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How to Look Like A Pro on Video (Even if You Don’t Feel Like One!)

Video inspires more engagement online than any other medium.

So, it makes sense to step into the spotlight!

If this sounds like a total nightmare it’s probably because you’re worried about one thing…

Looking unprofessional on camera!

But just like skydiving or dancing the Tango, you’ll get better at presenting like a pro on video, with practice.

Here’s one of my TOP tips that’ll help you rock video…

Don’t try to memorize or read directly from a script.

If you’re just starting out on video, ALWAYS prep your material, understand your key points and only use a teleprompter as your guide for those major points you want to cover. Nothing more.

When you read every single word from a teleprompter or from a script someone holds up behind the camera, you’ll look disengaged and sound robotic to your viewers.

Talk about things you are passionate about, you are an expert on and that are personally relevant to you AND your audience.

Then you won’t need to follow a script word for word, because you’ll be well-versed and genuinely enthusiastic about the topic.

Master this and you’ll always come off looking natural, authentic and professional on video.

Tell me…

Do you love being on camera? If you do… what’s your favorite thing about it? If not, why so shy?

Leave a comment!

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See you tomorrow — same time, same place — for your daily 60-second video espresso. Make it a habit!

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