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11 Digital Marketing Strategies to Know in 2024 (+ Best Practices)

“Digital marketing strategy.”

Just hearing those three words, you might feel overwhelmed. Like you’re about to dive head-first into a rabbit hole.

But you know what? It doesn’t have to be that way!

Whether you’re a seasoned pro looking for the next medium to conquer or a brave newbie starting from scratch, this post will help you kick things off on the right foot.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about providing value. It’s about meeting your audience’s needs through useful and engaging content.

You’re not pitching your products directly. Instead, you’re building relationships. This could involve writing informative blog posts or creating educational videos. You might even host webinars.

For example, a company dedicated to freelancing might share tips for working from home on its blog, while a software company could offer free coding tutorials on YouTube.

The aim?

By offering valuable content consistently, you can build trust with your audience. This positions your brand as a go-to resource in your industry.

Why You Should Use Content Marketing

  • Builds trust: Good content is like a firm handshake. It introduces your brand to the audience, inviting them to learn more about you.
  • SEO booster: More quality content is like more hooks in the water. The more you have, the more likely you are to catch a fish (or in this case, a customer).
  • Positions your brand: It’s your professional suit. It shows your audience that you’re knowledgeable and reliable.

Best Practices for Content Marketing

  • Quality over quantity: Serve a few well-prepared dishes, not a buffet of mediocre options. Mine social media comments from people in your industry you follow, relevant Facebook groups, industry publications and tools like AnswerThePublic to find potential content topics. 
  • Consistency: Just like a restaurant, your “customers” will come to expect regular servings of your content.
  • Variety: Don’t just serve steak. Some folks might prefer chicken or vegetarian options. Mix it up to keep things fresh and cater to different tastes.
  • Use AI: You can ChatGPT to do quick research for content pieces (make sure to triple-check the accuracy) and you can use ChatGPT to speed up and optimize your writing process so you can produce quality content faster.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the art and science of making your website attractive to search engines. It’s about understanding what your target audience is searching for and then ensuring your website provides it.

This could involve optimizing your site’s structure for user experience, peppering your content with relevant keywords, or building a network of high-quality backlinks. 

SEO is a long-term strategy, but one that’s fundamental to digital marketing.

Why You Should Use SEO

  • Visibility: It’s like having a billboard in Times Square, standing tall among the sea of information online.
  • Cost-effective: Unlike paid advertising, SEO doesn’t require a hefty budget. It’s like getting prime real estate for a fraction of the cost.
  • Better user experience: It’s like walking into a well-organized store. Everything’s easy to find, and that makes customers happy.

Best Practices for SEO

  • Keywords: They are the “coordinates” that guide users to your content. Use them wisely.
  • Fresh content: Search engines love new content. It’s like a bakery — people love it when there’s always fresh bread.
  • Backlinks: It’s like having other stores point to yours because they trust you. It strengthens your SEO and builds credibility.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is more than just likes and shares. It’s about fostering a community.

This involves engaging with your audience. It means sharing content that resonates with them.

For instance, a clothing brand might share behind-the-scenes videos of its design process on Instagram, whereas a health food store could share healthy recipes on Pinterest or on TikTok.

Why You Should Use Social Media Marketing

  • Direct communication: It’s like having a one-on-one chat with your customers, allowing for personal and immediate interaction.
  • Increases brand loyalty: It’s the difference between being a faceless corporation and a friend. People are loyal to those they feel connected to which is why building a personal brand is so key. 
  • Supports lead generation: It’s like having a fishing net, capturing leads and potential customers.

Best Practices for Social Media Marketing

  • Regular posting: It’s like being a good host, regularly checking in with your guests and keeping the conversation going.
  • Engagement: Don’t just talk; listen. Engage with comments, messages and reviews. And be sure to engage with other people’s content in your industry (even your competitors!). Let’s say you want to grow your Instagram, in addition to posting highly-engaging and relevant content and engaging with people commenting… make a list of people in your industry that you respect that have more followers than you. And make it a point to engage on their content pieces each day (start with 5 accounts a day and increase that number of you can). Don’t add a general — this is great! type of comment. You want to contribute to the conversation and go deeper… their followers will start to notice your contributions and check out your profile 🙂
  • Variety of content: Mix up the party playlist. Use photos, videos, polls and more to keep things interesting. This even means mixing up the content type itself! For instance, if you’re using Reels, stay on top of current trends and test different types and styles like “sludge content” or text overlay style videos that have become super popular. Social media morphs and changes faster than really any other marketing avenue… so it’s in your best interest to keep up-to-date and test and try new things regularly. 

