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You Must Know This About Yourself to Build an Unforgettable Personal Brand

You might have noticed that all successful entrepreneurs have a great personal brand — a brand that captures who they are and what they do.

Here’s something small yet powerful that you can do in minutes to amp up your personal brand…

Share your big vision — what I like to call your Big Altruistic Why — with your audience.

This is the BIG WHY behind your business. It’s what you’re working toward in the long-term.

The dream you’d love to come true in your lifetime.

Maybe your Big Altruistic Why is about ending gender and racial discrimination around the world.

Maybe it’s about saving the environment.

Whatever it may be, tell your audience. Share it on video in your Facebook group or send a heartfelt letter via email.

Your Big Altruistic Why showcases your values and beliefs and shows your audience who you are and what you stand for.

It will magnetize a tribe that loves and supports you…

And it will create an unforgettable, distinctive personal brand.

P.S. – I wrote an amazing blog post all about building a powerful personal brand — it’s actually more like a master class — check it out here!

I’d LOVE to know…what’s YOUR Big Altruistic Why?

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