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Whether you built your latest website yourself, or whether you had someone do it for you, it can be frustrating when it doesn't deliver the results you want.
I've been there. I poured what seemed like hundreds of hours into my first website.Building & customizing, dragging & dropping, uploading images, writing and editing pages, setting up, wrestling with technology.
Just hoping I was doing it "right" the whole way through. Eventually, the site was done. Well, as "done" as I was able to get it, anyway.
I still remember the day I turned it on. It was Oct 25, 2011, and I held my breath as I clicked the "go live" button.
And just like that -- it was "live."
It wasn't the best website I'd ever seen hahaha, but I'd built it myself, and I felt proud of that. And so, whenever I'd meet people at business networking events, I'd give them my card.

Fast forward a month or two, I was still waiting for my site to generate some business. For it to do something. Anything.
Fast forward another month. Still nothing.
Crickets. No subscribers. No enquiries. No leads. No sales.
I started to feel like I'd made a costly mistake. And I actually found myself start to avoid giving people my business card because I knew that my site was actually turning people off doing business with me.
The Bad Advice that Makes It Worse
If you've ever been in that situation, or if you're currently in this situation, then the temptation can be strong to go online to look for solutions. In 10 New York Seconds, you'll get dozens of different tactics for making more money with a website. Things like...

And as you read the articles, watch videos and read the sales letters, the advice all makes SO much sense, and the temptation can be strong to try to implement as much as you can.
(I get it. If you throw enough mud at the wall, some's gotta stick, right?)

And so you end up buying a lot of costly courses and programs. A lot of solutions that you trust will deliver some results.
And you tell yourself: "No, it's not cheap, it's an investment. And if it fixes the problem it's worth it..."
And then you kill yourself implementing it all.
And then...? Crickets. AGAIN.
The payoff you were promised never came. The trouble is that the vast majority of these tactics & strategies have one huge problem.
Heres Why Most Online Advice Sucks...
Most business trainers & gurus out there get so wrapped up in the latest, sexiest, shiny object, "flavor of the month" strategy that they too often lose focus on the actual businesses they're trying to help.
I'm not saying their strategies can't or won't work.
But for the most part, they're selling you sexy sounding strategies that make sense for a much larger company, with more infrastructure and a bigger team.
A quick way to know for sure is to ask yourself the following 2 questions...
Are the strategies they're selling the ones that helped them grow to where they are now?
Or are the strategies they're selling things that are working for them now?

How the "Gurus" Are Misleading You...
In my experience, nothing sells better than courses on how to "Go Big Online Quickly, Easily and Effortlessly, at the press of a button, on autopilot, while you're sitting at the beach sipping cocktails watching your bank balance grow."
In my 6 years coaching emerging entrepreneurs, I've so many products, courses and programs that make promises like this.
I understand the appeal, believe me. I've even personally bought quite a few of them and been disappointed.
But the idea that it's actually possible to go straight from where you are now to reaching a huge amount of people with your message is unfortunately a lie.

Podcasting is a Great Example of This.
In most cases, podcasting as a business strategy only makes sense if you already have:
- A LOT of money for paid ads... or a recognized name, pre-existing demand, and the potential to get lucrative sponsorships or advertising (which you don't have if you're just getting started)
- One or more successful products or programs that you can send people to. (This is what generates your INCOME and will require a team, technology and infrastructure to make happen.)
Try to make money as a podcaster before you have all of those things and you'll struggle because all your time will go on producing a podcast that pretty much nobody will hear in the early stages.
Same goes for other strategies out there such as:
- Become a "thought leader," a social media "influencer"...
- Become a best-selling author or blogger...
- Make a living as a professional speaker...
- Host online summits...

