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You MUST Make This Strategic Move if You Want Rapid Growth and Lasting Success in Your Business

Have you noticed that some entrepreneurs seem to start their business and then succeed, VERY quickly.

They build a great reputation, their income skyrockets and they attract fans plus clients and customers like magic.

These entrepreneurs have ONE thing in common…

Every bit of marketing — their sales copy, social media campaigns, emails and all the rest  — is created to appeal only to a very specific group of people.

This means you must define the kind of clients who light you up… people you really want to work with.

Don’t hold back… dig deep.

Don’t just say you want to work with spiritual people…

Say you want to work with spiritual stay-at-home moms who want to start a business.

Don’t say you like working with newbie copywriters…

Say you want to work with 20-something copywriters who care deeply about motivating people with their words and NOT just about getting a sale.

Getting crystal clear about who you want to serve is a great, strategic move for rapid growth and lasting success in your business.

Do you know who YOU want to serve? Share a quick description of the type of client you’d like to work with in the comments!

And be sure to like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of Live Your Message Daily.

See you tomorrow — same time, same place — for your daily 60-second video espresso. Make it a habit!

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