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Course Creation

From Side Hustle to Full-Time: Strategies to Scale Your Course Business

Many people start their online course businesses as a side hustle, hoping to one day make it their full-time gig. But making that leap can feel like an impossible dream. The truth is that transitioning from a small course side project to a full-time, profitable business isn’t just about luck. It’s about taking the right steps to scale your business.

If you’re ready to move from side hustle status to running a full-time online course business, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs grow their online course businesses — many starting as side hustles and turning into 7-figure empires. 

Watch the video or keep reading below for the key strategies that can help you scale your business and turn your passion project into a profitable, sustainable venture.

1. Build Strong Relationships with Your Current Customers

Your first step in scaling is to focus on the customers you already have. It’s tempting to always chase new customers, but your existing customer base is an untapped goldmine. These are people who already know, like and trust you.

Strengthening your relationships with them can lead to glowing testimonials, word-of-mouth referrals, and more sales. At Live Your Message, we have over 2,900 success stories for our signature program, the Experience Product Masterclass. Why? Because we deliver results, and our students love sharing their transformations.

Remember, delivering on the transformation you promised is the key to turning customers into lifelong fans. It’s about creating that “Photo Finish” moment — the point where your customer crosses the finish line and achieves the big result your course promised.

But don’t stop there. Stay engaged with your customers. If someone stops showing up, don’t just write them off. Instead, reach out and offer support. For example, one of our students hadn’t logged in for a few weeks, so we sent a simple email. She re-engaged, went on to make $100,000 from the course and then earned an additional $150,000. Woohoo! That’s the power of caring about your customers’ success.

2. Expand Your Customer Base

Once you’ve nurtured your existing relationships, it’s time to widen your net. Expanding your customer base is essential if you want to scale from side hustle to full-time.

Start by asking for testimonials and referrals from your current customers. The best time to do this is right after they’ve experienced success with your course. Encourage them to share their stories, and if possible, incentivize them with a graduation bonus for providing a testimonial.

Another way to expand is by exploring related markets. Think about what complements your current offering. For example, if you’re teaching coding, maybe your next step is to offer UI/UX design tutorials. Or, if you’re a fitness coach, adding nutrition plans or mental health coaching could create a more holistic experience for your clients.

Geographic expansion is another smart strategy. With an online business, you can reach customers from anywhere in the world. Take our annual Live Your Message LIVE event, for example. We’ve had participants from over a third of the countries on Earth. Don’t let location limit your growth.

3. Learn from Your Competition

A great way to grow is by keeping an eye on what others in your industry are doing. Study your competitors, both large and small, and analyze their strategies. What’s working for them? What complaints do their customers have? Is there a gap in the market that you can fill?

For instance, when AI tools like ChatGPT became the hot topic, we saw everyone jumping on the same bandwagon. Instead of following the crowd, we created our own platform —, an AI tool designed to help our students define their niche, craft profitable product ideas and so much more. It’s been a game-changer for our students and it’s how we stood out in a sea of ChatGPT prompts.

By observing your competitors and spotting opportunities to differentiate yourself, you can carve out a unique space in the market.

4. Craft Your XYZ Statement

Your XYZ statement is a powerful way to clarify your messaging and stand out. The formula is simple: “I help X do Y so that Z.”

  • X = your ideal client
  • Y = what you help them achieve
  • Z = the result or transformation they experience

For example, one of our Momentum students, Naomi, has a great XYZ statement: “I help accounting professionals expand their practice into the U.S. legal cannabis industry.” Clear, specific and immediately attention-grabbing.

Once you’ve nailed your XYZ statement, use it everywhere — on your website, social media profiles, emails and even in live conversations. It becomes your calling card, helping you attract the right people who are ready for what you offer.

5. Build Your Online Presence

With your XYZ statement in hand, the next step is to build a strong online presence. Your website, social media channels and even your email signature should all reflect your clear, compelling message. Consistency is key here.

Don’t just focus on content creation for content’s sake. Instead, create valuable content that aligns with your expertise and the results you deliver. Post regularly and engage with your audience. The goal is to position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.

For example, if you’re a spiritual healer, platforms like Instagram and TikTok, which are heavily video-based, might be the perfect places for you to engage your audience. If you offer financial planning for professionals, LinkedIn is a great platform to showcase your expertise and results.

6. Make the Leap

At some point, your side hustle income may start to rival your main income. This is a sign that it might be time to go all in!

Of course, this leap can be scary. The idea of leaving the safety net of a day job is intimidating for most people. But, once you hit that threshold, the question to ask yourself is, “What am I losing by NOT making the leap?”

Many side hustlers hit a plateau where their main job actually starts costing them opportunities in their business. If you find yourself in this situation, it might be time to take the leap into full-time entrepreneurship.

7. Tell Everyone You Know

Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful, even in today’s digital world. Don’t be afraid to talk about your business with everyone you meet. Whether you’re at the grocery store, chatting with friends or sitting on a plane, let people know what you do. You never know where your next client might come from.

For example, one of our Momentum students (that’s our yearlong group coaching program), Angela, found clients simply by chatting with people at her local farmers’ market. She helps Gen X moms improve their finances and knows that even if the person she’s talking to isn’t a good fit, they might know someone who is. It’s a simple yet highly effective way to grow your business.

8. Seek Support

Lastly, one of the most important keys to success is having the right support. No one builds a successful business alone. You need a roadmap, templates, tools, a supportive community and coaching to guide you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

At Live Your Message, our yearlong coaching program, Momentum offers all of that and more. Our students get access to proven systems, swipe files and a community that will cheer them on. If you’re serious about growing your course business, having this level of support can make all the difference.

Scaling your online course business from a side hustle to a full-time venture is one of the most exciting and rewarding transitions you can make. By following these steps — building relationships with your current customers, expanding your reach, learning from your competitors, refining your messaging, building your online presence, and getting the support you need — you can turn your passion project into a thriving, sustainable business.

Are you ready to take the leap? 

At Live Your Message, we’ve helped countless entrepreneurs make this journey, and we’re here to help you too. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can support you in scaling your business, book a no-pressure call with one of our Program Specialists today.

Your full-time course business awaits!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

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