It's like trying to helicopter from sea level straight to the summit of Mt. Everest.
If you're not properly equipped, have the right training, tools, team, and you're not already accustomed to the thin air you'll find up there, you'll never survive.
You simply can't buy a program, take a course, or press a button to make it all happen, and in my experience, the entrepreneurs who always struggle and sputter out are the ones who try to implement these kinds of "Go Big" strategies.
So what should you do instead?
Regardless of whether you've been in business for a while, or if you're just getting started, if your website isn't yet bringing in a flow of reliable, consistent leads & sales, then there's only ONE thing to focus on right now, and that is:
The Easiest Way (Bar None) to Generate Consistent, Reliable Revenue is to Match your Site to How Your Business Makes Money
Yes, it's a simple idea, but let me say it even more simply for you...You need to match your website to the way your business most easily makes money.
Here are the four main Business Stages. You'll be in one of these, and they're categorized by revenue:
How "Blue Sky" Businesses Usually Fail
You're in "Blue Sky" when you're just getting started, figuring out what your business is about, and what you're going to sell.
I see so many entrepreneurs who are in the "Blue Sky" stage who get distracted by "Authority" stage strategies such as podcasting, blogging, writing a book, etc..
The fact is that if you're in "Blue Sky", then you'll most likely ONLY consistently be making money when you're actually talking to people one-on-one.
Whether online or offline (at conferences, networking events or even at a backyard BBQ), "Blue Sky" entrepreneurs make money when they get into conversation with people one-on-one about what they do, and why they should do business with you.
When you're Blue Sky, face-to-face selling is -- hands down -- your absolute best opportunity to make any kind of sale.
And do you know when you DON'T make money when you're in "Blue Sky"?
When you're futzing with expensive technology, building out complex systems, building mailing lists, automated webinars, sales funnels, running costly paid traffic, producing podcasts -- all of the stuff you need to have in order to make "Authority Marketing" strategies work.
The same is true for the other stages of business you may find yourself in.
What About the Other Stages of Business?
Each stage comes with its own unique way it makes money on which you must 100% focus your site. And naturally, each stage has a list of stuff you absolutely shouldn't be worrying about at this moment in time.
The trouble happens when you try to implement strategies for the stage you ultimately want to grow into.
I've seen so many "Blue Sky" and "Call Me" business owners get seduced by the idea of "going big online" and begin to build out costly "Authority" stage marketing strategies before they're ready for it.
And as a result, you'll struggle to even pay the bills, let alone pay yourself.
Odds are that you might resonate with this struggle.
The fact is: you don't need to be a marketing pro or tech genius to create a site that brings in leads and sales consistently.
All you have to do is match your website to the way you make money.
You DON'T have to work 14 hours a day, feel constantly overwhelmed and exhausted in order have the business you dream of.
All you have to do is match your website to the way you make money.
Once your site is fully focused on the handful of things that literally bring in most of your money, then guess what happens? You make lots of money.
Makes sense, right?
So the question now becomes -- what are the right things to focus on for your stage of business and how do you easily and quickly implement them in your business?
If you're curious about the answer to this question, I'd like to introduce you to Website ATM, a brand new product that will unlock a flood of consistent sales and revenue you've been wanting.

Introducing Website ATM: The Fastest and Least Stressful Way to Build the Right Site for Your Stage of Business
Build & Design Your Site in 10 Weeks or Less that Generates Consistent Sales and Revenue

Join us for a virtual 10-week program that's 100% focused on implementation.
I want to remove the doubt and the indecision you're facing, and over 10 weeks, lead you step-by-step to a website that completely aligns with the way you currently make money.
At the end of 10 weeks, you'll be the proud owner of a website that generates you more enquiries, discovery calls and hot new leads than you've ever seen, so that you can make more money in the next few months than you probably have in the last 12.
Here's What We'll Be Covering Over the 10 Weeks
Module One

Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility
Every profitable website starts with great design, and normally, that takes most people out of the race right there, but not this time.
In Website ATM, this is where we start. Even if you don't think you have a "design eye," by the end of module 2, you'll know exactly how to integrate your unique "design personality" into your site so you immediately position yourself as an "A" player (even if you're just starting out.)
Module Two

Turning Visitors Into Buyers
As we've already learned, most people completely overlook matching their website with the way their business makes money, so they never experience the peace of mind of having a site that brings in a consistent flow of new customers, clients and opportunities.
By the end of module 2, you'll have a crystal clear picture of exactly how you're going to make money from your website and how that should play out on your website.
You'll know what your stage of business is, and I'll give you your new "To-Do List".
This new To-Do List will replace any other list you've had up until now and it will contain the small handful of things you MUST focus your attention on which are guaranteed to make you money. I'll also give you the "Avoid List" -- the stuff you absolutely shouldn't be worrying about at this moment in time.
Module Three

