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How to Turn UP Your Personal Charisma (+ Communicate Warmth, Interest & Empathy) in Seconds

Charisma is an inborn trait. You either have it or you don’t, right?

Actually, that’s not true!

Anyone can learn to turn up their personal magnetism with a very simple technique.

And it takes just a few seconds.

The secret lies in your eyes…

Or to be more specific, how you focus your attention with your eyes. What we’re aiming for is called “soft focus.”

Practice these steps at home:

First, stand in front of a mirror. Now, close your eyes and visualize someone or something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Focus on this inner image for a few seconds. Open your eyes and look in the mirror. Pay close attention to your gaze.

You’ll notice your eyes look relaxed, friendly, open and caring.

Congratulations, you’ve achieved “soft focus!”

This easy technique lets you convey warmth, interest and empathy — highly charismatic traits — without saying a word!

Where can you use soft focus to increase your charisma?

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