4. Email Marketing

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing is still king. It’s all about building and maintaining a relationship with your subscribers.

This could involve sending out a weekly newsletter. Or offering exclusive deals to your email subscribers.

Example: An online bookstore might send personalized book recommendations based on past purchases. Or you might send a monthly newsletter with your latest, greatest business-building content (like we do!). 

Why You Should Use Email Marketing

  • Personalization: It’s like addressing each invitation by hand. People appreciate the personal touch.
  • Direct contact: There’s no middleman. Your message goes straight to their inbox.
  • High ROI: If done right, email marketing is like a golden ticket, offering a high return on investment.

Best Practices for Email Marketing

  • Segmentation: Divide your list. Tailor your message to fit each segment.
  • Clear communication: Be direct. Tell your subscribers what action you want them to take AND don’t confuse them with too many CTAs — just stick to one. 
  • Showcase your personality: Avoid being too formal or buttoned-up. Be a real person (faults and all) and tell stories.
  • Mobile-friendly design: Make sure your invitations look good even on small screens.

5. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is your digital billboard. It’s a quick and efficient way to increase your brand’s visibility and reach a broader audience.

Whether you’re running pay-per-click ads on search engines, promoting posts on social media or investing in display ads on popular websites, each click brings potential customers closer to your brand.

Why You Should Use Paid Advertising

  • Immediate results: It’s like flipping a switch. Your ad can reach thousands of people in a short time.
  • Targeted reach: You can target specific demographics, much like choosing where to place your billboard for maximum impact.
  • Measurable: You can track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed.

Best Practices for Paid Advertising

  • A/B testing: Try different designs or messages to see what works best.
  • Clear call-to-action: Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do.
  • Regular monitoring: Keep an eye on your campaign and adjust as needed for optimal results.
  • Go Where Your Audience Is: Everyone talks about Facebook advertising but if you’re targeting 20-year olds, that’s probably not the best place for you. You might look at TikTok advertising instead.

6. Influencer Marketing (and Micro-Influencers)

Influencer marketing offers a unique blend of reach, trust and engagement.

By partnering with influencers whose audience aligns with your target market, you tap into an established rapport, effectively gaining a credible endorsement.

And here’s the best part…

It’s not just about “big” names.

Micro-influencers often have higher engagement rates and more niche audiences, making their endorsements feel more personal and authentic.

Why You Should Use Influencer Marketing

  • Trust: People trust influencers and their endorsement can boost your credibility.
  • Reach: Influencers have a ready audience that’s receptive to their recommendations.
  • High engagement: Influencer posts often get more engagement than regular ads.

Best Practices for Influencer Marketing

  • Authentic partnership: Choose influencers who align with your brand values.
  • Clear communication: Be clear about your expectations and deliverables.
  • Track performance: Use tracking codes or affiliate links to monitor the impact of the collaboration.

7. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a dynamic and engaging way to connect with your audience.

A well-crafted video can narrate your brand’s story, explain complex concepts or showcase your product in action.

Want to attract an audience? Try posting short videos (Reels and TikToks) daily.

Want to boost conversions? Create an explainer video.

Need to foster a deeper connection with your audience? Live videos on social media can offer behind-the-scenes peeks.

Why You Should Use Video Marketing

  • Engages audience: People love watching videos — it’s like a mini-movie about your brand.
  • Versatile: Videos can be used on various platforms — social media, websites and email campaigns.
  • High ROI: Despite the production costs, video marketing can offer a good return on investment.

