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17 Email Marketing Statistics Everyone Needs to Know in 2023

If you’re looking for some email marketing statistics to learn what’s working best in 2023, you’re in the right place.

Email marketing is one of the most popular marketing strategies, and it’s only getting stronger. According to Statista, there will be 4.5 billion email users worldwide by the end of 2025.

However, email marketing is changing significantly due to automation, personalization and engagement trends. Email marketers must keep up to stay relevant in 2023.

Here’s what you need to know…

1. Email marketing is the most leveraged media channel used by marketers.

According to HubSpot, email marketing is used by 50% of all media planners. Not only that but this number is expected to grow in 2023. Of the 600+ media planners surveyed by HubSpot, 22% say they plan to leverage email marketing for the first time this year.

Leveraging mail is a savvy move for marketers because 99% of email users check their inboxes daily. And the revenue from email marketing is expected to reach $11 billion by the end of 2023.

2. Email marketing is an integral part of B2B marketing.

B2B marketers and B2B buyers love email marketing.

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) found that 31% of B2B markets believe email is the best way to connect with and sell to business customers.

That’s because email is the third best way for B2B buyers to learn more about potential products and services. Only recommendations from colleagues and industry leaders rank higher.

Need clarification on what to send your B2B audience? HubSpot found emails with new products and feature announcements had the highest click-through rate.

3. B2C customers want to receive your emails.

Email marketing works for the B2C market, as well. In fact, 80% of marketers believe that email marketing makes a difference in customer retention. 72% of marketers believe email is the best content distribution strategy.

And customers want to receive your emails. 42.3% of Americans sign up for email lists to learn about sales and receive coupons and discount codes.

Behavior marketing firm Salecycle found that 50% of consumers buy from marketing emails at least once a month.

4. Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection hasn’t been the disaster email marketers feared.

Open rates are no longer a reliable measurement metric for email marketers, thanks to Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP). But MPP is mostly a mild inconvenience.

The most significant change email marketers had to make was the key performance indicators (KPIs) they tracked.

Litmus found 43% of marketers have made changes to their tracking metrics. And according to HubSpot, 24% of marketers said MPP positively affected their marketing strategies.

5.The ROI of email marketing makes it the best ROI you will find.

For every dollar you spend on email marketing, you can expect to get $42 back. Compare that to the $2.75 you might get from a $1 investment in SEO marketing. Or the $8 you get back when you spend $1 on Google ads.

Money isn’t the only investment return to consider. McKinsey found that email marketing offers a better conversion rate than what you’ll find by posting on social media.

And over half of the surveyed consumers report that emails influence their spending habits and encourage them to buy more frequently.

6. Segmentation plays a vital role in email marketing.

Click-through rates are as much as 50% higher with segmented emails. That’s because you’re targeting those subscribers most interested in what you offer.

Yet 53% of businesses don’t bother with segmentation. That’s an opportunity for your business to stand out from all the other emails in your subscribers’ inboxes.

Customer relationship management solution Superoffice found that segmented email campaigns had a 39% higher open rate. It also increased revenue, deliverability and leads by 24%. Sales increased by 18%.

7. Personalization is one of the top email marketing tactics.

That’s according to research done by Ascend2 research services. And Adobe found that people want more personalization and recommendations that match their interests.

72% of marketers believe personalization makes a difference in effective email campaigns.

Improving email open rates is why 82% of marketers believe in email personalization. 75% think it helps click-through rates. And 52% believe it results in higher customer satisfaction.

Personalized subject lines have an open rate 62% higher than the average.

8. Email automation is your friend.

Not only does automation save you time, but it can lead to increased conversions and sales.

For example, the e-commerce personalization tool Barilliance found that 8.24% of abandoned cart emails led to conversions. That means more money in your pocket simply by sending an automated reminder to customers who didn’t complete your check-out process.

And 8 out of 10 people will open a welcome email. A welcome sequence automation is a great way to get subscribers in the habit of opening your emails.

9. 33% of marketers send weekly emails.

With more than 4 billion daily email users, it’s hard to please everyone. But there are some stats around the best times to send emails and how frequently you should send them.

