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When Quitting is GOOD for You…

Winners never quit, quitters never win, right?

Hmmm… not really!

Winners quit. All-the-time.

And it’s because they know something a lot of people don’t…

Sticking with a job, project or even a person, no matter WHAT is NOT an act of courage…

It’s an act of fear.

Fear that you’ll never find another client.

Fear of what people might say.

Fear that you’ll never meet someone new and end up alone.

But here’s what I want you to know…

When you quit a project, a relationship or a situation that’s NOT working out for you…

When it’s clear that it’s NOT in your best interest to stay…

Quitting is the BEST thing you could ever do.

When you let go of the things that are not right for you, you’re creating space for NEW ideas and opportunities to come through — people and experiences that are congruent with who you are and the life you want to live.

And speaking of “Quit Lists”, this marks the final episode in our Live Your Message Daily video series. I hope you have enjoyed these daily bite-sized tips, inspiration and success hacks.

This was a fun and exciting experiment for us, but all good things must come to an end. We’ve added Live Your Message Daily to our own “Quit List” so we can focus on engaging with you — our beloved tribe — less often, but in a deeper and more interactive format.  

Now it’s your turn, what’s NOT working out for you? What’s going on your “quit” list?

And speaking of “Quit Lists”, this marks the final episode in our Live Your Message Daily video series. I hope you have enjoyed these daily bite-sized tips, inspiration and success hacks.

This was a fun and exciting experiment for us, but all good things must come to an end. We’ve added Live Your Message Daily to our own “Quit List” so we can focus on engaging with you — our beloved tribe — less often, but in a deeper and more interactive format.  

If you want to catch up on Dailies you may have missed, or ever want to revisit an old one, check out our Facebook Page or YouTube channel.

Now it’s your turn, what’s NOT working out for you? What’s going on your “quit” list?

Leave a comment!

And always remember to go out there and Live Your Message!

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  1. Gail N.C.M..Costa Avatar
    Gail N.C.M..Costa

    This awful Covid-19 pandemia must be “exterminated” asap! I can’t wait to see our lives getting back to normal! I am taking care of my health, for sure, but I plan to give online English classes in the near future –will need some fast planning! As you probably know, I live in São Paulo,
    Brazil, and I do enjoy teaching English to my Portuguese-speaking students that live here! I’ve been in Brazil for over forty years —time flies! I am (happily) divorced and already a grandma of two little guys.I have a son and two daughters; one daughter is married to an American, they live in NYC! My married son is here in SP and so is my younger daughter! Thanks a lot, Marisa, for your encouraging messages! Best regards, Gail

  2. Theresa Bascombe bascombe Avatar
    Theresa Bascombe bascombe

    Yes it is so true sometimes I start something but not finish it .

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