Zero to Launch
The reason most people take months or years to launch their websites is that they're building too many pages.
In module 3 you're going to discover which pages you actually need VS the pages you think you need.
Understanding this allows so you can focus exclusively on the pages that are critical to grow your business now, and allows you to launch in as little as ONE DAY if you take advantage of the special surprise tool I have to tell you about.
Module Four

Build Your Marketing Funnel
Most people will usually make multiple times their investment back using only what they learned in the first 3 modules of this program.
But in Module 4, we're going to move the needle an inch more into the "green," and dive into the more advanced marketing pages that help you amplify your bottom line results -- pages for ebooks, webinars, order forms, products, upsells and more.
You can think of these optional sessions as the "turbo-charge" button in your back pocket that you can press at any time, once you want to really hit it out of the park.

It's Time to Finally Install the ATM into Your Business
I can't tell you how many people have told me, "Marisa, I wish I had met you a year ago before I wasted $10k on a website that does nothing for my business."
When people say this to me, I gotta say, I get a little sad, and I don't want you to ever be in that situation.
Our website design agency packages are pretty expensive -- they start at $30K and go up from there, but I wanted to make Website ATM available at a price that virtually anybody can afford, whether you already have a business, or not.

Or you can get started for just $ today
(followed by extra payments of $ each month).
Or, you can make a single payment of just $ and you can save yourself a little bit of money by taking care of it up-front.
Customer Raves
Website ATM process gets results. Here's some testimonials from a few of our clients.
"People are RAVING about the new sales page!"
"We sold $925k from it in the first 12 hours and $4M during the 3-week launch, and our team feels better about what we're offering because of the page, which was an unforeseen benefit!"

Justin Livingston
"I feel very proud of my website."
"My opt-ins are ridiculous and my list is growing by a thousand every month."

Morgana Rae
"Multiple 5-Figure Launch!"
"With Marisa's help and what I learned from her materials, we created a multiple 5-figure launch for my Group Coaching Success program."

Michelle Schubnel
Coach & Grow RICH
Here's What Else You're Getting...

Six 1-hour Virtual Group Coaching Calls
Valued at $600
In addition to WebsiteATM we're going to include six 1-hour virtual group coaching calls with my highly-trained Website ATM coach.
These calls guarantee you won't ever be stuck, sitting around with questions you can't get clear answers to. You'll always feel like you know exactly what to do and what to work on next.
Here's how those calls work...
Just turn up to any of the six calls and say "Coach! This is my business. What should my home page look like?" Or "Coach! I'm stuck on what to put on this page. What do you recommend?" And your coach will tell you exactly what to keep, delete, change or focus on in order to move forward and create that Website ATM.

The Specialty Site Six Pack
Valued at $1,000
Get full access to my complete training (not sold anywhere else) on how to build 6 of the most common Special Purpose sites, including:
- Book Site
- Speaking Site
- Podcaster Site
- Event Site
- Software Site
- Blogger Site
In this bonus, you'll have the complete instructions for not only building these sites, but how to use them to make money as well. If you've ever wanted to have a best-selling book, get highly-paid speaking gigs, or get butts in seats at your live events... then this specialty site six pack is exactly what you need right now.
This bonus is complete optional. You don't have to take the shrink wrap off it until you're ready for what's inside. It will be available in your membership area until you need it.

"Words that Sizzle"
Valued at $1,000
You can't have a successful website without great copy (aka "words.")
That's why in this bonus, I'm going to show you the "dark secrets" of writing compelling, profitable sales copy that have people "lining up" to buy, purchase, invest and work with you.
Inside this bonus I'm also including a paint-by-numbers, fill-in-the-blanks guide to writing entire sales pages that my students use all the time make literally MILLIONS of dollars.
I've seen people who have never written a word of copy before use this roadmap and write sales pages that convert at 5%, which is pretty much unheard of.
Writing copy that sells is one of those uber-valuable "meta-skills" that enable you to generate literally thousands (or even millions) of dollars whenever you wish.

