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This Leadership Style Will Bring You More Success Than ANY Other

Google “Leadership Styles” and over 500 million results come up.

500 million.

So, let me save you some time — and a whole lot of confusion…

Let’s talk about the ONE leadership style I KNOW is effective whether you have 5, 20 or 200 people on your team.

It works even if you’re not an experienced leader and even if you’re working with a team across cultures and continents.


Lead with kindness.

This isn’t about giving up your authority.

It’s about living this rule: First, be kind.

Your people are your greatest asset.

When you lead with kindness and appreciation, you build REAL relationships with your team. You’ll earn their trust, respect and loyalty.

At Live Your Message I like giving little gifts and surprises to my team. Once a year, I organize an all-expenses paid team retreat where we get together and have FUN.

We leave feeling inspired and motivated to serve YOU even better than before.

What are some of the ways you can show kindness and appreciation to your team?

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