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Morgana Rae’s Million-Dollar Brand Makeover [Video Case Study]

There’s nothing I love more than a story of outrageous success! Really watching someone step up and step out, sharing their message for the world in a big bold way.

And I have the good fortune to be an integral part of this process for the handful of visionary entrepreneurs who hire me each year to help them rebrand and relaunch their businesses online.

These are true thought leaders who’ve reached mid-6 and 7-figures, and who need to uplevel their brand and web presence to not only reflect their current level of success, but to make that next level possible.

I learn as much from each project as I give. And I’d like to share some of these lessons with you.


That’s why I did this video interview with my friend and client Morgana Rae. Morgana is known as the world’s top relationship with money coach. And this expertise has brought her a #1 bestselling book and guest appearances on ABC-TV, PBS, NPR, and The Wall Street Journal online.

Last year, I helped Morgana transition her brand and web presence from to

Watch the video above to find out how Morgana went from “best kept secret” to #1 authority in her field, and discover some huge ahas about how to find your big message for the world.

Here’s an excerpt from this revealing interview with the unmistakable Morgana Rae:

Marisa Murgatroyd: A lot of people have the philosophy to just go out and start making money. Make money as fast as you can. Do what it takes to make money. And not really put a lot of attention into this message, brand, positioning stuff that we’ve done of getting really really strategic. Why would people want to do this work?

Morgana Rae: I don’t see anything wrong with making money. Yay, yay, yay, making money is wonderful.

I didn’t know how to make money before I started selling a message instead of coaching, instead of seling me, instead of selling a widget. I think the message is where the money comes from. Telling my story is the best sales strategy I have. When I talk about the pain that I was in. I hope the people listening are not struggling as bad as I was, but they can hear themselves in me and all my issues and neurosis gives me a lot of authority in what I talk about, especially when they can see the contrast.

Messages, especially when you make it really specific and really personally and you’re not spouting someone else’s. Messages are really really magnetic.

There are a lot of people who are just saying stuff that you hear everywhere and to met that isn’t a real message. A real message comes from you authentically and in my experience, and I’ve been in this business for 17 years and I’ve worked with thousands of people and people are starving for something that is real and something that is authentic and true and not bs and that can only come from your own personal experience, as it intersects with what they experience and they need too.

Marisa Murgatroyd: Absolutely and I think what you said is so fundamental. You had to learn how to stop selling your coaching, stop selling you and start selling a message.

…The thing you said that’s really important is that you can’t make money until you’ve got your message down. So people say go out and find the fastest path to the cash and that’s absolutely important because when you’re getting started in business you’ve got to make money to keep going in business. But if you don’t have your message down you can’t make money…

If you were to speak to someone who is clearly struggling – they’ve hit the ceiling and it’s a low ceiling — because it just seems that no one gets what they do and no one is responding to what they do. What would you say to those people, what would you encourage them to do to get out of that stuck, confusion, frustration overwhelm.

Morgana Rae: Yes, totally. My message for people who are stuck at that low ceiling is to take the pressure off of yourself. Stop trying to sell your modality whether it’s coaching or healing or whatever it is because that almost makes you an employee like everybody else – they can get reiki and tapping and just about anything from anybody else and you’re actually competing with the originator and source of that material.

So take the pressure off yourself, don’t sell the vehicle. Don’t even sell yourself. Sell the transformation and wrap it in your personal experience and what you know first-hand to be true for the human experience. That will give you credibility, you’ll be so passionate when you talk about it, it will become easy and your people will flock to you.

Now go out there and Live Your Message!

P.S. I only take 6-clients/year for our done-for-you branding and web platform design services. This work is for you if you’ve hit mid-6-to-7 figures and your brand and website doesn’t reflect your current level of success. You know you have to rebrand and relaunch on a more integrated platform that converts if you’re going to reach that next level. Packages start at $25K. Only apply if you’re serious. This will also put you on the waiting list for a new lower-tier done-for-you package that we’ll be unveiling later this year.

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  1. Eliana Gilad - Clear and Confident Presentations Avatar
    Eliana Gilad - Clear and Confident Presentations

    I love this interview. Morgana’s work is fabulous… it contributed to my landing a TEDx talk without really trying, and making a commitment to help eliminate the fear of public speaking by supporting others in expressing their own authentic voice with ease.

    1. Marisa Avatar

      Thanks Eliana and congrats on the huge results from your work with Morgana!

  2. Jeffry Avatar

    Exactly where did you actually pick up the tips to compose ““Morgana Rae

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