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Revolutionize Your Inbox: Top 10 Newsletters for Entrepreneurs

Let me guess…

Your inbox is a mountain of unopened spam, last-minute deals and maybe a few too many newsletters you forgot you subscribed to (guilty as charged 🙂

But what if it could be your secret weapon? 

A goldmine of ‘need-to-know-right-this-second’ insights, game-changing strategies and the kind of advice that lights a fire under your you-know-what?

It can be!

Here are 10 of the best newsletters to help you grow and scale your business in 2024… and well beyond.

Tim Ferriss’s 5-Bullet Friday

Tim Ferriss always delivers a fascinating read, perfect for diving deep over a long weekend. 

What captivates me is not just the business tips or startup strategies — it’s his eclectic range of topics, from unlocking longevity secrets to crafting a happier life.

But it’s more than just great articles. 

Ferriss gives you a whole experience — quotes to ponder, must-watch documentaries for your weekend and the latest thought-provoking episode of his podcast. 

5-Bullet Friday is more than well worth a quick read heading into your weekend!

Ali Abouelatta’s First 1000 

Diving into the origin stories of today’s top companies isn’t just interesting — it’s essential for understanding the nuts and bolts of kicking off your own venture. 

That’s where Abouelatta’s First 1000 shines! 

Each week, you get a detailed case study revealing exactly how powerhouse companies like Snapchat, Spotify, Stitch Fix and Uber initially captured their first 1,000 customers.

Why is this gold? 

These stories aren’t just about numbers — they’re about strategy, creativity and sometimes sheer perseverance. 

They show you the innovative or even scrappy ways these companies approached the market to grab those crucial first customers. This real-world insight can spark ideas for your own business, helping you think outside the box and gain a clear view of what it takes to make a mark from the get-go 🙂

Barbara Weltman’s Big Ideas for Small Business

While many newsletters focus on big-picture topics such as business strategy and branding, Barbara Weltman drills down into a valuable niche: saving you money on taxes (kind of important, right!?)

Big Ideas for Small Business comes out monthly… and, on the surface, the topics might seem a bit dry…

But they’re actually life savers as you try to navigate the complex U.S. tax system.

So you definitely don’t want to write it off 🙂

Weltman also has a daily email — the Idea of the Day — that provides a brief paragraph or two on a need-to-know business topic.

Justin Welsh’s The Saturday Solopreneur

Justin Welsh, an ex-executive of two companies, each topping $50M in ARR, found his true calling after stepping away from the burnout of corporate success in 2019. 

Now, he’s channeling his expertise into a boutique advisory firm that helps entrepreneurs and creates impactful digital products for creators. 

Every Saturday morning, Welsh delivers The Saturday Solopreneur. Each issue is crafted to be quick and to the point, perfect for the busy entrepreneur. It features one actionable tip to help you launch, grow and monetize your online business. 

Plus, for those who like a bit of homework, you can dive into past newsletters (just scroll down on the page). 

One of my favorite editions is “The #1 Reason Content Fails”.

Shane Parrish’s The Brain Food Newsletter

This one ISN’T your traditional business newsletter! The Brain Food is dedicated to helping you to master what other people have already figured out. 

Every Sunday, the team shares thought-provoking, high-signal content… with a focus on how to make better decisions and live a better life. The range of topics is wide, but you can expect material on mental models, decision making and — in general — the art of living. 

So, if you’re looking for more brain fuel (and a break from business-y insights and trends)… check this one out 🙂

Marisa Murgatroyd’s What’s Hot, Right Now

Hey, that’s me! Every month, I share a round-up of my best business-building content in one email, so you don’t have to search through your inbox or worry about missing my new blog posts, videos, guides and Workshop invites. 

I ONLY share actionable tips and advice — zero fluff — so if you aren’t getting my monthly newsletter in your inbox — well, you know what to do 🙂

Also, I’m super committed to sharing what NO ONE else is sharing on YouTube — my unique insights and strategies from nearly 13 years of growing and scaling my business — and you’ll when you subscribe, you’ll be the first to get those tutorials in your inbox!

