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7 Mistakes I Made When Just Starting Out & How You Can Avoid Them

Building an online business is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It gives you freedom, the ability to make an impact, and — yes — the chance to create financial security. 

But, let me tell you, it’s far from easy. When I started my business, Live Your Message, I made plenty of mistakes. Mistakes that cost me time, money and sometimes even my sanity.

The good news is you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. I’m about to share the seven biggest missteps I made so you can avoid them. These are the hard lessons I learned, and they’re the same lessons that helped me build a successful business that’s now empowered over 12,000 students.

Let’s dive in.

1. Launching Without Hands-On Experience

When I started my online business, I was pumped. I had devoured courses, webinars and articles about running an online business. I had all the theoretical knowledge but none of the practical experience. And that was a big mistake.

I thought I could bypass the learning curve by consuming more information, but the truth is, nothing compares to real-world experience. When I launched my first course, Build Your Site, Launch Your Business, I realized quickly that knowing how to do something on paper doesn’t translate to real success.

What you can do instead: Start small and start now. Don’t wait until you think you know everything or feel “ready.” Launch a beta version of your product or service, get feedback and improve as you go. Your first try won’t be perfect and that’s okay. The key is learning as you do.

2. Letting Imposter Syndrome Take Hold

I can’t tell you how many times I felt like an imposter in the early stages of my business. Even after investing heavily in online business training from top gurus like Brendon Burchard and Jeff Walker, I questioned whether I had what it took to succeed. I was always comparing myself to others, thinking, “They know more than I do,” or “Who am I to charge for this?”

This kind of thinking slowed me down and kept me from taking bold actions. Every time I was about to step outside my comfort zone, imposter syndrome reared its ugly head.

What you can do instead: Imposter syndrome is something most entrepreneurs face, but don’t let it paralyze you. Recognize it for what it is — a sign you’re pushing boundaries and growing. Focus on serving your audience and delivering value. The more you focus on them, the less you’ll focus on your own insecurities.

3. Creating a Business I Wasn’t Passionate About

One of my biggest mistakes in the early days was starting a business just because I thought it was practical. I offered web design services because I knew there was demand and I thought it was a logical step. But the problem was, I didn’t love web design. I was doing it to pay the bills, not because I was excited about it.

As a result, I found myself burnt out and disillusioned within months. I was stuck doing something I didn’t enjoy and it wasn’t the dream I had imagined. That’s when I decided to pivot. I needed a business that was aligned with my passion for helping others succeed.

What you can do instead: Don’t chase the money. Focus on what lights you up. If you’re passionate about your business, you’ll bring more energy, creativity and resilience to the table, and that will translate into better results for your clients. Choose a business that aligns with your strengths, values and long-term vision.

4. Spending Too Much Time Outside of My Zone of Genius

Like many entrepreneurs, I thought I had to do everything myself. I was designing websites, handling customer support, writing blog posts, creating courses — basically, I was trying to wear all the hats. And it was exhausting. Not to mention, I wasn’t great at everything. The tasks outside my “zone of genius” (where I could really add value) were draining my time and energy.

For example, spending hours troubleshooting website issues meant I wasn’t focused on creating new content or growing my business. In the end, it wasn’t just my energy that took a hit — so did my results.

What you can do instead: Delegate or outsource tasks that don’t align with your strengths. Focus on what you’re truly great at — your zone of genius — and let others handle the rest. Yes, it costs money, but the time and energy you’ll save is invaluable, and it will allow you to focus on what will really move the needle in your business.

5. Thinking My First Course Was the End-All, Be-All

When I launched my first course, Build Your Site, Launch Your Business, I thought I had created my masterpiece. I expected it to be my golden ticket to success. But guess what? It wasn’t.

The course made some sales, but it wasn’t the runaway hit I envisioned. I spent a lot of time refining and improving it, thinking it just needed that one extra tweak. What I didn’t realize was that it wasn’t about making one perfect product — it was about continually creating and improving new offers.

What you can do instead: Don’t expect your first product to be the one that defines your business. It’s just the beginning. Keep learning, creating and adapting. Each product you launch will give you more insights and help you get closer to that “blockbuster” offering. The key is to stay flexible and open to new ideas.

6. Playing It Too Small

I used to downplay my value. I’d offer my services at a discount, thinking I wasn’t experienced enough to charge premium prices. I was so worried about losing customers that I underpriced myself and didn’t set clear boundaries. This led to clients who didn’t respect my work and projects that weren’t profitable.

It wasn’t until I started charging what I was truly worth that my business grew. The right clients showed up, and I felt more confident in my work.

What you can do instead: Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth. Set clear boundaries from the beginning and don’t undervalue your expertise. If you don’t believe in the value you provide, neither will your clients. When you price yourself appropriately, you attract clients who are serious and ready to invest in their own success.

7. Not Nurturing My Audience Enough

In the early days of my business, I focused almost entirely on product creation and sales. I was so busy creating new courses that I neglected the most important part of my business — building and nurturing relationships with my audience.

I thought that once I had the perfect product, people would just buy it. But I quickly learned that it doesn’t work like that. People need to know, like, and trust you before they’ll buy from you. Building those relationships takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.

What you can do instead: Start nurturing your audience now. Whether through regular emails, social media or other content, find ways to engage with your audience consistently. Offer value, listen to their needs and build genuine relationships. The more connected your audience feels to you, the more likely they are to become loyal customers.

Learn From My Mistakes to Build Your Success!

Building an online business is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll make mistakes along the way, but each one is an opportunity to learn and grow. The seven mistakes I made were hard lessons, but they ultimately shaped my success.

By focusing on gaining real-world experience, overcoming imposter syndrome, aligning with your passion, staying in your zone of genius, creating multiple products, charging your worth and nurturing your audience, you’ll be miles ahead of where I was when I started.

Remember, success isn’t about never making mistakes — it’s about how quickly you can learn from them and keep moving forward!

if you want to build a long-lasting and fulfilling business… I’ve got something just for you… 

I’m talking about our program, Success School

Our goal at Success School is simple: 

To help people like YOU learn, practice and master the Essential Skills for Business Success in a fun, safe and supportive environment….

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Then, go out there and Live Your Message!

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