Worldwide, emails sent on Fridays have the highest open rates, with an average of 19%. Email sent on Saturdays has the lowest open rates.

If you’re sending promotional emails, customers want to hear from you at least once a month, according to Marketing Sherpa.

One survey found that click-through rates are highest when you send multiple emails weekly vs. just one email a week.

10. Mobile optimization is vital.

Don’t overlook the importance of optimizing your emails for a mobile experience.

88% of smartphone users check email via their phones. And 75% of Americans will delete emails without taking action if they can’t comfortably read the email on their mobile device.

Mobile viewers are also less likely to take action and click links in the emails they read on their smartphones. If you need more encouragement to make mobile optimization a priority, Mailchimp found that a mobile-responsive design can increase clicks by as much as 15%.

11. Emojis & other visual content are on the rise.

Emojis, gifs, and other visual components allow you to add some personality to your emails. And stats show that email subscribers want to see more than plain text in their emails.

GetResponse found that emails with graphics had a higher open and click-through rate than text-based emails.

68% of millennials are comfortable seeing emojis in brand emails. And emojis in an email’s subject line have a 56% higher open rate than emails without emojis.

12. Email subscribers enjoy video content in emails.

With the rising popularity of video content, it’s no surprise readers want to see videos in their emails, too.

Videos in email encourage readers to click more. When a video is involved, click-through rates are as much as 300% higher.

And videos help 88% of surveyed customers make a decision about buying the products or services they purchase.

If you include videos in your email, mention them in the subject line. The word video increases the open rate by 19%.

13. Email deliverability can be tricky.

59% of the billions of emails sent every day are spam emails. Email companies work hard to keep users’ inboxes free from all that spam. Spam filters make it more difficult to get legitimate emails into a subscriber’s inbox.

The average email deliverability rate is 88.9%. And 11.1% of all emails have deliverability issues.

And 69% of recipients will report your email as spam based on the subject line alone.

While the average email unsubscribe rate is only 0.1%, there are three main reasons people will unsubscribe from your list:

  • too many emails
  • the information isn’t relevant to them
  • they don’t recognize the sender.

14. Emails offer better returns than social media.

There’s no denying the popularity of social media, but it doesn’t beat email marketing.

4.24% of email subscribers buy products or services from email marketing. Only 2.49% of people finding your website via search engines will make a purchase. And just 0.59% of social media visitors become buyers.

Of people who read email marketing content, 60% say they made their purchases because of the emails.

Your email subscribers are also 3.9 times more likely to share your content than your social media followers.

15. The metrics to measure have changed.

With Apple’s Privacy Protection impact, open rates are no longer the metric to measure. So, what metrics should you look at?

Ascend marketing found that 55% of marketers believe the click-through rate (CTR) is the most effective metric to determine your list’s health. Post-email conversions came in at 43%, and the growth or decline of your list was 31%.

Other considerations include your unsubscribe rate and the number of spam complaints.

And research shows your email list decays by 22.5% annually, so be sure to clean your list regularly.

16. Your subject lines matter.

Once your email makes it to a subscriber’s inbox, you need them to open it. The average email open rate for businesses across all industries is 19.7%.

68% of people decide to open an email based on the sender’s information. They will only open the email if they recognize the name in the from field.

47% of readers open your emails based on your subject line.

Email service provider Mailjet found two factors that go into a subscriber deciding to open an email: recognizing the sender’s name and having time to read the email.

17. Test, test, and test some more.

Testing what works well for your email list is the best way to figure out what works for your business or brand.

But 39% of brands don’t bother testing the emails they send. That’s unfortunate because businesses that use A/B testing have a 37% higher ROI than those that don’t.

Even the smallest change can lead to significant results. HubSpot increased open rates by 0.53% and click-through rates by 0.23% in one A/B test. Sounds like a slight increase. But that small increase led to an additional 131 new email subscribers. That’s 131 potential buyers.

Which of These Email Marketing Statistics Surprised You?

Did any of the email marketing statistics surprise you? Email marketing remains one of the best ways to connect with potential buyers and move them through your sales funnel.

Will any of the stats you read change how you run your email marketing campaigns? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

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