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How to Get Followers on X/Twitter: 10 Brilliant Tips & Tricks

Want to boost your Twitter (now known as X) followers? 

Well, you’ve landed in the right spot. 

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your reach, these tips and tricks will show you how to get followers on X/Twitter effectively. 

No filler, no fluff, just cold hard strategies that’ll help you grow on this lively social media platform.


Let’s begin.

1. Craft a Magnetic Brand Persona

Your X/Twitter profile is your digital handshake, your first impression upon potential followers. 

So, it needs to be a cohesive, attractive presence that draws people in and keeps them wanting more.


Start by defining your unique brand voice and personality. 

What sets you apart in your niche? 

Are you the tech guru who breaks down complex concepts or the fitness coach who motivates with tough love? 

Your voice should reflect this uniqueness. 

Take NASA’s X/Twitter account (@NASA) as an example:

They’ve amassed over 80 million followers with their blend of awe-inspiring visuals, scientific explanations, and approachable tone.

Once you’ve nailed your brand voice, ensure every touch point reflects it.

We’re talking your bio, profile picture, banner and every interaction you have with potential followers.

Let’s look at a prime example from Airbnb (@Airbnb):

Their X/Twitter bio is concise, informative and within the 160-character limit: 

The profile picture features their recognizable logo, while the banner image showcases stunning imagery and partners. 

And their voice is present in every tweet or comment — warm, inviting and focused on unique travel experiences. It’s the complete package.

2. Master the Art of Visual Storytelling

In the fast-paced world of social media, visual storytelling is your secret weapon to grow your X/Twitter follower count

In fact, 4 out of every 5 X/Twitter user sessions now include watching videos. 

And, video views are, on average, growing 35% year-on-year.

Thus, increasing your reach and, potentially, supercharging your Twitter growth. 

But how can you harness this power?

Start by leveraging a mix of videos and images in your posts. 

Videos, limited to 2 minutes and 20 seconds on X/Twitter, offer a chance to deliver more complex messages. 

And high-quality photos can showcase your products or bring your ideas to life. 

National Geographic’s X/Twitter account (@NatGeo) excels at this:

They regularly post stunning wildlife and landscape videos and images, coupled with bite-sized facts or stories about the subject. 

For you, this could mean offering quick tips, summarizing key points from a longer article or presenting surprising statistics relevant to your niche.

Now, you might be thinking…

“This is all well and good, but I’m not a professional designer!”

Well, when it comes to creating eye-catching visual content, you don’t need to be. 

Tools like Canva offer user-friendly templates specifically designed for X/Twitter. 

For video content, Lumen5 can turn your blog posts into engaging video summaries.

3. Fine-Tune Your Tweeting Schedule

With over 500 million tweets sent each day, competition for followers is high. 

So, don’t post into the endless “void” and optimize your posting schedule so your X/Twitter audience can see you.

But first, you need to understand your audience’s active hours. 

X/Twitter Analytics provides valuable insights into when a potential follower is most active. 

Log in to your X/Twitter Analytics dashboard and navigate to the “Audiences” tab:

Here, you’ll find a breakdown of your followers’ online activity by hour and day.

If you’re new to the game, then check out this Sprout Social guide. They state the best days are Tuesday to Thursday.

However, peak days and times can vary depending on your specific audience and time zone. 

Once you’ve identified your peak times, implement a consistent posting schedule. 

Consistency builds anticipation and keeps your audience engaged. 

RivalIQ’s report found that accounts posting 5+ times per week saw the highest engagement rates on X/Twitter.

Yes, this can be difficult if you’re a busy professional.

So, plan ahead and schedule your social media posts.

X/Twitter’s native scheduling feature allows you to plan tweets: 

Simply write your social media post and click the schedule icon.

4. Pin the Right Tweet to Your Profile

Your pinned tweet is the spotlight of your X/Twitter profile. 

It’s the first tweet visitors see after scanning your X/Twitter bio. 

Make it count, and you’ll turn profile visitors into followers.

But which tweet should you pin? 

Well, let me spill the beans on picking your star performer…

The absolute best tweet to pin is the one that showcases your biggest win or most valuable insight. 

Take a look at how Justin Welsh (@thejustinwelsch) nails this strategy:

See how he hooks you with an impressive achievement and the promise of valuable insights? 

It demonstrates Justin’s credibility with a concrete achievement, offers a compelling story and promises value to the reader..

Ready to pin your star tweet? Here’s how:

  • Head to your profile
  • Find your showstopper tweet
  • Click the three dots (…) in the top right corner
  • Hit “Pin to your profile”

Boom! You’re pinned.

5. Optimize Your Engagement with X/Twitter Lists

Do you think a X/Twitter List is just for keeping your feed tidy?

Think again!

These underrated gems are your ticket to follower growth and targeted engagement.

But why is targeted engagement so crucial for growing your followers?

It’s simple: quality over quantity.

When you engage with the right people in your niche, you’re not just shouting into the void.

You’re having conversations that matter, with people who matter.

This focused approach shows you’re a valuable member of your community.

And in the Twitterverse, value attracts followers like moths to a flame.


It’s all about being smart with your lists.

Create lists that matter in your niche. Add the movers and shakers in your field.

Then, engage with their content like your follower count depends on it (because it does).

Like their tweets. Retweet the gold. Reply with your two cents.

Show them you’re not just watching — you’re listening and contributing.

By consistently providing value, those on your X/Twitter list start to notice you. Their followers notice you.

Suddenly, you’re part of your niche’s conversation.

Before you know it, your follower count is growing.

