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Bulletproof Your Business: 3 Marketing Strategies You Need to Know

Change. It’s the only constant in entrepreneurship…

And nothing changes more quickly — or frequently — than online marketing.

That’s why I’m always on the lookout for marketing strategies that are exciting AND effective.

Here are 3 of my favorites…

#1: Forget demographics

Targeting customers based on age or income is SO last century! Top entrepreneurs focus on finding their clients’ passions and interests. They conduct market research with simple online surveys or Q&A sessions with past clients.

#2: Who you are vs what you do 

Clients work with and buy from entrepreneurs they know, like and trust. So, share who you are. Not just what you do.

#3: Get on video

When you see me on camera, you get to make up your mind about me. Good or bad. Let your clients see YOU. You’ll attract people who truly get you and you’ll build a tribe based on trust and loyalty.

Which of these strategies will you try? Or are you going for all 3?

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