"How to Grow Your Business Now"
The "No-Hype Way to Know Exactly What to Do & When to Do It" Micro-training
Valued at $97
Most entrepreneurs struggle because they're doing the right things, but at the wrong time in their stage of business growth and development.
For example, they're in "Blue Sky" and are trying to implement "Authority"-level strategies.
In this very special bonus, I wanted to give you a super simple roadmap that shows you EXACTLY what to focus on right now that will lead to the greatest growth and reward.
You'll learn:
- How timing plays a massive role in choosing what to do (and what NOT to do), with your valuable time
- The EXACT activities to focus on to radically accelerate your growth this year
- The 2 biggest mistakes that stop business growth, making it less likely you'll build a sustainable business

FREE Lifetime Account with PLR.me
Valued at $120
Nothing generates more free traffic from Google than fresh, new content added to your site regularly, which is why I wanted to give you some free content!
In this bonus you'll receive a lifetime account with PLR.me, a service that gives you completely done-for-you ebooks, slide decks, articles, graphics, lead magnets, worksheets, checklists, emails, and more, on almost any subject, professionally written by a native US or Canadian writer that you can take and use.
Make updates or changes so they sound more like you, or use them completely as is, with no changes at all.
This account has a street value of $120, includes 10 free credits, and two extra bonus credits every month -- for life.

Creating Customers For Life
The Perfect Membership Site
Valued at $997
When it comes to membership sites, there are a lot of options out there, and it can be impossible to know which solution is the one for you.
In this bonus, chief trainer Don "Get it Done" Crowther is going to show you exactly what software & systems we recommend.
He'll provide the exact framework you'll need to create a professional course-delivery portal that can drip content, automate everything, and connect to your autoresponder.

So, to recap, here's what you'll get today:

Website ATM
Comprehensive 10-week training program to turn your visitors into buyers
All These Incredible Bonuses

Six 1-hour Virtual Group Coaching Calls

The Specialty Site Six Pack

Words that Sizzle

How to Grow Your Business Now

FREE Lifetime Account with PLR.me

Creating Customers For Life: The Perfect Membership Site

My personal worksheets, checklists & templates to accelerate your results
Website ATMComprehensive 10-week training program to turn your visitors into buyersModule One: Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility Module Two: Turning Visitors Into Buyers Module Three: Zero to Launch Module Four: Your Shortcut to Massive Credibility
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Worksheets, Checklists & TemplatesAccess to my personal worksheets, checklists & templates to accelerate your results |
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Invest Today to Receive These Bonuses |
Bonus OneSix 1-hour Virtual Group Coaching Calls ($600 Value) |
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Bonus TwoThe Specialty Site Six Pack ($1,000 Value) |
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Bonus ThreeWords that Sizzle ($1,000 Value) |
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Bonus FourHow to Grow Your Business Now ($97 Value) |
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Bonus FiveFREE Lifetime Account with PLR.me ($120+ Value) |
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Bonus SixCreating Customers For Life ($997 Value) |
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Total value of all of this
Get Started Today for...$997'; } ?>

Or make a single payment of just $ today
(followed by extra payments of $ each month).
Get Started Today!
Hurry, Spots Are Limited!
There are only 50 spots available during each enrollment period, since there's a limit on how many people we can accept in the group coaching calls and still provide the level of personal feedback that we're committed to giving you.
And those 50 spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
So if you're serious about getting your website up and running, and finally making money from your website... you will want to get started now.

30-Day You're 110% Happy Money-Back Guarantee
Because the Website ATM process gets results, we're willing to take all the risk and let you test drive the program, attend the group coaching calls and use the bonuses risk-free.
If within 30 days you're not 110% happy with the value you receive, and the results you're getting, just let us know and we will refund your entire investment.
No questions asked.
You can safely get started now at absolutely no risk to you.
Get Started Today!More Kind Words...
Website ATM process gets results. Here's some testimonials from a few of our clients.
"I Landed a Speaking Gig at TedX!"
Last year I had a so-so website. I was only a runner up for a TEDx talk. This year I have my wonderful converting site and I will be one of the speakers at the http://tedxbcit.com/. Me thinks there's something to that!

Edree Allen-Agbro

Open The Floodgates To New Leads, Clients & Opportunities
In business, we talk a lot about expenses. But we often overlook "opportunity cost", which is the amount of money, time, freedom and happiness you miss when you don't take an opportunity.
For each day that goes by that you delay putting the right website in place for your business..
... how many hundreds or thousands of people will you never be able to impact?
... how many thousands of dollars are you missing out on in lost revenue?
You're on this page for a reason, and I encourage you to treat this as one of those "opportunity" moments in your business life. Join us in Website ATM, and together let's take FULL advantage of every single new opportunity that comes your way.
Get Started Today!