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Transforming Live Launches With Rosey: A Case Study on Chatbot Success

I still remember the day we launched the first Experience Product Masterclass (EPM). It was exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and, honestly, a bit chaotic. 

As someone who’s always looking to elevate the experience… 

I’ve kept iterating and iterating and iterating our signature program — the Experience Product Masterclass — to awesome, including refilming the entire program direct-to-camera in 2022 (over 60 hours of filming!) and creating, our proprietary AI tool that helps our students overcome common stuck points and get results even FASTER…

So, in addition to consistently delivering on the promise of EPM — a proven 12-week program to validate, create, launch and successfully sell your very own Experience Product…

The new kind of “high profit” course taking the world by storm…

I’m always looking for ways to improve the experience for our launch audience and our students. 

In 2022, I knew there was room for improvement in how we communicated with our audience during the annual live cohort launch of EPM. That’s when I realized we needed something — or someone — to guide our participants through the journey. Enter Rosey, our interactive chatbot built by my friend Matt Leitz and the incredible team at BotBuilders (FYI — Matt has a FREE Masterclass for non-techies on how to create income with artificial intelligence… even if you don’t have a business or product yet).

Rosey isn’t just any chatbot. She’s like a “choose your own adventure” guide, tailored to keep our audience engaged, informed and motivated every step of the way. From timely reminders to personalized interactions, Rosey has been a game-changer in how we connect with our audience during our live launches.

In this case study, I’ll share how Rosey has transformed our launch process, the tangible results we’ve seen and why you might want to consider adding a chatbot like Rosey to your own business strategy.

The Challenge: Engagement and Communication in a Complex Launch

Launching a program like EPM isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a multi-stage process that involves engaging our audience over several weeks, sometimes even months. We start with our live 5-Day Crack Your Course Idea Challenge, followed by a series of live Workshops, Webinars and an all-day Livestream. And that’s just the lead-up to the main event: the launch of the Experience Product Masterclass.

Here’s where it gets tricky: how do you keep thousands of participants engaged throughout this entire process? How do you ensure they know what’s happening when it’s happening and why they should care?

In the past, we relied heavily on emails and text messages, but we quickly realized that this wasn’t enough. People would miss crucial updates, forget about live events or simply lose interest over time. We needed a solution that would keep our audience informed and excited without overwhelming them.

The Solution: Meet Rosey, Our Interactive Chatbot

That’s where Rosey comes in…

Designed and built by our friends at BotBuilders, Rosey is much more than just a chatbot — she’s an interactive guide that helps our audience navigate the entire launch process with ease. Here’s how she does it:

  1. Engaging Copy and GIFs: Rosey’s messages aren’t just informative; they’re fun! Using engaging copy and GIFs, she keeps the conversation light and entertaining, making sure our audience stays excited about what’s coming next.

  1. Timely Messaging: Rosey sends out daily broadcasts to remind participants about upcoming events, deadlines, special offers and resources. Whether it’s a heads-up about our next live Workshop or a highly relevant download, Rosey ensures that no one misses out on anything important.

  1. Personalized Interactions: One of the things that makes Rosey so effective is her ability to tailor messages based on the options participants choose. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you need and when you need it.
  1. Free Gifts and Incentives: Who doesn’t love a good freebie? Rosey occasionally surprises our audience with free gifts, from downloadable resources to exclusive offers, which keeps them engaged and coming back for more. During the EPM launch, we give out our Online Course Creators Swipe File as a free gift!

  1. Seamless Integration: Rosey isn’t just a one-off tool we use during launches. She’s integrated into our paid programs as well, keeping our students on track with important updates, opt-ins for coaching calls and reminders about deadlines.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Key Metrics and Results

Now, let’s talk numbers. Over the past two years, Rosey has been instrumental in driving engagement and conversions during our EPM launches. Here’s a look at the key metrics from our last two launches:

2022 EPM Stats:

  • Total Users Engaged: 3,720
  • Emails Collected: 1,517 (40.7%)
  • Messenger List Opt-Ins Collected: 3,380 (91.0%)
  • Total CTA Clicks: 427

2023 EPM Stats:

  • Total Users Engaged: 3,861
  • Emails Collected: 2,655 (68%)
  • Messenger List Opt-Ins Collected: 3,514 (91.7%)
  • Total CTA Clicks: 375

Total Clicks to Website (2022 & 2023): 1,459

Analysis: What the Numbers Tell Us


  • Increased Engagement: From 2022 to 2023, the number of users engaged grew from 3,720 to 3,861, showing that Rosey’s approach is resonating with our audience.
  • Significant Boost in Email Collection: We saw a dramatic increase in the percentage of emails collected, jumping from 40.7% in 2022 to 68% in 2023. This indicates that Rosey’s messaging is effectively driving participants to take action.
  • Consistent Opt-In Rates: The opt-in rates for our Messenger list remained impressively high, with 91.0% in 2022 and 91.7% in 2023. This consistency is crucial for maintaining ongoing communication with our audience.

Areas for Improvement:

  • CTA Clicks: While overall engagement improved, the total number of CTA clicks decreased slightly from 427 in 2022 to 375 in 2023. This suggests that we might need to fine-tune our calls to action to make them more compelling or better aligned with our audience’s interests.
  • Website Traffic: Although the total clicks to our website were solid, there’s room for growth. We plan to explore new strategies for encouraging more of Rosey’s users to visit our website for additional resources and information.

The Bottom Line: Rosey’s Impact and What’s Next

Rosey has been an absolute game-changer for our launches, helping us create a more engaging, personalized and effective communication strategy. By guiding our audience through each stage of the launch process, Rosey ensures that no one gets left behind and everyone stays excited about what’s coming next.

But we’re not stopping here. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve Rosey’s capabilities and enhance our launch process. With the upcoming Crack Your Course Idea Challenge happening September 30th-October 4th, we’re excited to see how Rosey will continue to drive engagement and results for our audience. We hope you’ll join us for the Challenge and all of our live sessions that’ll help you create a successful online course that stands out in our ultra-crowded online world. 

FREE Masterclass — Leveraging AI & Chatbots 

Ready to see AI and chatbots in action? Don’t miss this chance to learn from a true expert. Join Matt Leitz’s FREE Masterclass, How to Create Income With Artificial Intelligence… Even if You Don’t Have a Business or Product Yet!

Click the link to secure your spot and start leveraging AI for real results 🙂

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

Love it? Hate it? Let me know...

  1. Matt Avatar

    Rosie was a ton of fun 🙂

    1. Shannon Avatar

      Yes, she is!

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