Now to create a list, click ‘Lists’ in your profile menu:

Next, hit ‘Create a new List’, give it a catchy name and start adding those target accounts.

6. Cultivate Authentic Influencer Partnerships

Influencer partnerships on X/Twitter are your secret weapon for follower growth.

Why? Simple.

When an influencer gives you a nod, it’s instant credibility. Their endorsement is your trust badge.

Also, you’re not just shouting into the void, you’re tapping into their follower base. Your brand is introduced to a whole new crowd of potential followers.

And here’s the kicker… these collaborations often spark conversations, giving your engagement a serious boost.

But finding the right influencers is crucial. 

You could simply use the X/Twitter search feature or a tool like Buzzsumo.

It offers features to find influential figures based on topics or keywords.

Once you’ve got your list of potential influencers, it’s time to make your move. 

Start by engaging authentically with their content. 

Retweet, comment, add value. 

Once you’ve built a rapport, propose a collaboration that benefits both parties.

Maybe it’s a joint X/Twitter chat, a collaborative thread or a shoutout exchange.

It’s about creating genuine connections, not just transactions. 

Do it right, and you’ll see your follower count climb faster than you can tweet.

7. Develop a Long-Form Content Strategy with X/Twitter Articles

X/Twitter Articles let you showcase your expertise in depth.

And when it comes to gaining followers, expertise is crucial.

You’re positioning yourself as a thought leader. And people follow thought leaders.

But it gets better.

X/Twitter Articles appear directly in a user’s feed.

No external links to your blog or websites. No app-switching.

Just pure, unadulterated value right where your potential followers are already scrolling.

It keeps eyes on your content, increasing the chances of likes, retweets, and yes, new followers.

So, how do you craft X/Twitter Articles that turn readers into followers?

Start with topics that showcase your unique insights.

What can you teach that no one else can?

Maybe you’ve got a fresh take on a common problem or a behind-the-scenes look at your field.

For instance, let’s say you’re a UX designer.

Don’t just write about “5 UX Best Practices.”

Everyone’s done that.

Instead, how about “How I Increased App Engagement by 200% with Counterintuitive UX Choices”?

You could break down your unconventional approach, share real data and give insights that challenge the status quo.

Beyond that, keep long-form content best practices in mind:

  • Use clear, attention-grabbing headlines
  • Break up your text with subheadings and visuals
  • Always, always, deliver more value than your readers expect.

Deliver that, and watch your follower count soar.

8. Leverage X/Twitter Spaces for Community Building

X/Twitter Spaces helps you cultivate engaged followers who’ll sing your praises to others. 

When you host a Space, you’re having real-time, voice-to-voice conversations with your target audience.

This personal touch? It’s follower-growth rocket fuel.

Think about it. When people hear your voice, your passion, your expertise?

They connect with you on a whole new level.

And people follow those they feel connected to.

But it gets better. Spaces aren’t just about you talking.

They’re about creating a dialogue. And dialogue breeds loyalty.

When followers feel heard, they stick around. And they bring friends.

Plus, every time you host a Space, X/Twitter sends out notifications.

That’s free promotion. Putting you on the radar of potential new followers.

So, to nail your X/Twitter Space, start with topics that showcase your expertise.

Maybe it’s “10 Tips for Creating a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy“.

Then, promote your Space in advance. Tweet, build anticipation and offer a glimpse of the value you’ll provide.

During the Space, engage. Ask questions. Encourage participation. 

And most importantly, deliver more value than promised.

9. Tap into the Potential of X/Twitter Ads

X/Twitter Ads offer a powerful way to accelerate your growth and reach new audiences. 

But why shell out cash when organic growth is free?

Well, they put you in front and center of your target audience, even if you’re starting from scratch.

And visibility is essential to follower growth.

Let’s break down the different ad formats and their uses:

  • Promoted Tweets: These appear in users’ timelines and search results. 
  • Follower Ads: These suggest your account to users interested in your content. 
  • Twitter Takeover: This premium option puts your ad at the top of users’ timelines for maximum visibility.

Setting up effective targeting is crucial for success. X/Twitter offers various targeting options, such as interests, keywords and audiences.

For example, a vegan meal delivery service might target users interested in “healthy eating”, and use keywords like “vegan recipes” and “meal prep”.

Finally, creating compelling ad copy and visuals is essential. 

Your ads should have a clear, concise message, include a strong call-to-action and use eye-catching visuals that align with your brand.

Start with a small budget, test different ad formats and targeting options and use Twitter’s built-in analytics to track performance metrics…

10. Drive Growth with X/Twitter Analytics

Knowledge is power and X/Twitter Analytics is just that. 

When used effectively, it can boost your strategy and increase your follower count.

We’ve already touched upon finding the best time to post but here are the other vital metrics you need to understand:

  • Impressions: The number of times your tweets appear in users’ timelines.
  • Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who interact with your tweets.
  • Top Tweets: Your best-performing content.

These metrics tell you what’s working and what’s not. 

High impressions but low engagement? Your content might not be resonating. 

Notice a sudden surge in activity? Analyze what you did differently that day and replicate it.

Start by looking at your top-performing tweets. 

What made them pop?

Was it the topic? The time you posted? The format?

Use these clues to fine-tune your content strategy.

If your jokes are getting all the love, maybe it’s time to amp up the humor.

If your how-to threads are blowing up, give the people what they want!

Remember, data without action is useless. 

Use these insights to continuously refine your strategy. Test new approaches, measure the results and adjust accordingly. 

Ready to Amplify Your X/Twitter Followers?

Now you’re armed with 10 powerful tips to enhance your following, but which strategy excites you most?

Let us know in the comments below.

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