Best Practices for Video Marketing

  • Quality matters: Make sure your videos are high quality, especially your content, production and audio quality. And always be true to you and your brand and let your personality and message shine! 
  • Captions: Not everyone watches videos with sound. Adding captions ensures your message gets across.
  • Clear call-to-action: What should viewers do after watching your video? Make it clear.

8. Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing, as the name suggests, involves reaching your audience through their smartphones — the device that’s almost always within arm’s reach.

It’s about optimizing your website for mobile browsing, sending timely SMS promotions or leveraging the power of mobile apps.

For instance, push notifications can re-engage app users, while a mobile-optimized checkout process can streamline mobile purchases, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Why You Should Use Mobile Marketing

  • Reach: Mobile allows you to reach your audience anytime, anywhere.
  • Personalization: Mobile devices offer unique opportunities for personalized marketing.
  • High engagement: People use their phones for various activities, including shopping, making it a fertile ground for engagement.

Best Practices for Mobile Marketing

  • Mobile-friendly design: Make sure your content looks good on a small screen.
  • Location-based marketing: Utilize geolocation technology for targeted marketing.
  • Quick loading time: Mobile users are often on the go. Don’t make them wait.

9. Gamification

Gamification is all about adding a fun element to your marketing efforts.

Whether it’s a simple quiz, a loyalty points system or an interactive challenge, gamification can transform mundane interactions into engaging experiences.

For example, a fitness app may use a leaderboard to encourage competition, while an e-commerce store might offer badges for product reviews, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Why You Should Use Gamification

  • Engages customers: People love games. It keeps them engaged and makes them more likely to remember your brand.
  • Promotes brand loyalty: Games can encourage repeat interactions, increasing brand loyalty.
  • Boosts social sharing: A good game can go viral, increasing your brand exposure.

Best Practices for Gamification

  • Align with your brand: The game should reflect your brand image and values.
  • Reward participation: Give incentives to encourage more people to join.
  • Make it social: Allow players to share their achievements or invite friends to join.

10. User-Generated Content

User-generated content is a treasure trove of authentic and relatable content created by your customers themselves. It could be as simple as a customer’s Instagram post featuring your product, a testimonial on your website, or a DIY tutorial on YouTube using your tools.

This kind of content not only adds credibility to your brand but also fosters a sense of community around it.

Why You Should Use User-Generated Content

  • Authenticity: People trust content created by other users more than branded content.
  • Increases engagement: Encouraging user-generated content can increase interaction and engagement.
  • Cost-effective: You’re getting content without the production costs.

Best Practices for User-Generated Content

  • Encourage participation: Run contests or offer rewards to motivate your customers.
  • Moderate content: Make sure the user-generated content aligns with your brand values.
  • Show appreciation: Acknowledge and thank your customers for their contributions.

11. Chatbots and AI-Powered Customer Service

Chatbots and AI-powered customer service are revolutionizing the way businesses handle customer interactions.

Available 24/7, these smart assistants can answer FAQs, guide users through processes, or even handle orders, all while maintaining a conversational tone.

Why You Should Use Chatbots and AI-Powered Customer Service

  • 24/7 service: Chatbots are always ready to help, anytime, anywhere.
  • Efficient: Chatbots can handle multiple queries at once, reducing wait times.
  • Cost-effective: AI can significantly reduce customer service costs over time.

Best Practices for Chatbots and AI-Powered Customer Service

  • Human touch: Make your chatbot sound friendly and approachable. It’s still a conversation.
  • Clear expectations: Let users know they’re interacting with a bot and what it can do.
  • Continual learning: Regularly update and improve your AI based on customer interactions.

Ready to Master Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

By understanding and applying these 11 strategies, you’re not just keeping up with the digital marketing game, you’re leading the charge. Each strategy you’ve learned here today is a powerful tool in your arsenal, ready to be deployed.

So which one is your favorite?

Which ones are you already using? Which ones are you planning to implement ASAP?

Let me know in a comment below!

Before you go…

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  1. Extratech Digital Avatar
    Extratech Digital

    Thank you for sharing. It is very interesting and helpful for students learning or interested Digital Marketing .

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