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If You Don’t Do This in Your Research, You Could Drive Your Business into the Ground

Most business coaches and internet marketing experts will tell you that if you want to create products, services and programs that sell, you must connect with your audience…

You must identify their problems through market research.

For online business owners and solopreneurs this is about learning your client’s wants and needs with online surveys via email, in Facebook groups or other communities.

You need to listen to your audience

This is true… up to a point.

What most experts fail to tell you is that it’s not enough to just listen…

You must listen to the right people.

Otherwise, you might risk driving your business into the ground – R.I.P!

There are just 3 camps or groups of people who are qualified to give you meaningful feedback in your research:

  1. Your ideal clients
  2. People who have substantial knowledge or experience with your ideal clients
  3. And people you’re paying for advice like a business coach.

Who have you been asking for feedback and input? Have you been listening to the right people?

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