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Change the Game and Change the World with Your Authentic Brand (Video)

Hi – it’s Marisa — and I’d like to ask you a question.

What’s your most precious and valuable resource?

Think about that for a moment.

It’s not money, right?

And it’s definitely not stuff…

Watch the video to see what I think it is…

And I hope you accept my invitation at the end to join us at Your Brand in a Weekend to learn how to create a unique look, feel and experience that nobody else can create… that will draw your ideal clients towards you like a lighthouse in the fog.

This is going to be an intimate event with no more than 30 people in the room.

20 of these seats are already taken by our Message to Millions mastermind members and another five seats are taken by my high end customers and people who’ve pre-registered for Message to Millions in July, so we only have five seats left.

So if you’re ready to be that lighthouse that shines the way for your clients, then I invite you to register now.

It would be an investment of $25K to work with me privately for 3 days and during Your Brand in a Weekend, I’ll lead you through the same processes I take my high-end branding clients through.

The tuition is just $1.997 and it includes:

  • a clear and simple brand brief that we create together during the course of the weekend that will guide all your marketing efforts, allowing you to choose the right look, feel and language so all your materials are consistent, intentional and designed to get a specific result.
  • a beautiful signature photo valued at $500 that reveals your unique essence and energy. This photo is yours to keep, you can use it on your website, you can use it on your social media profiles and you can use it in your marketing….
  • you’ll also get gourmet lunches on Saturday and Sunday and the opportunity to network and play with some of our most extraordinary community members who’ve been working with us on a deep-level… I know them all personally and they’re up to some really big and amazing things in the world.

I invite you to join us, to be a part of that community, to really play and network and have fun with us over 3 full days, and to figure out what you’re about in the deepest way and how to transmit that through everything that you do online and off so people feel you in an instant. So you can speak louder than your words and people can choose to work with you because of what you bring to the table that no one else can’t.

Now go out there and Live Your Message!

I look forward to meeting you in Los Angeles on October 10th.

Just click here to register… and remember we only have 5 seats (Update: Now 4 left) available — for real. I’ve capped this event at 30 so I can really work with each and every person in the room… so if you want to get clear about your brand story, look and feel, and define what makes you irresistible to your audience, then reserve your spot now and I’ll see you in Los Angeles!

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  1. Kathleen Avatar

    Fabulous and inspiring! Thank you. Questions: does one need an existing website to fully benefit from the two day event? As of 04/21 is there still space? Thanks again!

    1. Marisa Murgatroyd Avatar
      Marisa Murgatroyd

      Hi Kathleen – Thank you! You don’t need a website to fully benefit… in fact, working out your brand before you build a website will help you build a website that fully reflects your business and creates a consistent, aligned experience for your visitors. We do still have a couple spaces available. Let us know if you have any more questions.

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