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The 3 Second Rule: How to Beat the Odds When Making Your First Impression Online

Within a few seconds, people judge you. Whether you meet them in the elevator or they visit your website, you have just 3 seconds to make a first impression

If you don’t instantly send a clear, coherent and compelling message, you run the risk of losing them forever. Online, all it takes is a click for someone to walk away and never come back.

The 3 Second Rule: How to Beat the Odds When Making Your First Impression Online

The thing is, you don’t know where or when you’ll make that first impression. It may be the home page of your website, your blog, an email that gets forwarded on, or your Facebook profile. Every single one of these touch points has to contain the seed of what you uniquely do, who you serve, what their problems are, and how you can transform their lives.

This message comes across in your name, your logo, your branding, and every word you write. All these elements come together to convey your unique value proposition or the clear essence of the benefit you uniquely provide and how you’re different from your competitors.

Often times it’s YOU who makes your product or service unique. It’s your story, personality, and life experiences. So don’t be afraid to be you and to embody the values you hold dearest.

Other times, it’s your process or approach that makes you different. Or your pricing, guarantee or turnaround time. Whatever it is, know and embrace it.

With over 200 million sites online, you have to stand out. You have to be clear and you have to be willing to choose your target market and service, rather than trying to be everything for everybody.

When you’re clear, specific, and consistent, people will recognize YOU, know that you get them, and feel like you’re the person who can solve their problems. That’s how you beat the odds online and make a first impression that will keep your target market coming back for more.

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