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Suffering from Perfectionism? Live this Law…

I’ve said it before…

Done is better than perfect.

I’m not encouraging sloppy work, of course…

But if you HAVE to have everything EXACTLY the way it should be in your life and business, here’s what will happen…

A… big… fat… nothing!

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress.

When you aim for perfect, your projects take forever to get off the ground — or worse — they stall.

All because you keep going over and over each tiny detail, waiting for “perfect” to happen.

I don’t want that for you and I know you don’t want that for yourself.

The next time perfectionism threatens to hold you back — remember the Law of Diminishing Returns.

In economics Diminishing Returns is the point at which benefits gained are less than the money or energy invested.

Here’s how that translates in your day-to-day…

The more time you spend on a task — any task — the less benefits, profits or joy you get from it.

How will you live the Law of Diminishing returns today?

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