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3 Ways to Rule the Stage (You Don’t Have to Say a Word!)

What do world-class speakers and presenters have in common?

They’re impossible to ignore!

And it’s more about what they DON’T say than what they DO say.

Yes, they’re pros and they work hard to make sure what they say is important, meaningful… even transformational.

But there’s more to it than just great content…

It’s the thing that has them ruling the stage…

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice top speakers use silence to own the room.

Here are 3 ways that’ll work for you even if you’re brand new to the stage:

  1. Never rush through your speech. Create space between sentences with a natural pause.
  2. Pause a little longer than usual just before you emphasize a critical point. The audience will intuitively understand something important is coming up
  3. If you notice someone in the audience talking during your speech — stop and say nothing. They’ll become aware of the sudden silence and quiet down on their own.

Which of these “silent methods” will you use in your next speech or presentation — online or offline?

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