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his Little Secret Could Make (or Break) Your Next Product Launch

At Live Your Message, we’ve had some phenomenally successful product launches…

And we’ve also had a few — let’s just say — disappointments!

There are a bunch of factors that influence a launch. You need…

An amazing product.

An engaged following.

Great partnerships and so on.

But today, I’m talking about a “hidden” secret that hardly gets any attention…

A secret that could make or break your product launch.

Good timing.

My Hidden Story Power program has become wildly successful but when I first launched it in 2013, it kinda bombed!

It was my first entry-level program and I was crushed. I was fired up about reaching as many entrepreneurs as I could but here’s the thing…

My mailing list was just too small. Tiny, actually.

It wasn’t the right time to go BIG.

I needed to focus on building my audience and my client-base.

And — when I did — Hidden Story Power took off like a rocket!

Here’s my question for you…

Have you considered if your next product launch is happening at the right time?

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