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Using AI to Scale to 7 Figures

The difference between the online businesses that will thrive and the ones that will fizzle in the next few years? Those who leverage AI to scale, and those who hope the robots will just go away. 

In this post, I’ll explain how to use AI to scale your business. Because if you want to keep leveling up, you can’t ignore what’s already here. 

Ready? Let’s do this!

AI-Enhanced Customer Support

Picture this. You’ve just launched your first online course, but there’s a hiccup. A student, let’s call him Tom, is super excited to dive in, but he hits a snag trying to access the course material. Frustrated, he reaches out to your customer support for help. Here’s where the magic happens.

Tom’s greeted not by a standard impersonal automated response but by an AI chatbot that feels like he’s talking with a real-life empathetic support team member. This AI isn’t your run-of-the-mill robotic assistant. It’s trained to understand not just what Tom is asking but how he’s feeling. The AI chatbot asks Tom to share a screenshot of his issue. In real-time, it analyzes the process and recognizes that Tom simply missed the “start here” button. It guides him with clear, easy-to-follow instructions sprinkled with a little bit of humor to lighten the mood.

Tom’s problem is solved. Easy peasy. No back and forth for hours or even days. No angry follow-up emails. This kind of interaction will soon be routine. While AI handles straightforward questions, your human support team can take on more complex issues, elevating the overall quality of your course and your student experience.

Want to give AI-enhanced customer support a try? Check out Zendesk Answer Bot, Intercom, Freshdesk’s Freddie AI, Drift or LivePerson.

(FYI, I’ve got all the tools I share in this post here. I don’t earn any type of commission or anything — I just thought this would be helpful!)

AI-Powered Personalization

Imagine having a secret weapon that knows your audience better than they know themselves. That’s the power of AI. It’s like having a marketing guru on your team working 24-7 to craft hyper-personalized messages that resonate with each individual on your list.

Take Sarah, an aspiring digital artist who visits your website looking for online courses to hone her skills. She browses a couple of pages but leaves without enrolling. However, she signs up for your emails. Thanks to AI, this isn’t the end of the road; it’s just the beginning.

The AI has been quietly observing, noting Sarah’s interest in digital painting and her tendency to visit in the evenings. It sends her a personalized email sequence. The first email lands in her inbox at 7 p.m. the next day, featuring a blog post on transforming digital art with advanced techniques. This isn’t just any email; it’s tailored to Sarah’s interests and timed perfectly.

AI-powered personalization is already used by big players like Netflix and Amazon to suggest shows, movies, and products. Smaller online companies are leveraging it too. Birchbox, for instance, uses AI to personalize the products in each box based on the customer’s beauty profile and feedback on previous boxes.

Curious? Check out Drift, Segment, Optimizely and HubSpot Marketing Hub.

AI-Driven Sales Predictions and Lead Qualification

Imagine having a crystal ball that not only predicts your future sales trends but also tells you exactly which leads are ready to say, “Take my money!” Think of AI as your very own sales guru who never sleeps.

These tools can forecast sales trends, giving you a sneak peek into what’s hot and what’s not. This way, you’re always one step ahead, ready to pivot or double down on what works. But wait, there’s more. AI doesn’t just stop at predictions; it helps you qualify your leads, ensuring no more wasted efforts on leads that go nowhere.

For example, let’s say you run Design Your Dreams, an online platform offering interior design courses. Traditionally, you’d spend hours analyzing which prospects might be interested in your advanced courses. But with AI, you implement a tool that tracks user interactions — what they click, watch, engage with and what they don’t. This allows you to focus your efforts, sending personalized communication to those most likely to convert.

Intrigued? Take a look at Leadfeeder, Intercom, Pipedrive, Outreach, Drift, Conversica and

AI for Market Research and Customer Insights

Imagine AI as an ultra-smart, always-on researcher who can sift through mountains of data about your customers’ behaviors, preferences and feedback. Traditionally, understanding what your students really wanted involved heaps of surveys and guesswork. With AI, you can go deeper.

By analyzing data from various touchpoints — like website interactions, course completion rates, feedback forms and even social media comments — AI can show you patterns you might have missed. This helps you create tailored courses and content that keep students engaged and progressing.

Check out tools like Google Analytics Intelligence, Tableau, Optimizely, MonkeyLearn and BuzzSumo for data-driven insights.

AI-Powered Content Creation

The content creation treadmill can be exhausting — coming up with blog post ideas, crafting engaging video scripts and making sure everything is SEO-friendly. But what if I told you there’s a way to excel without burning out or breaking the bank? Enter AI-powered content tools.

These platforms learn your style, understand your audience and even keep up with SEO trends to ensure your content ranks high and reaches far. For example, if you run The Green Smoothie Haven, a blog and online course hub for health and wellness, AI can help you brainstorm blog topics, write posts and optimize for SEO — all in a fraction of the time.

Let’s not forget about video content. Producing video scripts can feel like scripting a blockbuster movie every single week. With AI, you can cut scripting time in half! Train AI to write in your voice, input a topic and get a draft that’s a great jumping-off point for your list.

Curious about AI tools that can uplevel your content game? Take a look at Jasper, ChatGPT, Shortly AI, Lately, Copy.AI and Poe.

AI for Enhanced Customer Experience

Let’s crack the code on something groundbreaking for online entrepreneurs: AI-powered tools that turbo-charge customer experience. Think personalized dashboards, predictive search and automated recommendations that make your customers feel like you’re reading their minds.

Duolingo uses AI to offer personalized learning experiences, adjusting lessons based on your progress. Spotify crafts the soundtrack to your life by predicting the exact tunes you’re in the mood to hear, even before you hit play.

At Live Your Message, we’ve built a custom AI-powered tool called that does a lot of the heavy lifting for our students, helping them fast-track their success. We’ve created dozens of integrated AI generators to help them define their niche, generate profitable product ideas, design marketing campaigns and much more. 

For customer experience tools, check out Help Scout, Churn 360, Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Algolia, Pendo and of course — our proprietary tool available inside our Live Your Message programs.

How Will You Use AI to Explode Your Growth?

I hope this post gave you a glimpse into how you can start using AI right now to explode your growth and reach seven figures and beyond. 

First, think about where you’re struggling the most in your business. What areas are you spending too much time and energy on that aren’t yielding the results you need? Start with what I shared in this post and the tools listed (I’ve got them all for you here), and do some research to figure out what’ll work best for your business and your price point.

Scaling to seven figures and beyond means embracing these technologies now, not only to automate mundane tasks but also to provide deep insights, enhance customer experience and open new avenues for engagement and growth. AI can be intimidating, but it’s the future. And guess what? The future is now, so don’t put it off any longer.

You’ve got this.

Drop me a comment with what you’re focusing on first in your business… and then go out there and Live Your Message!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

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