand’s values and mission, creating an emotional connection with the audience.
  3. And product demos provide a detailed look at how a product works and its features.

14. Videos have a strong influence on consumer behavior.

Consumer behavior plays a crucial role in your video marketing strategy.

According to streaming platform Brightcove, 46% of consumers have made a purchase after watching and being influenced by a video.

If you create relevant content that captures your target audience’s attention, your videos can impact your bottom line.

15. Consumers enjoy video content.

Wyzowl found that 91% of consumers want more video content. And with 92.8% of internet users watching videos online every week, there is an apparent demand for video content.

Businesses that fail to meet this demand risk losing out on potential customers and revenue. Meet customers where they’re at and give them content they enjoy. 

16. Video watch time is increasing.

There’s a growing trend for consumers to turn to video content for product research and purchasing decisions. According to Google, the watch time for shopping-related videos on YouTube has increased by 5X in the US.

For marketers, this means that incorporating video into their marketing strategy can significantly impact consumers’ purchasing decisions and the company’s bottom line.

17. Videos are more memorable than the written word.

Marketing agency Insivia found that viewers are more likely to remember brand messages when presented in video format than reading them in text. Videos create a lasting influence on the viewing audience. Using videos as part of a marketing strategy can help businesses make a memorable and impactful impression on their target audience.

18. Consumers prefer video content over text.

When businesses create content that consumers want, they’re providing a better customer experience.

Consumers believe video content is easier to consume and provides a more engaging experience. According to a study by Hubspot, 54% of consumers would rather watch a video than read a text description to learn about a product. 

19. Even executives prefer videos over text.

According to Forbes, 59% of senior executives prefer video content over text when both options are available. This highlights the growing demand for video content among decision-makers.

Creating video content increases the chances of capturing the attention of senior executives for partnerships or investments. It can also help businesses stand out as thought leaders.

20. Captioning is not just an accessibility issue.

Captioning ensures all viewers can engage with and understand the content.

According to a recent study by the media group Next TV, 50% of video watchers prefer captions on the videos they watch because they watch with the sound off.

Businesses that enable captions not only reach a wider audience but they provide a more inclusive experience for all viewers. 

21. Users spend more time on websites with video content.

Incorporating video content into your website can significantly impact user engagement and browsing time.

According to Social Media Week, users spend 88% more time browsing on websites that have videos. Higher dwell time builds brand recognition and customer trust. It also increases the likelihood that visitors will convert to email subscribers or paying customers

22. Horizontal video is preferred to the vertical video format.

According to Social Media Week, 75% of viewers prefer watching a video horizontally.

Horizontal videos provide a more immersive and cinematic experience for viewers, allowing them to see more of the background and providing a wider perspective. However, vertical videos are more suitable for social platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, where users are accustomed to scrolling through content in a vertical format.

23. Business-related videos are mostly viewed on a desktop.

When it comes to video marketing, B2B viewers have different needs from B2C viewers. While vertical videos are preferred for social media platforms, 87% of business-related videos are still viewed on a desktop, according to video marketing platform, VidYard.

Businesses in the B2B space should prioritize video content that is optimized for desktop viewing.

24. Live video is in demand.

Live video content is increasingly popular among consumers, with 45% wanting more live video content.

One reason for this preference is the sense of authenticity and immediacy that live video provides. Unlike pre-recorded content, live video allows viewers to engage with the content in real-time, providing a more interactive and exclusive experience

25. Marketers need to grab viewers’ attention quickly.

Businesses must prioritize engaging and attention-grabbing videos that resonate with their target audience from the beginning.

According to Marketing Mag, marketers have only 2.7 seconds to grab the attention of their target audience with video content. Failure to capture their attention may result in viewers quickly losing interest and moving on to other content.

26. The video marketing industry is worth $135 billion.

According to the video-editing platform Magisto, the video marketing industry has grown exponentially in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down.

Staying on top of these trends and leveraging them to create timely marketing strategies is essential. With businesses and consumers embracing the power of video, it’s no wonder the industry has become so lucrative.

Final Thoughts On Video Marketing Statistics

These video marketing statistics highlight the importance of adding video content to your marketing strategy. 

What are your thoughts on these stats?

Leave a comment below and let me know!

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