Daniel Murray’s The Marketing Millennials

While I’m technically a Gen Xer (represent!)… this “millennial” newsletter is pure gold 🙂

It’s your weekly deep dive into the tactics shaking up the industry. 

Every issue is packed with straight-shooting conversations featuring marketing gurus who aren’t afraid to tell it like it is. From building a profitable newsletter business to mastering the fast-paced world of TikTok video marketing, Daniel zeroes in on storytelling and extracting practical strategies you can immediately apply to your marketing playbook. 

The Marketing Millennials is committed to the real, actionable insights you need to refine your approach and push your marketing efforts forward. 

Arvid Kahl’s The Bootstrapped Founder

If you’re trying to start and grow a business WHILE working a full-time job — The Bootstrapped Founder is for you!

Kahl mainly focuses on building and monetizing audiences and on the idea of “building in public” to boost one’s own reputation as an expert. “Building in public” means sharing your journey openly as you develop new projects or refine your skills.

What I love the most about The Bootstrapped Founder is that it is focused on authenticity and provides valuable tips for entrepreneurs trying to make their business dreams happen without deep pockets or extensive funding.

As Kahl puts it — “If you want sketchy “hacks,” it’s not for you.

But if you want honest, practical, effective advice to build a real business serving real people, you’re going to love it.” BOOM!

Ann Handley’s Total ANNARCHY

Written and sent every two weeks by marketing industry expert Ann Handley, Total ANNARCHY is basically a newsletter about things she’s doing and things she believes are worth sharing. 

In it, Handley shares new writing tips, useful marketing ideas, fresh thoughts and some “high-spirited shenanigans”. It arrives in your inbox each Sunday morning and readers have come to rely on it as a spam-free breath of fresh air.

Two of my favorite recent newsletters are “The 1 Question Your Marketing Should Answer” and “How to Tell a Story in 30 Seconds”.

Total ANNARCHY is the perfect way to spend about 15 minutes every other Sunday… so you’re ready to hit the ground running on Monday morning 🙂

Shaan Puri’s 5 Tweet Tuesday

5 Tweet Tuesday is at the intersection of nerdy business ideas and viral-worthy discussions. 

Hmmm… super intriguing, right!?

Yep! But it’s not for the faint of heart — if you’re looking for conventional wisdom — avoid 5 Tweet Tuesday.

But if you need a good kick in the pants — this one’s for you 🙂

As a successful entrepreneur of yet another million-dollar company, Puri dives deep into best practices for everything from overcoming obstacles to executing frameworks for hiring and fundraising. 

Get ready for a heavy dose of reality and zero sugar coating. 

So, Which Newsletter(s) Will You Subscribe to?

There you have it — 10 of my favorite newsletters that provide consistent value without clogging up your inbox.

Which of these newsletters interest you the most? What are some of your favorites that aren’t on my list? 

Let me know in the comments!

Before you go…

Get Instant Access to my FREE Dopamine Button Guide!

Inside, you’ll discover 3 little-known brain hacks that skyrocket your course engagement & sales…

Here’s the thing: the “old way” of designing and launching courses just isn’t cutting it anymore.

If you want to attract students who buy and keep buying (not to mention send referrals your way!)…

You need to do things differently.

Enter the Dopamine Button — the super-secret button in your students’ brains that you can leverage to create incredible results for them AND repeat sales for you.

Download your copy today

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  1. Judith Gail Kipp Norris Avatar
    Judith Gail Kipp Norris

    Both comments from Amanda and Juliet are worth gazillions. If you’re from the infamous “Missouri,” it must be shown to make you a believer. Well then, “What ‘r ya waitin’ fer?” Go on, then subscribe to all ten. Then you can choose which one is best for you!

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