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Turn on Your Bat Signal: Crafting A Can’t-Be-Ignored Brand That Consistently Attracts Raving Fans and Loyal Customers

When I was at Gansevoort Market in New York, I noticed a sign that had the names and logos of several independent businesses on it.

Every one of those small businesses had an incredible logo and a great brand with a specific look, feel and tone.  

And when I saw that sign, I instantly knew the business world had fundamentally shifted, and marketing had changed forever… whether we realize it or not, we’ve entered the era of The Branding Revolution.

Here’s the thing…

Countless new businesses are popping up online and offline every single day and the only way you can stand out, be seen and be heard — the only way you can compete — is when you have a strong, vibrant brand.

So, what exactly IS a brand?

I’m a branding expert and I’ve worked with some of the most respected entrepreneurs and businesses around and here’s my definition…

A brand is the clear, consistent use of signals — such as words and images, logos and taglines — that create emotions or feelings.

So your brand is the feeling or emotion people get when they interact or connect with your business.

But it’s not enough to come up with a great tagline or logo or an awesome color palette.

You have to follow through with an experience that aligns with the images and words that you’re presenting to your clients and customers.

If I walk into a business with an amazing brand — let’s say Everything Bagels — and I have the worst bagel of my life, then the experience is not aligned with the brand and it’s not going to work.

Everything Bagels will never see me again!

But when you have the look and the feel and the tone align with the experience someone has consuming your product or service, you get the gold medal in branding.

The truth is it’s not enough to have a product or service to sell, you’ve got to represent all of that in a way that attracts and retains the right clients and customers.

Your brand is like your personal Bat Signal shining up into the sky, calling in everybody who wants what you have to offer.

As I said, we’ve officially entered the era of the Branding Revolution and if you want to do more than just survive, if you want to thrive and succeed in a HUGE way…

You’ve got to get clear about the words, the images and the feeling you want to create with your brand because people want more than just what you sell — they want to have an incredible experience with your product or service.

So, welcome to the Branding Revolution! It’s time to build a brand that attracts raving fans and loyal customers — a brand people will fall in love with 🙂

And if you’d like to turn your website into an outstanding Bat Signal that your ideal customers and clients just can’t ignore…

Then I invite you to sign up for my FREE 60-minute masterclass

I’m sharing easy-to-implement tweaks that will transform first-time website visitors into more leads and paying customers plus DIY design tips to position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.

You’ll also discover exactly how to tap into a little-known concept called “micro-commitments” to quickly double — or maybe even triple — your current opt-in rates.

Click here and watch this training at a time that works for you

And before you go, I’d love to know…

What’s do you want the look and feel and tone of your brand to be? What’s the feeling — the emotion — you want people to have when they interact with your business and when they consume your product or service?

Share your thoughts in the comments below… I read and reply each one 🙂

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  1. Heidi Avatar

    I want them to feel intrigued and a bit amused, but also relieved and reassured that they can improve their situations by putting my information products into action.

    1. Marisa Murgatroyd Avatar
      Marisa Murgatroyd

      That’s great Heidi! Love the feeling of trust you are going for here 🙂

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